New article: Conversation with Senior Designer Anton Strenger

Oct 25, 2014
Zam posted part 1 of an interview with Anton Strenger. Enjoy!

Some interesting tidbits:

On Tall vs Wide:
In general in VI we're trying to be less tall-or-wide than we were with Civilization V balance. We want to give players more freedom to expand if they want to, while still keeping smaller-city empires viable. But I think it's less of a cookie-cutter strategy, like you need the magic number of cities in order to go for this type of victory. And it's certainly something that we're keeping a close eye on when we're balancing.

On the new movement system:
One was the exploration pace that I mentioned. The other one though, yeah, we felt that it was little bit meta-gamey to have players [do that]. You're playing the map when you do that in Civilization V but you're doing it in sort of abstract board gamey way. We want you to play the map in VI but we want you to do it in the world, with the actual terrain.

On Eurekas:
For intermediate and advanced players, I think that's gonna be really fun. You can say "oh, well I know this technology is gonna take ten turns, but I know that within four turns I can have builder over there to make an improvement to give the boost, so it's actually only gonna be five, and I can line things up just right, which will really accelerate me along that process," kind of maximize what you're getting out the boosts.

And there are lot of ways to take even more advantage of the boosts. You can trigger them through these conditions, but through Great People you can also trigger them that way. So, like, you can get Great Scientists which will give you technology boosts. A lot of the Great Scientists will give you random ones but some actually call out particular technologies that those scientists were good at historically.

Then China's unique ability, the Dynastic Cycle, is that they get 60% instead of 50% for each boost. So it's a way to, if you're really good at the boosts game, or you really want to take that to the next level, you can squeeze more out of every single boost that you get, and so a person playing China very well is gonna have a lot of advantages in that way.
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