Multiplayer Modpack


Oct 28, 2016
I am thinking of creating a modpack for multiplayer. It would have to be something that most MP players would accept, enough that the lobby would adapt to it. The problem with MP modpacks is everyone needs to get the modpack themself, as there is no mechanism to auto-transfer from the host to the clients... very inconvenient.

What do you guys think would be best for mods?

- Disable delete (I made a mod for this already)
- Nerf Scythia in some fashion?

I think it really to early to make major changes to game mechanics. we need a longer look at most. Fruity has already made a mod that reduces cutting trees by half and eliminating selling units. I do plan on designing a league mod after the full tools are out. After we know a lot more about what we want. We can certainly discuss that off line if you want. Same name on Steam here.

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