MY Add a Civ Tutorial

Charcoal said:

but with that screenshot you're highlighting the only(?) thing missing out of the tutoral :p

lol, I just realized I need to alter CIV4DiplomacyInfos.
TheBladeRoden said:
lol, I just realized I need to alter CIV4DiplomacyInfos.

Wow, I can't even begin to go into for how many reasons that avatar is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen.
Just wanted to thank Charcoal and Jecrell for all of this information. This really couldn't have been any easier, all thanks to you. You guys are awsome.
Thanks to Charcoal's guide, I successfully added a new civilization but ran into problems when trying to add a unique unit. I narrowed down the problem to the graphics. I'm trying to add a orc axeman as a unique unit so I do everything by the guide and then when I try it out all that shows up are red blobs where the axeman is supposed to be. When I look in the civilpedia, all that shows up is the units button. Do you know what the problem is?
I succesfully made a civilization (Wood Elves) flags, leader heads units, everything working fine, so i thought "hey! i could make some more!" so then i went on to make 2 more civs, high elves and dark elves. only problem is:
~~No flags appear in game (well the do, but they aren the correct ones, just plain red)
~~none on my city names work, they all appear as TXT_KEY_CITY_ATHEL_LOREN.... or what-ever
~~none of my civ names work: TXT_KEY_CIV_WOOD_ELVES
~~basically all text that i want to show up in game is in that format..ARRRGGGG!!!!!


other than that this tutorial is very helpful (considering ive never modded anything in my life...)
They are saying that Civ4 is the most moddable game, but it's so hard to do it!!!
Just think of Civ3, you just open up the Editor, click Edit Rules, Civilization, Add, and you simply type in the city names, leader,...

I couldn't even read the whole tutorial without getting bored.
It will take ages for me to learn how to do it!
I seem to have a problem...

Everything is up and working fine it seems, until I go to start a game! It crashes as soon as the map finishes loading. I also noticed that when picking my civilization, it said I have no unique units.

Can someone please help me fix this?
How do I make my flag 128x128?
Psychic_Llamas said:
I succesfully made a civilization (Wood Elves) flags, leader heads units, everything working fine, so i thought "hey! i could make some more!" so then i went on to make 2 more civs, high elves and dark elves. only problem is:
~~No flags appear in game (well the do, but they aren the correct ones, just plain red)
~~none on my city names work, they all appear as TXT_KEY_CITY_ATHEL_LOREN.... or what-ever
~~none of my civ names work: TXT_KEY_CIV_WOOD_ELVES
~~basically all text that i want to show up in game is in that format..ARRRGGGG!!!!!


other than that this tutorial is very helpful (considering ive never modded anything in my life...)

flags are the worst part in creating a civ (or at leatst, with your first civs).
you need to create the flag in the alpha mask zone in black and white.
if you do this, without putting anything in the main image zone, you've created a decal. if you want to create a mulitcolored one, put all of the multicolored parts in the main image.

Whoo! i finally managed to figure this all out (mostly)

Dusty: "How do I make my flag 128x128?" OOO! OOH! i can help you with this one!! Go into paint, click image, then attributes, and change the numbers both to 128, your done!

Im having a problem, where my UU dont have any names, they work but have no names...

some of my civs cause a crash to desktop when i click them, most dont. why is this??
Whenever I make a Civilization, I always seem to have trouble when it shows the name, it always comes up as TXT_KEY_LEADER or something similiar. What am I doing wrong?
I had the exact same problem, i think it was because the MyCiv text file wouldnt load or something????? so i went and copied the original "objects" file from ASSETS/TEXT in vannila civ and transfered everything (civs, leaders etc) into that. im not too sure if this is a good fix or not so maybe wait for Charcole or another experienced modder to help.
I tried your guide and it seemed to work but then when I loaded it it didn't show up?
Can you help me?
Here is the file:
I also had a problem with the GameTextInfos XML file. Needed to take a copy of one of those original XML files that came with Civ IV and then copy paste my GameTextInfos to it to get things working.
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