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ModXML Editor ALPHA Release Thread

Lol. I found the problem with it not being able to save new mods created in anything besides vanilla... dumb mistake and easy to fix. Do you want me to post right away or wait until some more things are fixed or changed? (I won't be fixing much else this week since I am moving on Saturday and have lots of work to do before then). At the very least I want to make sure that stolenrays and lampuiho's problems are fixed before I post (if they still have any).
As for your first post, are you having troubles saving the new file? Or just having troubles clicking the edit button? It takes a couple of seconds when you press the edit button to populate the list of text infos checkbox (because for BtS there are probably over 10,000 text infos).
sorry for the false report. I forgot that UnitCombats are located in basicinfos.

The issue i ran into is that Combat in Unitinfos doesn't show the Unitcombats, even though I added
to the alias file. I guess there is something I am missing here.

to reproduce it,
1) load with BTS
2) open unitinfos-> UNIT_LION
3) then try to change Combat tag to different value. It won't show list of Unitcombats
I am back in school for a Master's degree and have little free time. I do however have a few moments this weekend. Since no-one has mentioned any other troubles, other than Sephi, I will post a fix for the one or two of the things I have found and have been previously mentioned except the last one. Not sure about that last one yet Sephi. I checked into it a while ago and I believe I found the problem: If I remember correctly, UnitCombat Infos weren't in a separate XML file (like invisibleinfos) before BtS. The editor has trouble spotting infos when this is the case. I will double check that when I get the time.

I wanted to get the ability to convert between editions and merge mods up and running but it looks like that will have to wait at least until next summer. I will work on it when I can in the mean time.

Meanwhile, if any more bugs are spotted, please let me know and I will address the less time intensive ones when I get a chance.
Please let me know if you guys are having any other issues with this program (other than the issue that Sephi found with infotypes that used to be non-info types before BtS expanding in the drop down list).

In particular I need to know if anyone is having issues with mods loading, files not saving or backing up properly. I want to release this in Beta if all major bugs are fixed, allowing people to download and use without worry of their XML being overwritten accidentally. That way more people can test and find harder to find issues. I also hope to have an announcement to reach more people and find out if there is enough interest to expand its capabilities (which will take time given my current state of availability... but it never hurts to plan ahead).

P.S. I will post the latest release as soon as I hear back from kiwitt about the error his mod load is giving him. I believe I have fixed his issue but I want to make sure.
I haven't updated it yet Kiwitt. I was waiting to see if you had the same issue with your mod. I will check out these errors as well.
Looking at these errors it seems that several have to do with what I just fixed (the invalid character issue). However, before I go and download all these mods for testing I need to ask you a question Kiwitt.

The editor does NOT currently support Modular loading. If any of these which do not have the "invalid character" error are using modular loading, they will not work. Is this the case? It looks like ROM is based on modular loading but I could be wrong.
Glad to help

Can not comment on the other Mods (you could PM the current modders), but the Road to War Mods do not use Modular loading.

I am planning on a complete re-write of Road to War Ultimate Edition over the next year or so, from lessons learned in Road to War Historical and 50% or more of the changes will be new XML values, so this tool will be valuable.

Not sure if you are considering a compare functionality.
When I try to load it, it gives me the following error (translated):
Fatal Error!
The type-initialisationfunction for ModXMLEditor.CivGame has caused an exception.
Details: The index is out of matrixborders
The program will now terminate.

And then it gives me an extremely useless small window filled in egal grey which I must close. Did I do something wrong?

When you load what? The editor? A specific version of the game? A mod?
Sorry... haven't been on in a while. I was in school and rather busy. I am off this semester but I now have two jobs and I am getting a third... so I may or may not have time to work on this.
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