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Math05: 5BCC Domination


OCC Rocks!
Mar 24, 2002
This one was my brother's idea. Not a true 5CC, but we will only be allowed to build 5 cities, including our capital. From there, we must capture enough AI-built cities to attain domination. I don't expect this to be more than +1 difficulty level, so Monarch should be fine. We'll choose civ, world size, and other settings after we have a few players.

When I mentioned taking his idea for my next SG, he suddenly realized that he'd have to join the forum.

The Roster:
lurker's comment: Misfortunately not a sign-up, I need to cut back from SG's before school, but the idea of a 5BCC domination sounds fun :thumbsup:. For the record, this has been called XBCC (X Built City Challenge) before.
You know, just after posting this I went looking for that thread that list a bunch of different variants. The first thing I found was that DG7 is 5BC...
Anyone else interested?
hmm i have a week till school starts but i also have a bunch of SGs still to do... ah what the heck ill join.
You're welcome to join, but if you aren't going to have time to play, I'd rather you didn't.
The Roster:

I would like to play as Japan, but this is open for discussion. We need to decide on map size (small or standard) and landmass (continents or pangea). My idea for general strategy is to focus primarily on infrastructure (libs and markets, etc) early in the game while the AI is in expansion mode. An early war against a nearby neighbor will only be beneficial if we capture at least 3 cities.

The roster is not set in stone here, we might shuffle a bit during the first round of turnsets. I will be playing first, and demonpoet (my brother) will be playing fourth, in order to separate our turnsets.
Japan is fine by me, I like their UU and it comes at a good time for the GA. I usually play large or huge maps myself so would prefer at least standard in this game. I haven't played any 'CC' games before so will be listening closely to the team's advice.
I am fine with Japan, I was looking at either China or Japan(since India was used in Math04) I was leanign to China for the extra movement of their Riders, but I am liking the shorter Anarchy the Japanese will have. I was wondering if we are going to switch to Monarchy, or take a stop in Republic prior to war to increase our science to reach Chivalry sooner, and only switch to Monarchy when we are ready to go out to Dominate the world. Japan, or a religious civ, would be necissary if we plan two revolts. As for the land, I vote for Pangea, since we won't have to transport our forces to another landmass to achieve victory conditions.I think it will be easier and quicker on Pangea, although the challenge of naval transport is ok with me if that's what everyone wants. However, Pangea also allows us to meet the AI earlier so we can possibily trade for techs sooner. Speaking of other civs, are we choosing our opponents or are we going Random? Choosing Expansionists civs could be to our advantage, as long as barbs are off. Their scouts will possibly meet us, as well as each other, sooner allowing us to possibly trade for techs earlier. As far as Standard or Small, I would like to do Standard, since my last couple of games were on small, however small seems to me to be a possibily quicker game. I'm not sure what everyone's thoughts on the length of the game is. Being domination without building to it I figure it will take a little time to reach, hence my desire for settings that might speed it up.

In short, my choices;

Pangea 70%
Barbs off
random civs
size either standard or small
japan would be good for short anarchy and cheap temples. since we are going for domination win, filling in the gaps with a cheap temple helps. a standard size pangea map sounds good.
Japan on a standard pangaea it is. I'll get a start or two tonight.
Here's our start. I'll probably play Thursday morning, as I'm up in Math04 and will be playing that tomorrow.
Yea, looks like we got us a settler factory in the capitol, so it won't be hard to get all FOUR of our settlers out quick...
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