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Mini Walrus Café


Sep 11, 2020
Good day, and welcome to Mini Walrus Café! My name's Lincoln. May I take your order?


1. Food - give me one to three songs to give me a vibe about what you'd like! It can be literally anything - a light [
], but very crunchy [
] and spicy [
], snack? You got it! [you can also tell me what you like and don't like eating!]
2. Drink - "every food must be paired with a drink, even if it's just water!" - Chef Sun Tzu, The Art of Food; and I wholeheartedly agree. Just like the Food category, give me one to three songs to give me a vibe about what you would like, and you can tell me what you do and don't like to drink :]


Reservations [I take batches of five each time, aka fifteen participants in total can enter!]:

Reservation set 1:
1. Marmot (Mafia Universe & The Syndicate) [pending orders]
2. Sabiplz (The Syndicate)/Kutiplz (Mafia Universe) [pending orders]
3. Nutella (Mafia Universe & The Syndicate) [pending orders]
4. Aiken_Drumn (Civilizations Fanatics Center) [orders received]
5. EnglishEdward (Civilizations Fanatics Center) [orders received]

Reservation set 2:

Reservation set 3:

If you would like to make a reservation, please contact me via Discord @ignoramus#3132, via Mafia Universe @ignoramus, via The Syndicate @ignoramus, or via Civilization Fanatics Center @Nagisa! (phew, that's a lot..)

I apologize if I take a while to bring you your orders! The kitchen in this café is very tiny, but I will make it my topmost priority to serve your food as soon as possible!


Location: Syndicate Walrus [https://discord.gg/hax5YysPVG]! The event will take place on October 28, 2022 UTC+8!

I hope to see you there!!
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I am a little confused. But can I have savory pancakes while listening to BroStep from 2008?
I am a little confused. But can I have savory pancakes while listening to BroStep from 2008?

And a Guinness.
Well uh
It's like
You give me songs, say, frog summer by Leon Chang [
] and Lavender by Kudasaibeats [
], and I'll give you lavender tea sponge cake for the food! (frog summer is light while lavender being..well..lavender)
@Nagisa Moderator Action: We have a music thread; what makes this one different? Are there rules?
DMs, please!! Not out in public
@Nagisa Moderator Action: We have a music thread; what makes this one different? Are there rules?
Oops! The rules are just: you sub to either one or both categories and I'll make food based off of it
Is it possible to transfer this to the music thread? If not, I'll just copy paste everything into said music thread! @Birdjaguar
@Nagisa The music thread is just an ongoing thread where favorite songs are posted. Your thread seems to include something more that I cannot put my finger on. Tell me more about "I'll make food based off of it."

If your goal is to advertise a discord site, that is not permitted except in your sig. :)
@Nagisa The music thread is just an ongoing thread where favorite songs are posted. Your thread seems to include something more that I cannot put my finger on. Tell me more about "I'll make food based off of it."

If your goal is to advertise a discord site, that is not permitted except in your sig. :)
It's not advertising exactly, it's more so I'll be revealing the songs there! So um. Yeah
I do not know where I'd put that HQNEJWJ
Are you like trying to guess food by what people post in music, or something?
perhaps, forum games woulkd be a better place than OT
No, he's advertising a game from the mafia world called walrus. It's a music competition of sorts. People submit music based on prompts and then the host judges those songs. This is usually done in a reveal, which is held live on Discord while the music is playing for everyone to listen along with.

Nagisa's approach is different (incorporating actual baking into it), but the gist is the same.
I. Really got no clue, tbhtbh
I initially posted this for MU and Syndicate but decided to bring it here too since I remembered I had an account heree
@Aiken_Drumn no!! But I will be revealing category 1 on October 28, 2022, UTC+8
And please submit your orders via direct message!!
But of course, I can accept your current orders if you don't want to send them via direct messaging :]
okay!! (I'm going to go out of character for a bit and say that I am fairly certain I did not word this correctly; submissions MUST be sent via direct message
But I'll go ahead and accept Aiken's and EnglishEdward's submissions!)
I don't understand anything. :cry:
I don't understand anything. :cry:
So like! Category 1 - food: send me a song (or three, if you'd like) in DMs and I will use its vibes/title/etc. to give you food! Same goes for category 2 - drink
I will give you your orders (I will reveal all the songs submitted by the people who subbed) on October 28, 2022, UTC+8
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