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My machine may be too slow...


Aug 20, 2003
I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I've seen Civ IV's system requirements, and assuming they are true, my Windows computer will just barely meet the minimum system requirements (Windows Me, 256 MB ram, a few gigs of HD space left, 1 GHz at most...) However, I have an eMac that is significantly newer and better (80 GB hard drive, 1 GB of ram, 1.25 GHz, OS 10.3.something, etc.) Would I have better luck trying to run Civ IV on my Windows, or getting some sort of Windows emulator for my Mac and running it on that? (if the latter, which emulator?)

Sorry in advance if this should be in Computer Talk forum or something.
Emulation is always slow, because all the instructions have to be translated and that takes time. So even though your emac is faster, running windows apps will be slower than a real computer.
"slower than a real computer"

Was that a shot at Macs or was "real computer" just a label for "PC"

LOL, funny either way... :lol:
civzombie said:
"slower than a real computer"

Was that a shot at Macs or was "real computer" just a label for "PC"

LOL, funny either way... :lol:



I was referring to emulation (say with VirtualPC or GuestPC) which is always slower than using a real computer... Whether it's Mac, PC, or anything else.
You might as well try it on the windows first. Your turns may be slow but it should (hopefully) work given the current specs (depending on your graphics card).
Thanks for the advice, guys.

I didn't mention my graphics cards because I don't know what they are off-hand.


Windows: 32MB Nvidia GeForce MX with TV Out (Dell)
Mac: "ATY,RV280" (I think) with 32MB VRAM
I think your machine may be too slow...
Better start saving for an upgrade ;)
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