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Maps not quite doing what they're supposed to

Dec 28, 2020
I'm not sure if any of you have experienced this in any of your games, but right now I'm playing as Nubia on a Standard size Pangaea map.

"Pangaea." Trust me, that little landbridge to the South doesn't connect up with anything. I think I genuinely got a continent to myself on a Pangaea map... somehow.


And just to prove that I really am on a Pangaea map, have a gander:

Thought I'd share this funny happening. Please post your own examples of maps-gone-wrong below- I'd be happy to see I'm not alone lol
I have had at least two Pangea games with 2 tile isthmuses. One I don't feel like pulling up, but I remember it had two civs on it, and the other I posted on Reddit where I got an entire continent to myself.

Two others I remember are from Potato McWhiskey. His Babylon Biosphere tourism game where there was a single tile mountain isthmus connecting the two parts of pangea and his Caeser Marathon domination Where Australia was on their own despite it being Pangea.
I had a game where I was alone on an Iceland far from anyone else on Pangea. Everyone else was crammed on one big landmass, only Kupe sailed to me.
T67 save attached, if anyone was interested to research or play on King.


  • GANDHI 67 1360 BC.Civ6Save
    2.3 MB · Views: 2
I had a game where I was alone on an Iceland far from anyone else on Pangea. Everyone else was crammed on one big landmass, only Kupe sailed to me.
T67 save attached, if anyone was interested to research or play on King.
View attachment 691852
Wow. That takes the cake for the least Pangaea Pangaea map I've ever seen :eek:
More broadly speaking, a lot of map scripts in Civ 6 fundamentally disappoint:

* Continents almost exclusively generates 2 big blobs without much in the way of interesting geographic features like bays or inlets
* Fractal just generates a messier Pangea
* Shuffle is just a worse "random" option; it only picks from Continents, Island Plates, and Fractal
* Archipelago and Island Plates have been bugged since 2019--mountains on these maps always generate as single mountains 1 space apart instead of mountain ranges
* Inland Sea doesn't wrap for some reason, which makes it unplayable to me

I'm really glad they revisited map scripts with Gathering Storm to add Seven Seas. That's my favorite script by far.
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More broadly speaking, a lot of map scripts in Civ 6 fundamentally disappoint:

* Continents almost exclusively generates 2 big blobs without much in the way of interesting geographic features like bays or inlets
* Fractal just generates a messier Pangea
* Shuffle is just a worse "random" option; it only picks from Continents, Island Plates, and Fractal
* Archipelago and Island Plates have been bugged since 2019--mountains on these maps always generate as single mountains 1 space apart instead of mountain ranges
* Inland Sea doesn't wrap for some reason, which makes it unplayable to me

I'm really glad they revisited map scripts with Gathering Storm to add Seven Seas. That's my favorite script by far.
To add. . .

I ran into this a couple of times, so sat down and generated a dozen or so Pangaea-type maps on Huge size, and every one of them had a collection of mountains and mountain ranges combined with tiny (1 tile wide) passes, each filled by a Cty State. It was effectively impossible to see the entire map until Ocean Travel was available in the Renaissance Era, and even then parts of the middle of the continent was Terra Incognita until fairly late in the game.

It's almost as if the intent is to make Pangaea maps as difficult to explore as an oceanic map that keeps you bound to your own little land segment until much later . .
More broadly speaking, a lot of map scripts in Civ 6 fundamentally disappoint:

* Continents almost exclusively generates 2 big blobs without much in the way of interesting geographic features like bays or inlets
* Fractal just generates a messier Pangea
* Shuffle is just a worse "random" option; it only picks from Continents, Island Plates, and Fractal
* Archipelago and Island Plates have been bugged since 2019--mountains on these maps always generate as single mountains 1 space apart instead of mountain ranges
* Inland Sea doesn't wrap for some reason, which makes it unplayable to me

I'm really glad they revisited map scripts with Gathering Storm to add Seven Seas. That's my favorite script by far.

I can only echo this. One of my most memorable games was in an early stage (pre DLCs) where I played as Greece and got a beautiful bay in front of my capital city. I remember hills, some mountains to the south east, in front of which to the west were two tiles and further west coastal in front of my capital. West and south of that again was land. I really had a little arm going down with a two tile opening. It was beautiful.

Have never seen anything like that since : (
* Archipelago and Island Plates have been bugged since 2019--mountains on these maps always generate as single mountains 1 space apart instead of mountain ranges
You mean they still haven't fixed this? Why I never...

I find one of the better maps is small continents. On a huge map with say 12-14 civs, this can usually lead to 5-6 continents of varying size with each one hosting around 2-5 civs. The only problem with this map is that it is very easy to circumnavigate the world fairly early on, what with the lack of big ocean spaces
You mean they still haven't fixed this? Why I never...

I find one of the better maps is small continents. On a huge map with say 12-14 civs, this can usually lead to 5-6 continents of varying size with each one hosting around 2-5 civs. The only problem with this map is that it is very easy to circumnavigate the world fairly early on, what with the lack of big ocean spaces
If you're in an island by yourself, of course it'll be easier to circumnavigate the globe.
Continents and islands for me. It's the only thing I ever play. The islands gives a little more meaning to mid game exploration, and exploring the poles (for goodie huts).
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