As an aside note, do notice that the Krogan effectively have a rate of 2/3, not 1/3. Remember that science is a function of population: double population growth is double science as well. Add the fact that the Krogan could easily get an early population boost through rushing, and it is feasible that they could stay toe to toe in the science department.
Well, once I fix my CiV, I'll be happy to give you feedback.
Will any of these Civs be updated for BNW?
It's actually a 2% I believe, and it's only for BNW, but there will be BNW versions and they will be adjusted accordingly.
Due to limited space capacity on civfanatics, all the races can now be downloaded by clicking here.
Do not extract that folder to your mods folder. You must instead unzip the .rar and extract each individual folder (Asari Civilization, Geth Civilization, etc) to your mods folder.
They're saying 5% over at the BNW and Strategy forums. Believe them if you wish.
What kinda changes we looking at?