My First Scenario, "Afghanistan"


Sep 7, 2001
I have noticed alot of people have been calling for an Afghanistan situation scenario. Now I know John Valdez has just realeased one and yes I've played it, but it doesn't work too well on my Civ2Classic.
That is why I'm about to create a new scenario, but first I want some people to tell me what they think about my current ideas for it:

I intend on having Seven Civ's:
The Taliban and Allies
Northern Alliance
Britain and Minor Allies
United Nations
These are the Civ's I intend on using. The minor allies will include countries like Russia etc... Just small countries or major ones which have offered millitary help. I've also given the Taliban allies to help even out their chance in the game, Iraq will be one of their allies, any others would be greatly appreciated.

As for units I'm thinking about borrowing the unit drawings from John Valdez's scenario, I'm also going to include more air units and some more tank units. If anyone can find some really nice images then please attach them! Thanks...

The map I've chosen is of Israel and that area, it will include Afghanistan obviously and that area. As for America they will have small cities in the area since the map does not include them. I would also appreciate names and locations for cities as this will help greatly!! Thanks...

I hope I've covered everything so far, if you have any questions and especially ideas then please send them!!!
Thanks very much!!

P.S. I would love to add a winter and summer rules file. Would someone be able to help me on that??
Hi Dexter!
I think it's a very good idea!
A difficult thing will be to create balance: have you in mind a scenario designed to be played only as a specific civ? Because otherwise the Minor Allies will be quite strong and, despite a partly obsolete weaponry, they will have many cities, from Kazakhstan to Saudi Arabia.
Which countries do you mean by UN?
I see what your saying. Balance will be important but to conquer that I might give the Americans some of the minor allies, tell me what you think?
Well, I rather see the Americans as a civ with few and small cities (like airbases or army camps, you see) but with loads of high-tech units. Some could pop-up when certain objectives are reached by the Talibans or the NA ("US Marines land at Mazar-e-Scharif to help the NA take the city" or something like that). It would help the American to reinforce it's troops (small cities=low production).
Only an suggestion!
Hmm, you could also give some allied countries to the Americans, but I don't know which! Israel is (should I say was?) their closest ally, but it doesn't like to be bossed around. Perhaps a central Asia CIS state, trouble is they are also very independent versus the US and their support is "bought". Hard to tell!
Just to say, Saudi Arabia could be part of USA, cause US has lots of bases in Saudi Arabia. Hey where is that other Afghanistan scenario? (Does it work on civ2 classic? ;) )
Several people talked about an Afghanistan scenario but as far as I know they are in their (very) early stages. ;)
I don't know if there is any available scenario yet.
Basically in an afghanistan scenario, it has to be understood that the main countries with interests in the region are India, Pakistan ,United States, United Kingdom and Russia (and CIS States). these have to be the main players along with Iran and other middle easter states providing support.

the countries specifically mentioned are actively involved in afghanistan's past and may be involved in it's future. India and Pakistan have to be included because of the complex nature of this scenario, here both countries via their intelligence agencies and army units have fought each other proir to and post september 11 ( Pakistan supporting and recognising Taliban, and India providing officers from its regular army to guide the Northern Alliance with active field inputs from RAW, Indian intelligence agency, along with monetary support to fight the taliban and the ISI, the pakistani intelligence agency. Secondly the russian interest in this provence is well known thus siding with india its cold war ally it provided waepons and technical expertise to combat taliban as both India nad Russia are wary of fundamentalists as a next door neighbour.

Post september 11 attacks and prior to that the embassy bombings america has had an eye on the region which grew substantially after 9-11 where britian as a NATo Partner and a faithful ally sided by the us.

so while designing the scenario there minute details have to be taken into consideration, like the CIA and the indian intelligence working in close coordination on the situation and the mistrust of the American administration of ISI's dubious motives

I hope I could provide you with some backkground info. I would be happy to help you out anyway i can.

So Best of luck designing the scenario. and when you do so send me a copy!!!

Good idea,
but wouldnt it be a bit easy to play the coalition, since they would be abil to knock out the Taliban in less then two months:)
But maybe you can reduce turn length to one week or even a couple of days, so the Coalition will have quite enough time to make its job!
hi Dexter,

Yes you are absolutely right, you cant have all the players in the actual conflict in your game as an individual civilization, coz max number is 7.

as far as the seven civilizations are concerned, i would like to make some suggestions (please bear with me ;) ), according to me these should be the principal players in the game :-

1. Taliban - Mulla Mohd. Omar, Fundamentalist Govt.
[Uncooperative, War, xx Gold ;) ] - with everybody

(why only taliban? coz if we count in allies it turns out Pakistan is there in it too, afterall they were the creators of it, so we simply call them taliban)

2. United States - George W. Bush, Democracy
[The Central Character to whom the relations of other civ's are specified here in these braces]

(Let us not ridicule this great nation as it is the major contributor in this conflict, lets give it the respect of being a separate entity, and as far as alliance is concerened, its only U.K. till now commiting its troopsto the U.S. call on fight.)

3.Northern Alliance and allies - Hamid Karzai, Anarchy
[Worshipful, Peace, xxxx Gold]

(why allies here? well the answer is India and Russia fit in here, as they were the primary and only, a belief here in India, so they are the allies of NA. As tactical and Military support was with Na by these two nation states much before U.S. and historically and technically it would be correct to club these three togather. though let us not forget that the allies are democratic states, ;) )

4.Pakistan - General Pervez Musharraf, Despotism
[Cordial, Allied, xxxx Gold]

( Dearest darling, cant miss out on that one, can we? ;), the frontline state in the conflict and an oldtime coldwar ally under pressure of various kinds, compelled to help the U.S. though reluctantly.)

5.United Kingdom and Allies - led by Tony Blair Govt., Democracy
[Worshipful, Allied, xxxx Gold]

( The Principal ally of the U.S. here and elsewhere, give it a separate entity with it alliance partners as it is possible in a scenario that the war if it does not go well , the domestic pressure may force the U.K. and allies to back out- well its a possibility, so let us not over look that possibilty there. As far as allies are concerned they could be Germany, France,etc - The members of the EU).

6.Muslim Nations - (Tricky part !)
[Enthusiastic, Allied, xxxx Gold]

(Now how the hell can we forget them ! These People will be the Allies to U.S., thereby giving U.S. the access to the key strategic military bases, without which the U.S. could face some problem, but nothing life threatning to the operation.

7.China - (Makes things a little bit interesting, eh..) - President Ziang Jemin, Communist Govt. - pardon the spelling mistake
[Neutral, Peace, xxxx Gold]

(After all lets face it, it is also an ally of pakistan and a neighbouring country in the present situation and at the same time it will give U.S. something to worry about, as in the real life situation.)

These are my suggestions for the nation states with to be there as major civilization, i could be wrong afterall i am human too ;) .

hey tell me what you think about it , and what version you are making this scenario for? I hope it can work on normal CivII and/or Multiplayer Gold Edition (MGE). thanks all the same.


ps- sending you an f- 14 tomcat image use that instead of the normal fighter please!


  • arbom009.gif
    1.2 KB · Views: 216
Originally posted by dev76
its only U.K. till now commiting its troopsto the U.S. call on fight.

Australia has 150 SAS members currently fighting in Afganistan alongside American and British special forces.

more info can be found here:

you could use this one as a taliban or northern alliance unit:


  • talibancar.gif
    1.7 KB · Views: 150
I should have added a caption to that photo :o It depicts Australian SAS troops in Afganistan
lol Case: Aussies aussie aussie!
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