[Mod] Better Start Mod


Aug 9, 2019
I always wanted to try my hand at modding. Turns out that modding ARA is easy and fun :)

This mod let's you start the game with both a scout (to explore) and a spearman (to hunt wildlife).

I incidentally also discovered that it is possible to start the game in the 2nd or 3rd ACT by changing the line
.uiStartingAct = 1, in the BSMGameConfig.zdata (located in the NewGameConfig folder.
Hi thanks for this mod, it really showed me how things are working here. I made a few changes to the mod personally, I removed the city hearth and added a settler (WHAT?) now we can choose our city location. Still doesn't work perfectly, crashes if you click on aspects the UI without a city haha. All I did was remove the line about city hearth from the Nation Starter Kits folder EarlStarterKit.zdata file and replace the units section with this

.vUnits =
{ "unt_Scout", 1 },
{ "unt_Scout", 1 },
{ "unt_Settler", 1 },

I did the same for the AI players as well, sometimes it will crash but most times the games will launch perfectly with 2 scouts and a settler for each of the 12 countries I use, more will increase chance of crash. Remember to change the file that you play the game setting on, I use Earl. Hopefully we can get it working without any crashes I find selecting your city location is much more entertaining. Thanks
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Hi thanks for this mod, it really showed me how things are working here. I made a few changes to the mod personally, I removed the city hearth and added a settler (WHAT?) now we can choose our city location. Still doesn't work perfectly, crashes if you click on aspects the UI without a city haha. All I did was remove the line about city hearth from the Nation Starter Kits folder EarlStarterKit.zdata file and replace the units section with this

.vUnits =
{ "unt_Scout", 1 },
{ "unt_Scout", 1 },
{ "unt_Settler", 1 },

I did the same for the AI players as well, sometimes it will crash but most times the games will launch perfectly with 2 scouts and a settler for each of the 12 countries I use, more will increase chance of crash. Remember to change the file that you play the game setting on, I use Earl. Hopefully we can get it working without any crashes I find selecting your city location is much more entertaining. Thanks
I have been experimenting a little bit myself with adding a Settler and removing the Great Hearth from .vStartingImprovements = { { "imp_GreatHearth", 0, 0 }, }, in the respective NationStarterKits. This leads to having a Settler to start with (which you can use to search for the best starting location). However after founding a city, a Gathering Hall is created instead of the Great Hearth, which is a lot less powerful (especially in terms of city production). It is possible to build a Great Hearth after this, but this is a little bit overpowered imo.
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