Mindblowing issues I experienced so far


Nov 8, 2013
Hi civplayers,
Just want to share some fun issues I've experienced in civ 6.

1) Air balloons. Their range bonus DOES stack! Thus, theoretically you can get up to +9 to your artillery range! I'm still not sure if it's unbalanced - you can build a lot of artillery instead of a ballons pack, but it definitelly breaks the relism (they act like bombers in such case) and allows exploiting dead combat AI even more. 3 artilleris + 3 ballons in a single triangle + 1 cavalry for move, reveal and hide changes everything.
I haven't checked the medic bonus stacking, my guess is that it stacks as well and you can have the one-turn-heal for your whole army.

2) Liberating city states. When conquering a captured city state and liberating it - all your units will be repositioned outside of its borders automatically. Even if you get the suzerain status automatically at the same moment (I guess you get it a milisecond later what causes the problem). Such repositioning could have very bad consequences for your conquest plans. I haven't tested it with the civic that gives you open borders with all city states though.

3) Liberating city states, #2. You won't get any major envoy bonuses for liberating a city. I liberated one and I got 3 envoys (I believe this is what I needed to become the suzerain). So the civilization that conquered it can become its suzerain very easily, even at the next turn. What doesn't make any sense.

4) That stupid AI sometimes does smart things. They DO rushby great prophets. This is how I once failed founded religion. I was leading in GP race, but at some moment I found that there is no any free GP remains. At that moment I thought that's akin of a bug or an exploit, but finally I figured out what happened.
I've not experienced #1, but if true, that's obviously unintended. #2 is true and annoying, and #4 is actually a good thing in my opinion. For #3, I "think" all envoys are erased with a city state is captured, so when you liberate it, you're the only one with 3 envoys. Sure, others can add more later if it remains a free city state, but you have a 3 envoy lead.
That stupid AI sometimes does smart things.

I think the AI rushbuys units a lot in cities that are under attack too. I was at war with Rome in my deity game, and I realized that the city I was attacking was getting reinforced really quickly, and that Rome did not have very much money when we made peace. Now, the AI is still incompetent with using these units, but this is an improvement from V, where on high difficulties, you'd sometimes see the AI with a million gold at the endgame the turn you won a diplo victory, and go... 'why?'
#1 is what helped me win a Deity domination game I had no business winning :)
Wow okay lol, didn't know balloons stacked. Well that's obviously unintentional :s

I can however say that they do also apply for Rocket Artillery, which puts them at 4 range, and with the +1 range promotion at 5 range... which is already silly enough. I mean logically how the hell does an air balloon help a computer-guided rocket, that makes no sense at all. Should definitely be patched
1) Works while embarked too, so your bombard ships can hit inland targets.

I think you can also stack the bonus infinitely by using the infinite stack bug. (build units in a trapped location then place them on auto-explore)
I'll not be abusing balloons much, as I am sure their stacking will be fixed by the first patch.

Use house rules to not exploit the exploits, lest you be addicted to them when they are no longer available.
The balloons only stack when you place them adjacent to Artillery and unlink them. So long as Artillery is linked to a balloon, it only gets +1 range. So link balloons and never unlink.
#4 is a good thing, I agree. It was just very unexpected when on some moment I was 1 turn from getting my GP (the last one), but next turn I was told that there is any GP remains. But I love the feature though. We just have to keep it in mind.

Actually here is #5, I forgot to mention it yesterday.
In my last game I had one city 2 tiles away from the continent north shore and that area of the north ocean was completely surrounded by the ice. Guess what? I got both Great Admirals in that ***ng north icy lake! Lucky me! Unable to move anywhere, neither use their special abilities.
The question is - is there any way to deal with it? Other than waiting till the end of the game, build the airport next to the coastline in this city and in another city? I've not tried it and actually I'm not even sure it will work. Or any way to control where you Great People will spawn?
Actually this was my question from CivV - why GAdmirals can't cross the continent? They are just people!
#4 is a good thing, I agree. It was just very unexpected when on some moment I was 1 turn from getting my GP (the last one), but next turn I was told that there is any GP remains. But I love the feature though. We just have to keep it in mind.

Actually here is #5, I forgot to mention it yesterday.
In my last game I had one city 2 tiles away from the continent north shore and that area of the north ocean was completely surrounded by the ice. Guess what? I got both Great Admirals in that ***ng north icy lake! Lucky me! Unable to move anywhere, neither use their special abilities.
The question is - is there any way to deal with it? Other than waiting till the end of the game, build the airport next to the coastline in this city and in another city? I've not tried it and actually I'm not even sure it will work. Or any way to control where you Great People will spawn?
Actually this was my question from CivV - why GAdmirals can't cross the continent? They are just people!

Great Admirals should really be able to use their "city transfer" ability from a harbor, at least.
#4) Quite a few people here are saying this is a good thing but that means the AI is spending very large amounts of early gold buying up great people and they do it often.
How are those "mindblowing"? Gotta love all those clickbait titles :D

1 is pretty funny and probably just a simple oversight.
2 is fairly inconvenient at best.
I don't see why 3 + 4 are even an issue. 3 envoys guarantees suzerain status. It shouldn't be a free bonus for the rest of the game. And 4, well, you described a positive aspect of the AI there.
Had the Great Admiral thing- playing England (lots of harbours). London was on a lake, so I had plenty of unmovable (but retirable) Great Admirals on their favourite boating lake
I've had that happen. I was able to relocate the Admiral to another city by moving them into the Harbor tile and then clicking "transfer to another city."
#4) Quite a few people here are saying this is a good thing but that means the AI is spending very large amounts of early gold buying up great people and they do it often.
They cheat with gold generation anyway, I don't think this is a major issue that prevents them from performing decently.
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Re. #4
I believe it wasn't a cheat at least in my case. I loaded it at the previous turn to figure out what happened and why I can't get my GP and I had enough faith to rush the last GP (my progress toward GP was about 80% complete). Taking into account that another nation's progress was around 70% I guess it wasn't a cheat, but a smart move. Or maybe we were 90%-85%, but we definitely were close enough.
The bad thing is that developers implemented such smart extra-features for the AI instead of fixing the obvious flaws. :(
How are those "mindblowing"? Gotta love all those clickbait titles :D
Somebody reads Cracked articles. Every single article they have is mindblowing. :)

Liberating a city for another civilization also kicks all your units out, but that's to be expected. I just wish I had more control where they go. I almost lost a helicopter this way. I liberated a city for Spain because I was feeling nice. He was still pretty mad at me for converting his holy city hundreds of years ago.

I'm okay with the balloons as is. But I can understand how it would break multiplayer. I do use balloons, but I restrict myself to 3, and they aren't always optimally placed, I'm happy enough with +1 or +2 range.
4) That stupid AI sometimes does smart things. They DO rushby great prophets. This is how I once failed founded religion. I was leading in GP race, but at some moment I found that there is no any free GP remains. At that moment I thought that's akin of a bug or an exploit, but finally I figured out what happened.

This one drives me crazy. I've seen it happen a few times. I am way ahead and then suddenly I have to change my policies because the one that was giving me +2 Great Prophet points is gone and I'm like WTH! It doesn't help that there is no notification when someone else founds a religion (or if there is one, it's not prominent enough that I've ever seen it).
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