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making an apocalyptic mod. "Project Aftermath"

keep in mind i am not converting units i am making them myself.
so this is going to continue to take some time and thought.

please post picture or describe vague ideas of any graphic you want in the apocalypse.
be it....

game concept/mechanic
civilization/faction idea
and anything else you can think of.

no matter how vague the idea i can reference it from the forum for inspiration, to use, or expand up.
ideas are the hardest part for me. you think it ill make it.

PLEASE GIVE ME SOME IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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here are some wildlife units i have ready to go.
i also turned on the terrain pack so you'll see that as well

rad roaches
mirelurks and hatchlings
pray mantis and giant pray mantis
feral ghouls and feral glowing ghouls

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its all coming along nicely starting to look and feel apocalyptic

the rad roaches i think need to be a little bigger to help with visibility of the unit.

I'm thinking of concepts for units.
despite it being a barbarian unit and not playable i think rad roaches should have an specific free promotion for them. making them invisible while standing in forst riuins and jungle ruins. unless adjacent to a enemy unit aka the player or ai. will most likely require some lua coding so ill do that way, way later if i decide to.
im still working on visual assets not doing coding yet

it will make them pop up out of no where like they were in building or under ruble.
just a cool idea i thought about for them.
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another civ beyond earth alien unit
the giant kraken unit comes to civ 5. (some one did a version that doesn't move it uses an idle animation, but mine moves)
i couldn't get its normal animations working, but i was able to rig it to a new skeleton.
i also reduced its 3d detail for civ 5 so it also uses less data

i should probably lower it into the water more.

the front needs to be fixed. where is looks like a smear across its forehead.
thats a mistake from blender i didnt notice. i need to fix that part of the uv layout,

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It is uses the arid texture from being earth. I'm happy with that look is will probably leave the texture as is
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Very nice work mate! I'm always on the look out for cool apocalypse mods for Civ games!
Thanks for the reply. I always wanted a cool apocalyptic mod but there really aren't any out there. Atleast non up to my standards.
So I started trying to do my own.

This is still very bare bones I have done no real coding only enough to get graphics into the game.
Once all necessary assets/graphics made, I can start on the real coding.
Right now it's a collection of artwork more then a game/mod

If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them.
If you can think of something that should be in the apocalypse I can make it for the mod. Coming up with ideas is a very hard part of this for me
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If you have any ideas I'd love to hear them.
If you can think of something that should be in the apocalypse I can make it for the mod. Coming up with ideas is a very hard part of this for me
Nothing specific to request.. if you've got wasteland terrain, ruined cities, feral gangs, zombies, robots and maybe a few aliens then it's safe to say you're hitting all the apocalyptic franchise nails on the head haha. :)

All I can really suggest is check out other peoples work to see if there's any inspiration there.. ie things you like and could do something similar or things you don't like and want to avoid. I have a scifi and fantasy total conversion mods/scenarios search and rescue thread that includes an Apocalypse Scenarios section so if you scroll down to that one you'll find plenty of good examples (especially from Civ3&4)!

In fact I need to update that thread as I've since found the Civ5 Fallout mods..

And this one...
Are you porting the rest of beyond earth soon?
As much as I can I will bring to civ 5.
Sadly melee naval combat is bugged for civ 5. The sea monsters don't like charging at the boats. I'm trying to fix it.
The attack animations seem to only trigger when they kill the boat prior to that they just stand still.
Civ 5 naval melee combat the boats shoot arrows they don't move in to attack like ground melee.
I have some bugs to work out still but I'm going to try.

Unfortunately when you open the civ being earth models they break so I have to redo them all.
And since I can't bring new animations to civ 5. I must find acceptable skeletons already in civ 5 to bind the models to.

Another known issue is the siege worm. Since the animations are broke and I don't know how to import new ones to civ 5. The siege worm may not be possible. Unless by some stroke of like I find an acceptable skeleton from civ 5 to use but that is doubtful.

So It's going to take some time. But yes I'll be doing all the beyond earth unit models. Plus I'll be making my own models soon.

Here are a few models some one else already brought over. It doesn't include the expansion models or aliens.

A little bit of the work is already done I can skip most of these.
The only thing I see that needs to be done to these is new effects and new effects triggers I don't like the ones he used.
I want to bring in some custom effects for the units. A majority of civ BE effects can't be brought to civ 5 but a few can. I just have to test em and set them up and make a few new effects for them to use.

Most custom effects I make can be found here and used in other projects.
This is not needed for aftermath I have already incorporated it into the project.

eventually I'll get around to adding all usable effects from civ BE to it.
effect testing just takes a long time and is also often unit specific.
swapping effect from unit to unit can result it bad things that hurt your eyes.
Everything awesome until an effect comes in 100 times to large on a random unit.

Eventually I'll do some big drops there and add tons of effects but I have my hands full making units at the moment.
I plan to start off with sci-fi effects for this project but eventually I'll see what fantasy/magic effects I can add.
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Nothing specific to request.. if you've got wasteland terrain, ruined cities, feral gangs, zombies, robots and maybe a few aliens then it's safe to say you're hitting all the apocalyptic franchise nails on the head haha. :)

All I can really suggest is check out other peoples work to see if there's any inspiration there.. ie things you like and could do something similar or things you don't like and want to avoid. I have a scifi and fantasy total conversion mods/scenarios search and rescue thread that includes an Apocalypse Scenarios section so if you scroll down to that one you'll find plenty of good examples (especially from Civ3&4)!

In fact I need to update that thread as I've since found the Civ5 Fallout mods..

And this one...
Ya I thought about aliens. Im going to try to do an alien civilization for the mod. I plan to have at least 2 non human civilizations.
1 being alien another being a mutated hive species mainly animalistic.

I picture the hive species as being a rapidly evolving ant colony like civilization. I plan to have them look like marro from heroescape and tyranids from Warhammer.

I also plan to do 2 super mutant civilizations 1 being yellow and the other green. I have got around to making them models yet
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Nothing specific to request.. if you've got wasteland terrain, ruined cities, feral gangs, zombies, robots and maybe a few aliens then it's safe to say you're hitting all the apocalyptic franchise nails on the head haha. :)

All I can really suggest is check out other peoples work to see if there's any inspiration there.. ie things you like and could do something similar or things you don't like and want to avoid. I have a scifi and fantasy total conversion mods/scenarios search and rescue thread that includes an Apocalypse Scenarios section so if you scroll down to that one you'll find plenty of good examples (especially from Civ3&4)!

In fact I need to update that thread as I've since found the Civ5 Fallout mods..

And this one...
That is 1 heck of a collection you got there. I might just find some inspiration thanks.
That makes sense. Do you happen to be accepting requests for converting civ 4 units into 5?
That makes sense. Do you happen to be accepting requests for converting civ 4 units into 5?
Yes I could do like 1 or 2 for you or some one but I don't want to get roped into doing a lot.
This project is already a lot of work. And I want to make progress on it.
so i made this thing i call a tusker.

i made it using the t-rex from the wildlife reborn mod, and an elephant's head from civ 5, minus the trunk and ears.

i figure it could be a wildlife unit and i could make a hive/marro variant for the hive civilization.
i could possibly get it using elephant cavalry unit animations so i can have people ride it. but probably not.

im also thinking it could replace the ivory resource.

its way bigger then i want it to be i have to rescale it.

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i made another iteration of the tusker shown in the message posted above this one.

i wasn't exactly happy with the dino look of the first one.
it just screams deformed dinosaur.
so i went back to the drawing board and came up with this idea.

i shortened the tail and made it hairy instead of scaly.

i was wondering which one other people like better.

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i also havent changed the name from t-rex to tusker yet so ignore the t-rex unit name.

i guess i could use both. when i get into coding i might be able to set it to spawn specific models by the continent type it is on or the terrain.
terrain based spawning is probably more likely but i would love to also use continents types and make a model variant for each/most continents.

the dino looking one could be a a fitting match to the African terrain i turned to barren and lava terrain.
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i also decided im going to rethink the American ruins and terrain set.
i never finished the american forest/jungle ruin set. i did the terrain.

i think now i should do a nuclear fallout inspired terrain set.
i cant believe it took me so long to think of that lol.

i never really knew how i was going to do that terrain, which is why i never made it past designing a forest set for the terrain.
i was never happy with the terrain set.

the asian set is chemical spill themed.
the african set is lava themed
the europen set is kind of normal apocalypse themed

then if i make the American terrain snowy and icy, like its nuclear winter, i think ill be hitting all the right areas.

the european ruins set is still a little glitchy i have to revisit it. but im happy with the overall look.
the asian set also needs some work. i tried to do something that didnt work out. (it was my first set mistakes were made)
and the texture has to many drastically different colored pixels near each other for civ 5.
mainly it is the texture that need to be reworked. im not happy with he color of a few things and it needs to be lessened in detail for civ 5.

on page 7 you can see the terrain sets i made

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i plan to remove all civ 5 resources in due time.
but here is a possible replacement for the ivory resource.
the tusker resource. the 6th new resource.

its placement seems to be ok not great but good enough.
i say it conforms to the height of hills and mountains nicely. its not perfect it could be better but I'm happy with it.
its hard to get bigger things to fit hills and mountains perfectly. it uses a small and exact location to set the building meshes on. which doesn't always give a good location for a buildings on certain hills. a fix to this is to make the buildings smaller which i dont want to do i want them this size.

you'll notice civ 5 improvements have tiny buildings. for example the mine improvement has tiny little buildings. they fit much nicer on the mountain. (the tile type with the most drastic change in elevation with in the tile)

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the first unit for the street punk style raiders raider civilization. (so far still unnamed)
this unit i named street punks. this will be the very first unit the civ gains access to.
i plan to give them more melee units as well. this civ will focus a lot on having many types of infantry from melee to ranged and a few light vehicles.
this unit will probably get no bonusses, but future units will get bonusses for being in ruins tiles.

they will probably get access to 0 aircrafts. and a very limited navy.

they will be different then the bad land raiders civilization.
the badland raiders will be a vehicle heavy civilization. getting more vehicles then most and quicker access to them. but most of the vehicles i will give penalties to for fighting inside ruins. the first penalty will be having to stop in ruins tiles and never getting access to moving faster in ruins. then maybe penalizing combat for a few vehicles while in ruins tiles.
the street punk raider most units will move effortlessly through ruins tiles. and a few units will get combat bonusses in ruins.

the street punk raiders style civ will dominate the ruins with gangs of street punks where as the badland raider will dominate the open ground combat with fast moving vehicles.

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looking at the badland raiders i think i need to make their weapons a little thicker to help with visibility i made the street punk raider weapons pretty thick and it looks better.
so i think ill make the sledge hammer and wrench thicker.

i gave the badland raider sledge hammer and wrenches because they are going to be vehicle heavy. its the tools of their trade.
the badland raider's first unit has masks, cool shoulder and actual weapons and is 10 models instead of 12. (i might cut them back from 10 to 8)
the badland's are a tough place where only the strongest survive. so their units are a little smaller in size and tougher looking.
the number of models in a unit doesn't effect the game it only effects combat visuals it only effects how many single guys die while fighting and are healed while healing.
their units will appear tougher even when fighting a unit at the same strength, just based on the visuals.
they will on average kill more people then the have die during the combat animations.

the street punks wield led pipes and crowbars. they have no armor on compared to the first badland raider unit.
these are punks that just grabbed things laying around to try and steal from things from another person.
so they have the tools of a unprepared desperate thieves.
but they will get more units that do have armor and guns and better melee weapons. this is just their first starting unit.
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new pipe rifle unit for the un-named street punk raider faction.

It actually took me a good bit of time to get this unit functioning.
I gave it a placeholder name for now. The coding name was apparently to long lol.
Took me some time to figure that out. I kept thinking the model was broke. Until I used another model in its place to test it.
Figured out it was definitely a coding error. I looked and looked but couldn't find an error. Then I tried shortening the name. And it worked.

(Well not the name but the art defines type code line. Kind of the name)

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i need to change the formation order for the unit. i don't like that the same colored hair unit grouped in the same corners i want the color the be spread throughout the unit. the luck that it randomly placed them all next to each other lol.

you can see them in the picture next to the bad land raiders for a comparison.

These are the first 2 units for 2 different civs.
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I'll try to finish up the remaining riuns tiles(america)(forest and jungle tiles)

Right now the European ruins set it still buggy at times

A lot more work needs be on
i mentioned before that the civilization beyond earth aliens sea units didnt work correctly with the regular naval units.

I'm not sure exactly why i haven't investigated into it enough.
im going to start looking into that.

hopefully i can get them to work with vanilla civ naval units.

i think i can, worse case scenario i have to rework the fx triggers and other stufff for all naval units in the mod.
which wont be problem because im redoing everything anyway and not using any normal civ 5 units.
at least i don't plan to but i may end up using a select few idk, everything is still up for debate.

i will soon post the BE alien land based units i have on my units workshop. (link can be found in my tag below in my comments)

member Ini orang will be happy when i do he has asked about them.
i just need to try and work out to the best of my ability the sea monster units.
i am almost done with all the units

the bombarder bug unit.
i cant use its animations because they are broken once opened or create a new animation because I still haven't figured out how to bring new animations into the game.
So i figured i can use the stegosaur unit animation (from the wildlife reborn mod). which will make its attack be swinging its tale instead of throwing a projectile.
(maybe i can get then to throw projectiles like that. hopefully throwing things from the side instead of over head will look just as good).
at my skill level that is the best case scenario.
its that or nothing for the units.
(the gr2 model's bones become un-named which brakes the animations as the animations use the names of those bones)

i guess i could cheese out by using catapult animations but i see no way where i can get it to walk it would be still standing with a supper cheesy tail attack. that is also still and just bad. i wont do that but that would be the only way i can see that the tail throws over head.

so for me the stegosaurs seems to be the best fit. so it can swing its tail as a melee attack. sadly it wont be ranged.
but then again i might be able to still some how get it to look good while throwing a projectile.
idk its going to be trial and error like most of what I'm doing here.
i will try my best to make a ranged version of the bombarder bug with attacks that look acceptable.
if not i hope a melee version is acceptable.

so basically in a nut shell the units will not be perfect but they will be in civ 5.
i hope they are good enough for those who want them.
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