maintance cost of railroad. Bridge


Jul 3, 2005
If the railroad need maintain cost, i think player may not build railway in every square in game. (if the cost is expensive)

I think need some improvement other than fortress, such as bridge. As we know bridge is important in war. If there is a bridge on map, we can bomb it. :)
Since roads and railways will no longer bring an economic bonus, I don't think we the players will be building quite so many anymore. They are just to get from point A to point B now.
I think it doesn't solve the problem for me. I will anyway. What do you want me to do with all those workers? I will build a second road, a third, and finally all my tiles will be railed to protect me against theorical invaders that would magically appear in front of my capital (or paratroops if they are powerful).
Well, this will really depend on cost of railroads. There might be need for them in some places, but sure not all.
And bridge crosses river, right? Rivers are between tiles. There is no way, that I can think we could use bridge idea effectivly.
mastertyguy said:
I think it doesn't solve the problem for me. I will anyway. What do you want me to do with all those workers? I will build a second road, a third, and finally all my tiles will be railed to protect me against theorical invaders that would magically appear in front of my capital (or paratroops if they are powerful).

Who's to say you will have such an abundance of workers? Could be completely different, or it could be too draining to maintain more workers than you need. We'll have to wait and see. I would tend to think workers will not be as abundant guessing from the direction the developers appear to be headed in.
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