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Massive happiness loss in one turn


May 22, 2014
New Jersey
Hopefully someone can enlighten me, because i've searched the forums and cannot find the answer.
I went from 16 happiness to 1 :) in a single turn. I looked at the breakdown and it looks like 8 came from a loss of happiness (luxuries and city states).

7 extra unhappiness came from population:
42 # of cities - unchanged
148.2 from population vs 138.7 (previous save)
38 pop in puppets vs 36.1
15.2 specialists vs 19.95

The loss of happiness makes sense, but the increase of unhappiness from pop doesn't, since none of my cities have grown in the last save (they are about 5 turns apart).
I appreciate the help!
Which era was that? If it`s from industrial on, I`d bet it was because of ideology pressure. Check under happiness to see if there are any dissenters...
Well, either that or some luxury deals ended or someone stole/bought/conquered a Mercantile CS that was your ally
Nope to dissidents (not even a one) and nope to CS. As a matter of fact i'm the one buying out the CS right now.
In a bizarre turn of events, Isabella voted my religion in as the world religion this turn. Could this cause unhappiness? I have a few puppet cities that are not following my religion.
Nope to dissidents (not even a one) and nope to CS. As a matter of fact i'm the one buying out the CS right now.
In a bizarre turn of events, Isabella voted my religion in as the world religion this turn. Could this cause unhappiness? I have a few puppet cities that are not following my religion.

By "buying out the CS", do you mean you are playing Venice and are using the GMOV unique ability to buy out CS? If that is the case, be aware that when you do this to a Mercantile CS that is removes the luxury on the city tile. (That also occurs if someone conquers a Mercantile CS or if Austria marries one)

There's no religious unhappiness in Civ V. However, there are a few religious beliefs in which this could be a factor.

1. There is a religious founder belief that gives happiness per number of cities following that religion (regardless of owner). In this case having cities not following your religion isn't giving you as much happiness from religion as you could have.

2. There are several religious follower beliefs that give happiness to buildings. In this case, your puppets that aren't following your religion don't get the happiness they could from your beliefs. However, they will get the happiness bonus if any associated with the religion they are following.
I'm playing Catherine- I meant paying them to be my ally.

From comparing to the save, I haven't lost any religious buildings and none of my cities switched religions. I have to go back and double check, and compare and compare the saves. Better yet, when I have a moment I will upload the auto saves if that will help?
In the past had you been at war with another civ and then made peace? Often the AI, if asking for peace, will offer you one or more Luxs. Although the peace treaty lasts 10 turns, the lux trade lasts 30 turns. After which, you can take a pretty hefty Happyness hit if you had otherwise been ignoring your happiness during those 30 turns and grown quite a bit more than you were during the war. Or if you had puppeted or annexed one or more cities.

Since you already know where 8 of the unhappiness came from, it's possible you just lost 2 luxs offered for a peace treaty. It's happened to me before.
Yes upload the saves. Exactly 8 happiness does point towards the loss of 2 luxes though, as Sixty4half said.
OP said that he could already account for a loss of 8 happiness from luxuries/CS, it's the 7 unhappiness from pop that he doesn't know where it came from.

My best guess is that you picked up Universal Suffrage from Freedom. Your extra unhappiness from population seems pretty close to double the amount that fell off from your specialists. If you adopt that tenet and then remove specialists, that'll normally decrease your happiness at a rate of 1 :c5happy: per 2 specialists. Meritocracy or Forbidden Palace is screwing up that math a bit, but still that could be where most if not all of the 7 extra unhappiness came from.
Speaking of which, if the city governors are controlling your specialists, it will produce wild swings in happiness if you have the Universal Suffrage tenet.
If you want to keep the city governor employing specialists, one approach is to go for Rationalism which is always a strong choice for research anyways. Once you have the policy which gives +2 :c5science: per specialist, you can set city governors to a science focus and they should favor specialists. This is especially effective when paired with Freedom tenants which reduce :c5food: and :c5unhappy: costs per specialist.
so I am an idiot... I kept playing the game and the auto saves are all gone. I've uploaded the save the turn after I lost all the :), not sure how helpful that will really be at this point.


  • Catherine_0485 AD-2042-July.Civ5Save
    1.5 MB · Views: 30
I'm sure you get a autosave at the start of every game. Unless there's an exception but I doubt it.
^^They may have been overwritten. I know I set my preferences to save only 10 or so. Then come the 11th turn they start to overwrite the earlier ones.

It's either 10 or 20.
^^To be honest, I'm not sure. I know I changed some settings a long time ago so I wouldn't have a ton of autosaves.
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