Making an add-on 'Expansion' mod

Jan 10, 2019
1. How can I make a mod that's an add on (or expansions) to an already own mod I created myself?
2. At that stage of setting mod prerequisites (Mod B requires Mod A to run), what will Modbuddy recognizes Mod A as a core mod that B is depends upon?
3. If the Add On mod (Mod B) also requires either official DLC or Expansions to win. What are steps that needed to be done? since my mod changed promotion classes considerably, it would affect DLC civs to be unplayable
Civ Australia has Digger as Infantry replacement, this unit has a promo class of Melee, and my mod removed BOTH Melee and Anticavalry PROMOTION CLASS (not tag class) and replaced BOTH with converged INFANTRY PROMOTION CLASS, this will technically rendered Australian DLC unplayable. but since Australia is DLC content and so a mod that needs to be an add on to re-enable Mod A to use Australia as player.
4. Also my mod added Expansion Units to vanilla gameplay, this will also render Expansions unplayable, Yet There will be a mod that will alter official Expansions content to match the Main mod. What are syntaxes to use dealing with duplicated units? <Update> or <Delete> syntax or what else? Many successful unit mods are made as modular mod sets that requires a main mod as a core, and sub-mods hooked to a main mod like a tree. best examples were two--Warfare Expanded series, and Project 6T

It maybe a bit too early to ask but my Core mod making is progressed well into Age of Gunpowder revolutions. which i've already finished converging promotion classes so to go along with unit convergences.
1. How can I make a mod that's an add on (or expansions) to an already own mod I created myself?
2. At that stage of setting mod prerequisites (Mod B requires Mod A to run), what will Modbuddy recognizes Mod A as a core mod that B is depends upon?
3. If the Add On mod (Mod B) also requires either official DLC or Expansions to win. What are steps that needed to be done? since my mod changed promotion classes considerably, it would affect DLC civs to be unplayable
Civ Australia has Digger as Infantry replacement, this unit has a promo class of Melee, and my mod removed BOTH Melee and Anticavalry PROMOTION CLASS (not tag class) and replaced BOTH with converged INFANTRY PROMOTION CLASS, this will technically rendered Australian DLC unplayable. but since Australia is DLC content and so a mod that needs to be an add on to re-enable Mod A to use Australia as player.
4. Also my mod added Expansion Units to vanilla gameplay, this will also render Expansions unplayable, Yet There will be a mod that will alter official Expansions content to match the Main mod. What are syntaxes to use dealing with duplicated units? <Update> or <Delete> syntax or what else? Many successful unit mods are made as modular mod sets that requires a main mod as a core, and sub-mods hooked to a main mod like a tree. best examples were two--Warfare Expanded series, and Project 6T

It maybe a bit too early to ask but my Core mod making is progressed well into Age of Gunpowder revolutions. which i've already finished converging promotion classes so to go along with unit convergences.
You can have criteria for loading files, so for example you could check if the Australia DLC is in use, and load a file that changes the digger promotion class to Infantry.
^ What I want to know is that
1. how a branch mod recognise core mod? Name or automatically generated ID?
2. Since my mod includes TWO expansion units that shares the same unit codes. what are syntaxes for branch mods that requires correspondent expansions? do I have to 're write' the whole lines entirely?
since my mod has Pike and Shot in a core unit, and First Expansion also has the same Pike and Shot but has to be updated to fit with changing unit attributes (both TAG CLASS and PROMOTION CLASS).
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