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Modmakers Tutorial: Add new units, improvements, wonders, technologys, and Resources!

Is there a guide/thread that deals with this topic?

I keep gettin' an error message saying "missing entry in"text/PediaIcons.text": ANIMNAME_" when I try to build an added unit.. :confused:

..has it become more complicated rather than simpler with PTW as far as adding units is concerned?

No, just different :)

Open your Pediaicons.txt, and scroll down to the #Animname_ section (almost at the bottom). There you'll see pairs of entries, like


The first line tells PtW that for the unit with the Civilopedia entry name 'PRTO_Warrior', it should use the Animation found in the folder called 'Warrior'.

So if you add a new unit, you will also have to add an entry like this, and make sure that the Civilopedia Entry name corresponds to the one in the BIX file, and that there is a folder called whatever you name it, somewhere in the directory structure.

If you want to do extensive modding, I think it's probably better to go through some of the tutorials that are scattered about this place and other sites. :)
Thank U - the big Q is now: How do I avoid having the added units' icons show up on the science advisor screen? If U add a lot of units their icons completely mess up the appearence of that interface - I have tried to just give the new units the same icon (number), but it will then appear in the duplicates, or as many instances as added units, on the screen.

Any ideas...?
Excuse me, I'm a newbie, so forgive me if I'm being obtuse here, but I have been going over all this mod stuff for Civ3 for about 9 hours straight and my head is swimming. :crazyeye: I noticed someone mentioned that it's impossible to assign civ starting locations on the world map. I found something in FAQ section about assigning starting locations...


...in the "scenario questions" section. However, I could be misunderstanding you...maybe you're referring to something else, like permanent assignments? Or a specific map?
Let me know if I'm wrong, and if so, how I'm wrong. I don't mind being wrong cuz I learn faster that way :)
It's not impossible,I've done it many times.Just click overlays (if i remember correctly) and choose "new starting location" or something like that.I'm also new to all this modding stuff so if i remember incorrectly don't judge me.
WHAT COPY TOOL???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? WHERE IS IT??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? :confused: :confused
A problem...

When i enter the science advisor, it shows Ancient Era... but when i change to Medieval, it crashes...how come? i used this tutorial for modification...

plz help

Originally posted by Ralph_Jones
When i enter the science advisor, it shows Ancient Era... but when i change to Medieval, it crashes...how come? i used this tutorial for modification...

Sounds like some techs are missing references to a small and large icon. That's in the #TECH section of the Pediaicons.txt.

The easiest way to figure out which ones are causing the error, is to go into the Tech Advances section of the Civilopedia (in the game) and just go through the techs until you find ones that are missing graphics.
I guess it could actually be any icon that is missing, not necessarily just tech icons.

Are you using Civ3 or PtW?

If you use PtW, and you're not getting an error message, it could also be that one icon isn't a 256 color pcx file in the correct size - that should also show as a corrupted image in the Civilopedia, but it doesn't crash.

If you can't find the problem, is there anyway you could zip up the mod, and email it? I'll PM you my email, if you can.
Originally posted by gael
Most people do all the graphic editing in Paint shop pro 7, or Photoshop7.

It lasts thirty days as far as I know.
You can open up the .pcx files in these programs, do your editing, and they will allow you to resave the file as a .pcx.

Don't know if this was what you were looking for.

Paint Shop Pro 8 has a free demo now, and it lasts 60 days. I used it to place a lot of the resource icons in the civilopedia. But one problem I had: any icon from the resource sheet that was greater than 32 x 32 pixels, did not show up in the civilopedia. Didn't cause the game to crash or anything, but it looks odd when it says 'stone' but has a picture of coal. The stone icon in the resource sheet is pretty big. What is the best way to reduce its size so it will fit in the slot for the small icons?
hey how do you get it so the mod for government types don't crash the game. i included fundamentalism in my game and it works except i can't access my advisors. then the game crashes.
I have read the discussion on luxury resources here, and found it pretty informative, but it leaves me with 3 questions:

1. Can a city use a 9th luxury at all - meaning if the 9th lux is a prereq to building an improvement, will the city be able to build that improvement or not? I understand there is no happiness bonus on the 9th.

2. Has any of this changed with C3C?

3. What, if any, limitations are on Strategic Resources?

The Optimator mod I am working on is going to have well over 100 resources, and several different "unit trees" based on available resources. I need to know just how feasible this is, and would like to find out without putting months more work into it.

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