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[MOD] Fall from Heaven II

@bedlamboy: I wish I had a girlfriend who liked Civ. Geez.:mischief:

@Kael: Congrats to you and the rest of the team for the recognition.:goodjob:

The Song of the Moon MOD looks interesting.
bedlamboy said:
My girlfriend and I are playing a hotseat game and found a few tricky things. First of all, once we each got Feudalism, we thought we could make a Permanent Alliance and team up against the computer civs, but we can't. It doesn't seem to have activated Permant Alliance. Is there something else we have to do?

As with vanilla Civ 4, you need to have enabled Permanent Alliances in the Custom Games settings before the game began. If you're setting up a Custom Game you can always set up teams so that you're allied from the start.

Also, inadvertenly we found that when you "gift" a mage or any self promoting unit to another civ, it always gives a "free promotion". We made an archmage pretty unstoppable by just trading him back and forth for a number of turns. He didn't gain xp, but since he had Channeling III, it didn't really matter. It was as good as a level everytime.

Hmm. That's a biggie. Gifting has ben disbaled for National Units in the next version, but perhaps the Free Promotion code needs to be looked at since this problem applies to anything with a free promotion, like MAges and Conjurers which aren't National Units.
hawkeye72 said:
I was playing vamps yesterday and I got Leaves. I was thinking that since Leaves doesn't change alignment and I was still evil that Kythra and Elven Archers didn't seem to mesh. Would it be possible to check against the alignment before allowing different religious units? I don't know, but it is probably more just about artwork and unit name. Something darker?

Just a thought.

Ive been playing this configuration too, i agree but i think if you start limiting religions it ruins the fantasy. What if evil civs instead got evil heros or anti-heros instead of the regular heroes? Except of course with the religions that are pretty much evil to begin with. Just a thought.
The discussion about gifting units reminded me. Using domination, one can pretty easily gain more than three national units. I had a game with Hemah and an archmage using mind III, and ended up with 4 beastmasters and 5 heavy crossbowmen by the time the game was over.
I downloaded Fall From Heaven 2 this weekend and spent a bit of time on it. This was a very enjoyable mod. It certainly ranks right up there with The Ancient Mediterranean Mod, which I thought couldn't be equaled at all.

That said, I have a few suggestions. First of all, the crush of barbarians that assails the player almost immediately is often too much for me. I find it impossible to balance the production of military units with useful upgrades. Often, I have to play very defensively with my workers: many of my cities began to starve when barbarians were too close for comfort and I wasn't able to safely route workers back to pillaged tiles.

Second, I think some of the informational material could be more precise. I still can't figure out how to use Adepts, for example. When I first build them, do I need to get them into a fight so I can upgrade to better powers? How do I build the advertised nodes?

Third, how do barbarians spawn? Randomly, from any fogged area? Only from cities? Do the ones that appear even after I've scouted an area probably disembark from galleys?

Thanks. I look forward to playing again in a few hours when I get home.
Let me answer some things...

Axis Kast said:
Second, I think some of the informational material could be more precise. I still can't figure out how to use Adepts, for example. When I first build them, do I need to get them into a fight so I can upgrade to better powers? How do I build the advertised nodes?

Adepts gain experience automatically over time, just like most heros. Note that, as far as I know, there are some changes to the magic system in the next patch... which also leads to why there is probably not a complete docu on everything: Changes are very often made to the mod, so it's hard to keep up with documenting them. However, there was recently started a FfH wiki here:


also note there is a complete sub forum for this mod at http://forums.civfanatics.com/forumdisplay.php?f=190

Axis Kast said:
Third, how do barbarians spawn? Randomly, from any fogged area? Only from cities? Do the ones that appear even after I've scouted an area probably disembark from galleys?

As far as I know the barbs spawn randomly in any area you cannot currently see, i.e. it is not enough to explore the area once if you want to keep them from spawning..
Axis Kast said:
That said, I have a few suggestions. First of all, the crush of barbarians that assails the player almost immediately is often too much for me. I find it impossible to balance the production of military units with useful upgrades. Often, I have to play very defensively with my workers: many of my cities began to starve when barbarians were too close for comfort and I wasn't able to safely route workers back to pillaged tiles.
Yeah, we love those barbarians! :D
If you'd like some advice on how to handle raging barbs, a few tidbits have been posted here:

Axis Kast said:
Second, I think some of the informational material could be more precise. I still can't figure out how to use Adepts, for example. When I first build them, do I need to get them into a fight so I can upgrade to better powers? How do I build the advertised nodes?
As mentioned, it's hard to document an ongoing, ever-changing game such as this. There was the wiki mentioned, plus there is a FAQ (linked in the first post of this thread), or just ask questions here.
Third, how do barbarians spawn? Randomly, from any fogged area? Only from cities? Do the ones that appear even after I've scouted an area probably disembark from galleys?
Just to clarify the post above, they randomly appear on any square that you or another Civ cannot see. This is part of the strategy of dealing with barbs. For instance, if you have a small peninsula at your back that occasionally spawns a barb unit, send a unit there to keep the land barb-free until you can settle on it.

- Niilo
You guys should split out more mod components from this mod. Like how you combind promotions and such.
It's been a week or more since I promised more soundsets - some short vacations and the summer having great effect on me caused this delay. Anyway, here are the soundsets I made for goblins, dwarfs and golems:


Note I'm working on unit groups, rather than civilisations, since Kael noted it's easy to assign sounds to individual units. I hope the team members like them (do you?)

I'll come back with more latter.
Yorgos said:
It's been a week or more since I promised more soundsets - some short vacations and the summer having great effect on me caused this delay. Anyway, here are the soundsets I made for goblins, dwarfs and golems:


Note I'm working on unit groups, rather than civilisations, since Kael noted it's easy to assign sounds to individual units. I hope the team members like them (do you?)

I'll come back with more latter.

I think the unit groups make a lot more sense than applying them to civs. Downloading these now.
Kael said:
I think the unit groups make a lot more sense than applying them to civs. Downloading these now.

sorry but do you know if this mod works on a mac version? are you using DLL files for your mod?
xxJFKxx said:
sorry but do you know if this mod works on a mac version? are you using DLL files for your mod?

Yeah, a heavily customized DLL (it won't even load without it). I sent a copy of the mod to a Mac user and it didn't work for him, so I don't believe you can use this mod on a Mac unfortunatly. Sorry.
carnivore said:
when a new patch is supposed to be out ?

Friday, August 11th.
Yea! :) can't wait... have you posted the changes/fixes/removed stuff...(*exits forum and rushes to ffh forum*)
Civkid1991 said:
Yea! :) can't wait... have you posted the changes/fixes/removed stuff...(*exits forum and rushes to ffh forum*)

Yeap, I try to keep this post up to date as I add and change stuff.
I hope this doesn't mean I have to complete the sounds within three days... I think it would be better if they appear in fire, together with all major changes/updates.
Yorgos said:
I hope this doesn't mean I have to complete the sounds within three days... I think it would be better if they appear in fire, together with all major changes/updates.

Nah, don't stress it. Im going to have your orc sounds in 0.15 and then get some feedback. If people liek them I'll add more.

I liked your goblin and dwarf sounds. Assuming we get good feedback on the orc (which I think we will) I will get those in quickly.

Most of the golem effects sound like computers. I cant think of what golems would sound like apart from that, but it just didnt seem to fit for me. But I will probably include the golem sounds without voices, which were particuarly fitting for the clockwork golem.
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