@Deaf Metal: Thx alot for the quick help. My dumb ass didnt think of the vanilla game options...
Problem solved...
Another question:
What is the latets "mostadvanced/balanced" ffh2 Mod available?
I once read from Orbis or fallfurther, but i liked WildMana (although i realise, its far from finished*) so i never tried those.
I also read about Master of Mana, but from what i read the gameplay is pretty different.
Are there any other ffh2 mods or modmods that are worth playing?
* Is there a version of wildmana or another modmod where Fey, Jotnar, Scions and some other civs i cant recall right now are implemeted completely?
I play Civ 4 BTS 3.19 and WM 8.34.