Music in Civ1 ?


Apr 5, 2001
Georgia, USA
I just bought Computer Games magazine and was happy that it contained a CD of Civ1 for Windows.

I have put it on my computer, but no music plays during the game. Music during the opening "film" plays, but no music while I play. And there are no sounds of cities being built like in Civ2.

Is it not there?

Do you have music with your Windows Civ1?

Doesn't anyone remember whether there is music in Civ1 that plays along with the game?

Not just the opening film or the "Stalin" etc.

Is it not like Civ2 in that music plays along?

Surely someone here remembers. I hope so.

Yes, indeed. There is music in the opening sequence. I remember it well. I played Civ1 recently. At least for a while I could not get it to play on the computer I am using right not. I still can't remember if I got the opening music to play, but I did get the sound effects working. I don't know/didn't know what configuration to use on music (a problem I have with many DOS-based games I play on my computer now).

Can you hear game sound effects? You might need to change the sound configuration.
I recently played Civ1 again - on a Win95 booted in Dos mode (else I cant get at the large disk) and everything works just like I remember it. No background music except to the Diplomacy, Palace, Marches and other special events.

AFAIK the music and sound effects are the same thing - in DOS. It is in Win games that music can play on the MIDI in the background while WAV files feed the effects. (Newer games even manage to merge sounds effects on the fly, but Civ 1 is ancient. Only One sound efffect or Music at a time. Civ2 has background music)
The only music I remember is the opening sequence, win game, lose game, political negotiations, civ disorder.
There isn't a normal in-game music. The only time music playes is during the opening/winning/losing sequences, the hall of fame, negotiations, and castle building. Each civ had it's own them, though, which was pretty neat for negotiated.
I should know, I played it just yesterday! :p
By the way, anyone know where I can find MIDI's of the music?
Yeah, I'm talking about the Civ soundtrack. Haven't seen it around anywhere. I'd also rather have it in MIDI than Modular format - Some of us still have junky 56k dail-up modems. :cry:
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