The Civ5Pkg is just a standard text file. Open it in any text editor and ignore the file extension. It's very basic though, it literally just names the UI and Mods folders to look for lua files and other assets. It's possible the folder name must match the name inside Civ5Pkg, but it's never mattered to me before...I've changed the folder name plenty of times without having an effect, so I don't know what the issue is.
The file is literally the same for every modpack, it's this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Value language="en_US">MP ModsPack</Value>
<Value language="en_US">Multiplayer Modspack</Value>
<UISkin name="Expansion2Primary" set="Expansion2" platform="Common">
What precisely are you trying to change?
Tech tree mods seem to be a particular problem, though I've never quite figured out why. I'd have to investigate specifically when I get a chance...which mods?
Info Addictshould work fine though. I literally recently played a game with it.