MY Add a Civ Tutorial

That sounds like if the leader was not assigned to a civ (civ4 will not complain when that happens).
But you said that the game crashes when you try to play with your civ, so I'm not sure how this is possible, because this means that something has to come up in the civ selection screen. Or the better question: What did you actually select as a civ when you tried to play?
I selected the civ i made. it had the leader assigned to it when i selected it. it just crashed after the loading screen.
Sure that these are the right files?
Because there's no ART_DEF_CIVILIZATION_HOUSE_BARATHEON in the ArtDefines_Civilizations.xml.

Another error:
In the ArtDefines_leaderheads.xml you have

Remove the comma at the beginning. It will lead to crashes when you click at it.
Only use a comma in front of a button if you define 2 buttons (one normal button, one in an atlas file), like in the rest of the entries.
If you define only a single button, then don't put a comma there.
Yes, that's confusing. But that's also an error which every modder encounters at the beginning :D. So congrats, you're now a novice :D.
Thanks. Its Finally Playable. I Must have forgotten to add it to artdefines_civilizations, added that and removed the comma and it all works :)
i got a pink area where my leader image should be, my image is 512 x 512 dds dx3 and alpha is white.
Okay I'm a tad confused, I can't get Derpy to say her dialogue, she normally just ends up with what Gandhi normally says since that's what I based her off of. Any help I could get with figuring out what's wrong would be appreciated.


Okay I'm a tad confused, I can't get Derpy to say her dialogue, she normally just ends up with what Gandhi normally says since that's what I based her off of. Any help I could get with figuring out what's wrong would be appreciated.

Oh I forgot to say the mod was for Beyond the Sword, that's probably an important detail
Which leader says which text (besides generic texts) is defined in the GameInfo\DiplomacyInfos.xml. So you have to edit that file to let your specific text appear (and I can't find LEADER_DERPY in that file).

Thank you for your help, it's all fixed and now I know what I did wrong for future reference!
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