navigate on rivers ???

while jooyo is making a canals mod you could always just install ANM and use a fusion bomb to create a permanent canal :lol:
The biggest problem with the "navigate rivers" idea is that rivers appropriately form the edge of a square. How is detemined where a given unit would be?
Likewise, from a strategic standpoint a naval unit would a hunk in the middle of a protracted land battle. The only real significance would be in trade and that is more or less covered in-game already.
Recall that historically there have been smaller ships able to sail up and down the Rhine or Danube in Roman times, and even Napoleon used a fleet of supply boats while invading Russia, but the overall tactical significance was partial to nil. There was zero impact militarily, and economically it was simply a meager boost to add to what was already being accomplished by land units.
You will notice that over time the significance of sea-borne goods only made an impact once the European nations were able to circumvent the Arab controlled land routes to the East. That the Mediteranean served as an important trade area shouldn't be overlooked, just as the failure of a great river like the Mississippi to stimulate trade and ingenuity in Native Americans should not be overlooked either.

You are making a mountain out of a molehill, IMO. Not, hoever, that the thought hadn't crossed my mind already. As I thought it out, those were my conclusions.

Let me finish by saying that on some of the world maps you can expand the mouths of the Amazon, the St. Lawrence, etc., to add a little bit more to the developement of that idea--seaborne access more inland--just via worldbuilder. That seems to be a the best and wisest compromise beyond an arduous overhaul.
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