Modern+ Military


Baller Magnus
Dec 31, 2005
I have gotten to do a lot of late game warring recently, so I thought I would take a deeper dive on the late game military again to see where it stands. I am going to put a star (**) next to units I think could use a look at.


- G Guns still win the day, but Riflemen can now at least take the pain. Ultimately they are a serviceable, if not exciting, unit for their time.

Landships - A solid unit, the first really capable to taking on G Guns and even machine guns decently well (though still not amazingly)... the recent buff to their defense has made them good units.

**Triplane - So there is no issue with the Triplane per say, its does its job well... its just that at this point, my air slots and oil reserves are generally very limited. I would much rather have a few more bombers. The only thing I could think of that would actually make me consider using them is to make them Iron units instead of oil. Then I could consider Triplane + Landships / Tank as an option. Otherwise, I will always have better uses for my slots and my oil.

**Bomber - A very good unit, and tends to operate with a fair amount of impunity when it first comes out, letting it shake up the landscape. My only thought is to consider a +1 base range.... 6 range is quite small, and I frequently find my bombers in my closest cities to the front still can't always contribute damage. This combined with the limits of 2 slots means that while bombers are good units, I often make just a few because I often have no place to put them that they will be useful.

Paratrooper - Fun tactical unit, not strong enough to compare to regular infantry, but good at getting into key areas, cutting important roads, taking out key strategic resources, and providing the occasional flank.

Artillery - This begins the ascension of the siege unit. Artillery is amazing, and serves as a general counter to navy and ground forces. This is also when you can start applying splash I as a default promotion, which allows you to counter the mass of forces on the battlefield. Artillery are incredibly good, but brittle enough (especially to air) that you have to properly protect them to make it work.... which feels perfect in play.

**AA Guns - I actually think the unit is a bit too good at its job for this era, another reason I never build triplanes. AA Flak historically was effective but still difficult to apply to aircraft, and AA guns create a nigh invincible shield in their area.... as well as being extremely durable and hard to kill. I would consider removing their interception II promotion....they should be good at interception but not so automatic. Or considering lowering their range to 2 instead of 3

**Light Tanks - I do think the unit is underperforming at the moment... but I also think that their is still a bug with the skirmisher doctrine promotion. The combat numbers when I use skirmishers never look right to me, so I'll withhold judgement until that is confirmed or addressed. That said, the fact that the unit costs aluminum instead of oil is a big plus.... giving me the desire to have them on the field with my other forces. They are decent at softening up naval melee that is sieging a city, and that to me is their best role at the moment.

Machine Guns - They have lost a little luster compared to G Guns (because G gun is the height of the ranged paradigm), but they are still solid effective units.


**Destroyer - I think the ship is overperforming a bit at the moment, as its good at everything. Its strong, its super fast, has a strong withdrawal chance, its highly resistant to aircraft, its really good against subs (properly promoted)....its just does everything really well. I think that its base Air defense should be dropped from 30 to maybe 20.... its interception is good with promotions, but the fact that planes just rip themselves up on base attacks against them I think is the biggest issue. Planes are supposed to be a counter to navy in this era of war, not the other way around.

**Guided Missile - The thing I miss was the missile having evasion on it. Now that interception blocks attacks, the fact that you have to air sweep everything to ensure the missile actually gets value really lowers its effectiveness. That said, I really only use them for taking out city garrisons, but that is still a good niche. I do always chuckle at the "cheap" notion, as they still cost more than a full infantry squad.

Infantry - Though tanks still rule the day in this era, Infantry are good units. I commonly will give them City Assault or amphibious promotions, and they help augment my navy for island taking....something tanks are not that good at.

Tanks - Tanks are awesome! Tanks have good stats, but what makes them so good is the modern battleground, which is littered with pillage sites. The fact that tanks can attack, and have the speed to move and pillage a couple of tiles....means that they stay at peak strength for a long time, making them more effective than their stats might indicate. Tanks do their job very well.

**Special Forces - Though I will upgrade my existing paratroopers into SF (at least the highly promoted ones), I almost never build the unit. The issue is its price cost more production than a mechanized infantry! Its basically 50% more hammers than a standard infantry, its just too expensive to be worth making. Now in theory it could also be good at island taking with embarked bonuses. In reality though I find infantry with proper promotions and protected by naval ships superior in this role.

Carriers - Do their job well, and now with stronger interception and base defenses are a bit better at holding up against enemy aircraft.

**Battleships - I know some people bemoan that battleships dead end and don't upgrade further, I do find they have some uses even in the late game, as they can just keep bombarding an area over and over again. That said, I do think they come very late to the party sometimes. I wonder if they should come online the same time that destroyers do to give them so more time out on the battle field.

Submarines - My jury is still out on subs. The fact that destroyers no longer innately get their anti-sub bonus by default is a big deal. I haven't found that the loss of the sight promotion has helped much, the AI seems to find your subs one way or the other. So they are better overall, but not sure if they are still worth my hammers vs just building more destroyers or battleships.

Heavy Bomber - Good Unit.

Fighter - This is the height of the fighter line. Its the time when aircraft are prevalent enough, but stealth bombers don't yet rule the skies. This unit finds good work at this time.

Atomic Bomb - The bomb damage is obviously quite good, but I actually find the fallout its strongest tactical use. The AI still has real problems with fallout, it messes with its unit coordination...and often the AI is extremely slow in cleaning it up. I will often use A bombs to create a no-mans land between myself and the enemy that the AI has trouble crossing. So weirdly enough, I find them strong defensive weapons more than offensive ones.


Missile Cruiser
- Decent endgame naval finisher. At this point, I don't mind that the MC has the whole package, as it has to compete with all of the final era toys.

Modern Armor - A solid upgrade to the tank, and often needed for late game city tanking.

Mobile Sam - A decent upgrade to the AA gun, nothing special but it does the job.

Rocket Artillery - RA are basically the end game ranged unit....whether that's good or not depends on your point of view. They are essential against massed navy, cities, and just generally a key unit on the late game battlefield.

Helicopter Gunship - I used to rag on the HG because it has almost no damage increase over the light tank in open terrain...but I have come to appreciate the extreme mobility of the unit, especially its ability to cross coastal waters and attack naval ships. I don't build a lot of them, but they have a niche.

Mechanized Infantry - Again not sexy like the modern armor but is decently cheap and gets the job done when needed.

**Bazookas - These are bad units in general. I never upgrade my machine guns into them, I always have better things to spend my money and hammers on. Its hard being a range 2 unit in a world where range 3+ is becoming the norm.

Giant Death Robot - I know not everyone likes the flavor of this unit, but they are with some recent changes a stable of the final war, and one I have found refreshing. The GDR is overpowered by design, designed to quickly break stalemates and complete wars in the handful of turns the game has left. Though it has a tremendous attack, I actually find its speed one of its strongest features, able to move back and forth across the landscape as needed. That said, I actually use them more on defense than offense, I find them critical garrisons to let your coastal cities survive the end game navies that the AI can use.

**Nuclear Missile - For its cost, its pretty underwhelming, especially as the AI will often have nuke defenses in their cities by this point. You can get 2 GDRS for the price (with some change), and I would rather have the 2 GDRs in almost all cases. I'll just make atomic bombs if I'm going to nuke a city, it does enough damage to meet my needs.

**Jet Fighters - My jury is still out on these as well. They are not great interceptors against stealth bombers, so its really a question for me of using them for air sweeps and whether that is worth the expense to bring them on the board.

Xcom Squad - The ultimate "reach out and bother you" unit...there stats are actually not that great for their cost but obviously their strength is in the ability to go basically anywhere. As the human I don't use them a huge amount...they are just very expensive. But they are good units for the AI to have, ensuring a human can never be too comfortable, and that they have to have the military to fight the "bee hive" if they want to be worthy of a final victory.

Nuclear Sub - Its an ok unit, I just generally have better things to do with my money at this point, as I am steaming ahead to the endgame.

Stealth Bomber - Even with the recent interception buffs this unit is still an end game terror. A squadron of these can murder a battlefield if given enough time.
Bazooka units certainly need a look at because they are total garbage. They are actually better off not upgrading them due to the previous units area debuff.

Nuclear Missiles need a massive power upgrade or easier and cheaper to build. (they really should be 1 uranium) They also should be immune to other nukes to allow for mutually assured destruction.
The lategame recon line needs to be look into since they all get different starting promotions and bonuses against different unit classes, which makes it really confusing about which one has which.

I personally tweak the ENW modmod for myself to balance lategame naval units, and changed the whole skirmisher line... can't say much about those.

Bazookas should have 3 range and/or 3 movement.

Mechanized Infantry are mostly inferior to Modern Armor against units and Rocket Artillery/GDR against cities. I feel they're just there to occupy space.

Helicopters with any stats and movement points just get sniped easily by fighters (anti-air bonus works on them too), unless you happen to have anti-air nearby to protect it... But ground-based ones can't keep up and air-based ones can't reach it when the chopper's on a mission.
Bazookas being very cheap is not a good niche for the unit, also their Covering Fire is weaker than previous guns, except vs Tanks. They need something else. Perhaps they should lose some of their penalties on their Covering Fire. Covering Fire II: [-25% Ranged Strength vs. Fortified Units and Cities, +10% Strength when defending, and enemy Units within 2 tiles suffer -10% Strength.] I only build/ upgrade them as they are a cheap upgrade and available at Mobile Tactics, which is 1 tech after Radar.

Helicopters' mobility is fun to play with. Though, Jet Fighters get extra anti-air bonuses vs them. I wish their 4 promotions: 2 Mobility and 2 anti-tank bonuses were split over 3 promotions, not 4.

Modern Era air units are just ok. They give a slight taste of the power to come. Atomic Era air units are a very welcome step up. I would like to see 1 air unit capacity moved from the Airport to the base City, up from 2 at base.

AA Guns are rather oppressive actually. Trying to draw their Interceptions hurts your planes more than I would expect them to. I don't know about Mobile SAMs.

Can't really comment on the short comings of Battleships as I play with Enhanced Naval Warfare. :)

Rifleman, Infantry, and Mech Infantry are solid units.

Landships, Tanks and Modern Armor continue the dominance that Knights had in their time. Although, their time isn't cut short next era by the shiny new unit, like knights are by Tercios. Even when Helicopter Gunships and Rocket Artillery have their bonuses vs Tanks, you should have answers to those units to continue letting your armor units dominate.
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Oh, the other reason I think AA guns are overperforming, is that Air Sweeps are practically worthless against them. My Dogfighting 3 Triplanes just took 54 damage on an airsweep and does 0 back to the unit... that's hard to sustain and another reason why they are so much better than having triplanes for airdefense.
Oh, the other reason I think AA guns are overperforming, is that Air Sweeps are practically worthless against them. My Dogfighting 3 Triplanes just took 54 damage on an airsweep and does 0 back to the unit... that's hard to sustain and another reason why they are so much better than having triplanes for airdefense.

Okay its worse than I thought. A dogfighting 3 fighter DIES immediately to a mobile sam during an airsweep (and I'm not even sweeping the sam itself, just another unit). That is WAY too good.
Okay its worse than I thought. A dogfighting 3 fighter DIES immediately to a mobile sam during an airsweep (and I'm not even sweeping the sam itself, just another unit). That is WAY too good.

Agreed. It's one of the main reasons air units tend to underperform.

Out of naval, land and air, on a continents map, I need to invest in both naval and land to survive. I however can just skip over air units and still be alright. Air units don't do much damage compared to the damage they take. They can easily be taken out at 100% hp. They are costly to build in both production time and resource cost.

Before someone replies to this, yes I know air units do have SOME use. They however underperform compared to how effective everything else is, particularly to the cost of building them.

Note: I don't consider nukes air units, though they have their own issues. (I find their main use is to raise your military score to scare the AI into not attacking)
I think it's OK that air units in general are relatively weak against ground units. They are a way to intensify the concentrated fire even more. Giving that last punch you need to kill that one unit. For that, it would be necessary to have at least 3 units per city, 2 is not enough.

Planes getting insta Moderator Action: <<SNIP>> by air units is a bad balance.

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I feel that change needs to be made to the suppressive fire mechanic in general. Its doesn't make sense that Machine guns can suppress armored vehicles that were designed to counter powerful small arms fire in the first place. Machine guns (and Gatlings in extension) should instead receive a large combat bonus :c5strength: against gunpowder units that made them the deadly weapons they were in the Great War. This would also remove the "malus" from upgrading to Bazookas.
Covering Fire I does get -50% against Armor units. Bazooka instead gets +50% against Armor, and only -5% suppressive power.

I'm increasing Bazooka range to 3 and CS to 60/80 in my personal mod, as well as bumping Infantry to 62 (Guerilla to 64, Ski Infantry to 65 if a CS somehow gives that) and Mech Infantry to 80.
Personally I find air units rather strong. The range is insane and the AI doesn't play so well against air (understandably). I might be biased though because I usually have tech lead at that point, so I don't have much experience when the AI has anti-air or their own air.
I agree with the anti-AA sentiment. I'd agree to reducing the range of AA guns to 2 (and keeping SAMs at 3) and decreasing their AA damage. I'd also reduce their ability to defend against land attack a bit. You should be able to take them out easily if you manage to break the enemy lines. Now it's more like you are fighting a weaker version of melee.
Modern Era.
- Rifleman. Good unit to create a protective wall for your ranged units in position warfare. Has it's niche and quite good at it.
- Landship. Another good unit to flank enemy defense lines to find soft spots with vulnerable units and tiles with strategic importance.
- Machine Gun. Solid unit for position warfare used to thin enemy Riflemen numbers, so your Landships can find an opening.
- Light Tank. I think it's a bit too expensive for what it does. A nice unit to soften enemy lines on open terrain, but the cost of 1200 hammers is not justified IMO.
- Artillery. A decently balanced unit with its ups and downs. However when amassed might become a problem.
- AA Gun. And this unit in my opinion is closely tied with a problem Artilley might create. Because of it's great interception range and quite strong melee attributes you can cover big area with only few AA Guns. Their range prevents aircraft to pick off lonely Artillery and other units and their CS is decent enough to survive a hit or two from flanking Landships. It would have been nice for them to have a penalty against land units (like Siege Inaccuracy or Naval Target Penalty). Also interception range reduction from 3 to 2.
- At the same time Bombers and Triplanes could benefit from increased range (say from 6 to 7). This way Bombers will be more capable to avoid AA Guns to pick off side or separate units and Triplanes to be considered as worthy interception alternative to AA guns. Plus city aircraft capacity could be increased from 2 to 3.

- Paratrooper. A solid unit for what it does. I was thinking about increasing it's effectiveness behind enemy lines. Is it possible to create new unit category? Let's call it Support Units and it will include AA land units and Artillery units. And give paratrooper line bonus against them?
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AIs don't handle switching strategics well, so the Cruiser (Iron) -> Battleship (Oil) upgrade is going to confuse them.
AIs don't handle switching strategics well, so the Cruiser (Iron) -> Battleship (Oil) upgrade is going to confuse them.

further I think it’s makes battleships even weaker. You already have a number of things competing for your oil, and generally iron is more I think keeping the battleship on iron is fine
**AA Guns - I actually think the unit is a bit too good at its job for this era, another reason I never build triplanes. AA Flak historically was effective but still difficult to apply to aircraft, and AA guns create a nigh invincible shield in their area.... as well as being extremely durable and hard to kill. I would consider removing their interception II promotion....they should be good at interception but not so automatic. Or considering lowering their range to 2 instead of 3

I agree with the anti-AA sentiment. I'd agree to reducing the range of AA guns to 2 (and keeping SAMs at 3) and decreasing their AA damage. I'd also reduce their ability to defend against land attack a bit. You should be able to take them out easily if you manage to break the enemy lines. Now it's more like you are fighting a weaker version of melee.

I agree. The interception range of 3 is just too much, maybe even for Mobile SAMs. Also, I think they should be as fragile to melee units as siege units are to either bomber units or melee units. An AA Gun has 45 CS, while a Rifleman has 50 CS and a Paratrooper has 42 CS. A Mobile SAM has 60 CS, just like an Infantry. Of course infantry line units are much more durable with promotions, but the AA units can hold their ground just fine against them, which is a bit off.
Late game, battleships should be obsoleted by carriers. /shrug

Are battleships bad before missile cruisers?
So an interesting idea would be to give the battleship a promotion at rocketry or something to give it a cs boost (I believe the Viking UU has a precedent for that).

the boost should not be enough to make the battleship truly “good”, but just a bit more competitive later in the game.

I think the units are still pretty good when they come out, it makes a huge difference being able to dominate coastline a tile inward.
Are battleships bad before missile cruisers?

No I think they are great unit for a time. They dominate coastline, especially since I usually have a good amount of logistics promotions by then.

honestly they still have a place against missile cruisers. They don’t do great damage but they are better than bombers imo, especially with logistics or splash damage promotions. This does depend on terrain and your need. If your playing more defensive using choke point terrain than battleships will do well against missile cruisers. If your going offensive in open water they are not as useful.

Now they will get tore up by subs if your not careful. I would say they only truly become obsolete by stealth bombers, as s bombers on carriers are a real counter to missile cruisers and to coastlines. I mean I would still use them if I have them but I would not replace them if they died
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