Missionaries and Faith-Based Purchases


Jan 15, 2012
Does anyone else feel like these are overcosted and too powerful? It seems weird to me that I can build a faith-based civilization (say around Desert Folklore or something) and still only buy a missionary once every handful of turns. Then once you have the missionaries (or Prophets, which are even more insane), they seem to have pretty dramatic effects on conversions? It feels like these units should be cheaper and less effective so that you can effect more widespread religious change or not feel bad about using missionaries on smaller, low-impact cities. Also, it seems more historically accurate for there to be a flood of missionaries coming out of really aggressively religious civilizations rather than one every handful of turns (and this is for the really pious civs, a number of the games I've played with less religious focus barely get a missionary every 15 turns). This is particularly problematic on Immortal, where there are usually civs that like Great Prophet bombing your capital, which is hard to react to when it takes so long to rebuild missionaries or inquisitors:

TLDR: Missionaries, Inquisitors, and GPs seems too powerful in their conversion effects and a bit overcosted. Do you think they should be weaker and cheaper?
Um, normally, if something is overcosted, that implies that they are not worth their cost. I understand you are arguing that the Missionary's price point is too high, but surely they are worth their cost.

I, personally, do not think that they can be made much cheaper without removing the Missionary bonus on the Mosque of Djenne. Also, I do like the opportunity costs on them.
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