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Modules - Interface

Well I am going to try and explain the changes made to the GameFont in WoC. First all the WoC has added a TGA index for the religions and corporations. Now how many religions and corporations are in the game are set in the SDK at the moment but the maximum is 62 with all religions and corporations combined. But here is an example of what is needed changed in the xml for the Fashion House corporation. The areas that are highlighted in blue is what is used to tell it where in the the GameFont.tga and the GameFont_75.tga.

Ok now to show the changes on the TGA's. For religions and corporations you need to change both the GameFont.tga and the GameFont_75.tga. The areas in red are for the religions and the areas in blue are for the corporations.

As shown below you must match the iTGAIndex number to the corresponding area.

Next I want to show the resources. The area highlighted in green below is where you set the symbol in the GameFont.tga's in the xml. Nothing new there just changes in the TGA's.
Now we had to make some changes for the resources. We found problems with ATI Graphic Cards when extending the TGA to large. So the resources were rearranged

And as before the FontButtonIndex must correspond to the GameFont.tga's. The order starts with the first row and then continues to the second.

Now I am updating where in the xml changes are made to set the number of religions and corporations recognized by the game. In the Assets\res\Fonts folder is a xml called GameFont_GlobalDefines.xml. The entry is given below

<Civ4Defines xmlns="x-schema:CIV4GlobalDefinesSchema.xml">	

All you have to is change the number from 8 to 9 in the <iDefineIntVal>8</iDefineIntVal> tag to increase the area that is set in the TGA's for religions for example.
Unbelievable ! :eek:

Hm ! If I want something to go along with happiness and health, where must I put the icon ?

Johny and mrgenie have been doing some fabulous work to remove the very restrictive limitations put out by Firaxis....although that has been the point all along with the WoC :D

I will leave your question to be answered by the experts :)
Sorry, I meant where in the Gamefonts and ( more important question ) how do I manage to set the right path in xml ?

Well we didn't change anything in that area of the TGA files, so I assume it is no different than before.
Yes. It looks very good. It is corresponding with my idea :). I'm looking forward to possibility test it in my mods if it is really solving my problems. Thanks, johny smith
This is a very nice fix, but how would I actually implement without having to download the full WoC mod? What is the actual change to the SDK that makes this possible? :)
This is a very nice fix, but how would I actually implement without having to download the full WoC mod? What is the actual change to the SDK that makes this possible? :)

Well the actual change in the SDK I do not know. mrgenie did it. The WoC is modular so if you do not like some of the stuff in it you can remove the stuff out of the modules folder. So anyway you could download the file and have nothing in it even and work with it how you wish, but of course it is not completely finish yet.
Well the actual change in the SDK I do not know. mrgenie did it. The WoC is modular so if you do not like some of the stuff in it you can remove the stuff out of the modules folder. So anyway you could download the file and have nothing in it even and work with it how you wish, but of course it is not completely finish yet.

Well the fact that it is modular means it has a lot of unnecessary features (from my vantage), which normally would not be a problem but that it probably increases download size. Since I try to be a minimalist, I don't include features in my mods that aren't absolutely necessary. :)

I guess I can wait for the source code and merge it manually, but I'd still need to know what was changed specifically for this...
Well the fact that it is modular means it has a lot of unnecessary features (from my vantage), which normally would not be a problem but that it probably increases download size. Since I try to be a minimalist, I don't include features in my mods that aren't absolutely necessary. :)

I guess I can wait for the source code and merge it manually, but I'd still need to know what was changed specifically for this...

It is highly recommended to NOT merge the source code from the WoC into something else, it really isn't worth the effort as it will be much easier to merge new stuff into the WoC. The whole idea of the WoC is to merge everything together to make life more fun for the player and easier for all modders, but at the same time downloads will be amazingly small and 99% of the things can easily be turned on/off.

None of the concerns you have raised so far are relevant in the official release of v1.00....meaning what you see now or have issues with now, have already been addressed and should be of no concern for you.

We are doing this for the modder and we are adjusting what the WoC Standard is based on the modder.....so please request anything and everything and we will do our best to get it done.
I am a bit of a "freelance" modder :lol: so if that is the case I guess I will just have to deal with the old tga overload method. :D
I am a bit of a "freelance" modder :lol: so if that is the case I guess I will just have to deal with the old tga overload method. :D

I understand your point of less, but I can tell you what is being added to the SDK is not going to be a waste of space.

And I updated the "how to" above to show where in the SDK changes are made to add more religions or corporations.
Now I am updating where in the SDK changes are made to set the number of religions and corporations recognized by the game. In the CvDefinesModTools.h is two lines that only have to be changed to do this.

#define TGA_RELIGIONS												(8)
#define TGA_CORPORATIONS											(8)

All you have to is change the number from 8 to 9 to increase the area that is set in the TGA's for religions for example.

:eek: does this mean that in a mod with the standard DLL (not WoC) you cannot have more than eight religions or eight corporations?
:eek: does this mean that in a mod with the standard DLL (not WoC) you cannot have more than eight religions or eight corporations?

Of course not. That is just so we have the <tga index> tag matching the correct symbol in the gamefont files. This way the order does not matter in each xml. We need this for an example as well if we remove a religion the corporations still line up with the correct symbol without having to make a new TGA. Otherwise how it was before someone has to make a TGA for each combination of religions and corporations.
Sorry new update the resources need to be added to both now just like shown before in the Gamefont_75.tga. The civlopedia needed it is why.
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