Most Disliked Civ to Play

Jatta Pake

Sep 24, 2007
Los Angeles
Now that BNW is out, is there a civ that you dislike playing the most?

I know Firaxis is looking at overhauling Japan and Germany for the Fall Patch, but are there any civs that are just so lame you never play them?

I think Denmark is the highest on my list although I've never played them. For that reason alone, I think I will try playing Denmark in my next game.
i generally don't go for domination because it can become really tedious, so anytime i get denmark, japan, the huns, mongolia, or askia i'm none too happy
I dislike Indonesia: a situational UA and a random bag of powers UU, although the UB seems at least decent.
Am I just bad at playing the Iroquois, or do they really suck? Their UA seems very situational, Longhouse and Mohawk Warriors look weak.
I will always reroll If I get Austria, Sweden,Celts, Mongolia or Arabia. No real hate though, just do not like to play as them.

Oh yes add Indonesia also, do not even want to try to play as them.
Am I just bad at playing the Iroquois, or do they really suck? Their UA seems very situational, Longhouse and Mohawk Warriors look weak.

The Iroquois are awesome when you get one of those damned 'no-iron' starts
I don't care for playing as Siam. Not really sure why. I think because I hate them so much when they are an AI...They really vex me almost every time.

oh right...India...a civ I never play so I actually forgot about them....That wins the title then.
Siam. I'm probably played one game to completion with them and I don't remember anything about it.
man, you're missing out. The Danes are an awesome warmongering civ on any map with water on it. With their embarkment bonuses they can land, pillage, and attack in the same turn. Good times.

for me it's probably India, it's just a boring UA and I like to expand.
I still love Japan, but I like creating Citadel grindfests and watching the AI implode on my units, and they RULE the late game air and naval game, which is fabulous.

Not a big fan of the Danes, and was kind of disappointed in Carthage - as a history nerd I love the Qarthadasim but they're just... not that cool in game. Nice leaderscreen.
I never play Random civs, so I always have exactly who I want. I tend to play often as Arabia, Babylon, the Inca, China, and Polynesia.

I haven't even played as all of the G&K or BNW civs. It takes me hours to win a game of Civ V and I just don't have the time to play as everyone.
America, just like it's always been. Their "unique" ability isn't unique; while its usefulness is debatable (and I would argue that it's useless), both of its benefits are obtainable through regular play with any civ, so playing as America doesn't feel special. They feel like the blank template civ upon which traits are placed to make actual, playable civs.

Second is Denmark for being overwhelmingly boring. Competent, perhaps, but dull. As for the BNW civs, Indonesia is by far the worst.
I would say Denmark, the game has progressed a lot since they came out, and they feel terribly bland now.
I honestly don't care about Spain, on a personal level. It's not that they're bad, it's not even that part of their UA is a longshot, it's that I don't really care much about their playstyle.

Unless I do manage to find El Dorado first...
I liked Polynesia prior to BNW, but with the change to culture victories, I don't know how to play them. I've never been a fan of Spain because it seems like every time I play as them, I can't find a natural wonder to save my life.
The ones that I avoid playing are the ones that are only good at warmongering and nothing else:
Ottomans (although sometimes I get in a naval mood)

The Zulu aren't on the list at the moment because I want to get in one game with them for the achievement.

I have also, in the past, had India on my avoid list, but I am curious to see how they handle in BNW. So they are now on my to-play list.
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