Need help on how to make 1 minor modding change

Lord Zambia

Jun 23, 2010

I'm a long-time civ fan (fav is civ3, i've played civ4, rev and 5) who is getting back into civ4 for the second time.

What turned me away from civ4 in the first place was the unit-to-tech ratio. IMO, technology is researched way too fast in the early game of civ4. However, i have no modding experience, and although I have poked through and tried to read/learn through dozen-page tutorials, i have not worked out how to do anything to be honest.

What I need help with is to create a scenario/mod (Some kinda game-mode that i can use with different randomly-generated maps) where the technology takes 3 times longer in the first era, 2.5 times longer in the 2nd era, 2 in the 3rd and 1.5 in all the eras following. It's not a major change - if it was civ3 I could do it in a minute, but I have absolutely no idea how I am meant to make these changes in civ4.

So can anybody help me? Either by lending some specific advice on how to make the minor change, or even by doing it (if it's a 2 minute job - i don't know how long it would take in this mod-stuff civ4 has).

Any help would be much appreciated :)

Sorry, posted in the wrong board...

Mods feel free to delete this - it's in the right one now! :)
Hi Lord Zambia,

it would be better to ask that question in the forum for Civ4.
This is the forum for Civ4: Colonization.
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