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making an apocalyptic mod. "Project Aftermath"

first look at vault dwellers.
this is just a starting point i also plan to do vault security guard looking units too. with riot shields and batons.

i wondering what type of weapons should the standard vault dwellers wield. i was thinking golf clubs, pool sticks and baseball bats.
if you other any weapon suggestions keep in mind i want every one to get starting weapons that make sense for them.
golf clubs and baseball bats to me makes sense for them.
they had a good life in the vault filled with recreational activities like golf and baseball. so they have those things laying around. where as the street punk style faction has led pipes and crowbars, the weapons and tools of desperate thief's.

also how does the vault symbol look.
should i move it to the front leave it on the back or put it on both sides.

these minor details are what haunt my modding hours lol.

ill work on getting this into the game. but I'm open to suggestions and it can be changed at any time.

there is still lots more room for more textures to be added to the vault dweller texture file.
for example ill be adding the security guard stuff once i make it.

multiple units can use 1 dds file.
like all my raider units use 1 dds file with several textures in it. it still has room for additions.
some parts have been used some parts are yet to be used.

Why use one file for multiple units?
long time no see guys.

sorry about that work has been kicking my but lately. been working a lot.
i started this job like feb 27 or 28 something like that. already got a raise and maybe even a promotion coming up :) all the work is paying off.
the people i work with are lazy and keep calling out or just not showing up.
i been getting all their shifts haha.

onto the modding

i have a small update ill try to get another unit done tonight.
here is a unit i only showed from blender. i finally got them animated and getting it game ready.

this is the first most basic vehicle squad for the bad land raider civilization/faction

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i was planning on it being 3 units but 2 will have to do. ill leave my other ideas for the upgrade version(s) of the unit(s).

the unit is not yet combat ready but its in the game :)
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next vehicle to come again for the bad land raiders.

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oil tank 1.JPG
oil tank 2.JPG

this unit is an oil tankard from fallout 2 with a turret mounted to it. i plan to do a regular version and an armed version.
the armed version will have the turret and be able to attack. the disarmed version will not be able to attack. and will not have the turret.
the main difference will be its ability to attack and it will also consume strategic resources that the disarmed will not consume.

the main purpose of the unit will be to support other vehicle units. giving a 5 or 10% combat bonus to vehicles only. ill have to see how ill implement that, probably using an Lua.
i don't think standard civ 5 coding allows for the bonus to be given to specific class of units by being adjacent to the one that gives the bonus. i think standard civ 5 coding allows for only all adjacent units.

the bad land raider civ i picture them as being vehicle dependent, having mostly vehicles making up their army.
i have made some small progress sorry about the lack of progress lately. i will do what i can when i can.
note I'm also making things for other people on the site who ask me too.
i should start to prioritize my own project other other but i don't. i like all aspects of what people try tp do for civ.
new vehicle first oil rig unit for the badland raiders.

the unit is a oil rig from fallout 2. i reskinned it and added a turret.
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