New Civ: the Portuguese

I think the brazilian people forget that other nations, in the past,(France in Rio de Janeiro and Netherlands in the Northest of our territory), have tried to take control of this land and stablish their own colonies, but both was unsucesfull. So, if portugueses were so incompetent, how could they build and keep a colony in such as huge territory like Brazil? And I was not talking about Angola, Moçambique, Guiné Bissau, Goa, Timor and other places that portugueses visit before every other european, like Japan. How could a small country, with poor natural resources and a small population create an empire?
Zukov may be one of many brazilians unable to understand the historical process. When they say "Portugal stole our gold" they forget that all other european nations did the same, like Spain did in the rest of Latin America and I think that Bolivia, Peru, Equador, Argentina, etc, with all my respect, aren´t better places than Brazil in our days. He hates Portugal because he is unable to live with his own problems. I suggest him leave Brasil and go to live in India, that was a british colony.

Thanks JO the Great for the mod

I guess people here are having problems dealing with facts. All the civs in the game were choosen because of their undeniable power and influence in a certain moment in history. And all ther archievements were obtained sacrifiing other cultures. It's ok to be ashamed of the portuguese rule in Brazil from 1500 to 1822 (I'm a brasilian and I love history, so I know a lot about that), but it's a little bit naif to consider it a reason to deny to the portuguese the right to be a nation in the game (in fact, during the XV and XVI centuries, they were one of the most powerfull contries in Europe). Well, politicaly correct conduits like these excluded the fanactism government system from the game, and I thought that was ridiculous. Not only because you can't deny theocracy as a ruler system along history, but also because that was an option for scenario edictors to create new government systems such as the facist patch using fanactism as a reference.

The portuguese made a lot of mistakes and shaming agressions, and that's a fact. But thinking that way, there wont be any civilization left in the game. All the considered powerfull nations (from ancient China to modern USA) were, in the past, or even are, in the present, agressive in their politics and irritating defending their interests. And also they are until now making a lot of bullsheet. Thinking that way, maybe only Tibet will be left as a playable civ in further versions of the game. And, even thinking that way, only diplomatic victory will be considered as an alternative to win the game. Even cultural and scientific domination are kinds of opression. How to build of empire with that moral conflicts?

I´d love to create a brazilian or a portuguese civ, and I have a lot of ideas, but I don't know how to create it in Civ 3. If someone could explain that to me, send me an e-mail to Anyways, sorry for any mistake in my vocabulary, since I'm not a native english speaker and I wrote it quickly.


Eduardo. :goodjob: :king:
Originally posted by eduardopinho
Thinking that way, maybe only Tibet will be left as a playable civ in further versions of the game.

I do agree with all u wrote except for Tibet.

Before becoming the victim of China and a religious land, Tibet was as most geographically tough lands a source of raiders and they threatened Western China for a very long time, especially at times of weakness. So much for peaceful nations. Anyway these (if any) have either been utterly destroyed or been digested in other ones.
Barbarian raiders, I thought, do not constitute a solid civilization with an unified government and power. As you explained, maybe Tibet were the land where pillagers lived for a long period of time, until the rise of the buddism as religion and philosophy. But it can´t be considered representative of a tibetanian civilization. It would be the same mistake to consider hungarian people as agressive bandits just because somewhere in ancient times (about the 4 century BC) their region birthland were infested by hunes and it´s military ambitious leader, Athila.

But I guess its not a reason for discussion... whatever, I´m not Tibet´s deffense lawyer. ;)
Matheusmilane, Is Civ III published in Portuguese? I know some Brazillian people in USA that might be interested. Thanks in advance.
Sorry for my late answer.. I´ve been having a lot of trouble with my PC.

I don´t know exactly how to do the civs, but I think the portuguese special unit could be a caravel with an extra movement point and space for an extra unit.

For a brazilian civ, I guess it would be interesting to have a unit like the "bandeirantes" in substitution of the explorer, or an upgraded attack rifleman representing the troops in the Paraguai War commanded by Duque de Caxias and prepared for agressive attacks and survival on woods.

Another thing: portuguese might be expansionist and comercial, and brazilian might be religious and industrious. What do you think about that?
The Portuguese would be better as commercial and religious. The classical Portuguese were not very expansionistic. They were mostly just good at setting up bases for trading and preaching.
As a brazilian, I have to say onde thing about what marshal zhukov: blá, blá and blá...

We are very proud of being descendents of the portuguese people, because of them, Brazil stil has the same size as it had when was only a Colony. Diferent from the spanish colonies that broke apart. The´ve done a lot of other great things, but... forget it! I am going to download it!
Ok, sorry to bring this up from god know where but I would like to use this mod but it dowsn't work, it says there's missing file for the "magrico" Unit :(
Yeah right ,

Like we believe that this post was just a joke!

Do you thikn we're stupid?
Now you´re just fugindo com o rabo à seringa:

Just admit it yoú're xenophobic towards the portuguese ...

And we deserve to hav a civilizarion in this game because we were one of the major world powers of all times.

That's all , so thank you for the civ.


Originally posted by marshal zhukov
Portuguese civ. why ?
they were terrible colonizers. Portugual brutally colonized Brazil, took gold, sugar cane, brought in african slaves, and now they are the poorest nation in the European Union.
Portugal took everything, did not give nothing and did not allow Brazil to develop
Of all the european Imperialistic nations Portugal is the worst because not only is totally self-centered, but they behave the bad in a colony.
And what did Portugal do with all the things that they STOLE from Brazil? Nothing, they gave it all away to England as payment for all the useless things that incompetent and short-sighted portuguese monarchy bought.
Now, after centuries of sacking Brazil and Africa, those barbarians are dependent on european aid to develop and catch up with the rest of the continent.

Portugal could have at least apologized to Brazil for all the bad thing they did to us.
The above POST is supposed to be funny because it is so POLITICALLY UNCORRECT, it does not reflect the way I trully feel about Portugal. I have portuguese friends, and I get along with them fine.
MY GOD! I do not want to get into any future problems because of this.
It does not offend Portugal or the Portugue people at any point, well, except for the" Barbarian " part, that could be a bit offensive . At worst, the post is a harsh critisism of the portuguese economic policies and monarchy.
You guys totally misunderstood the point of the posting. The objective was, even though in the wrong place, to start a debate on the reasons for Brazil's underdeveloped economy and poverty. Also a debate on the reasons why Portugal was not successful in maintaining its superpower status in the late 18th and 19th century.The only one that got the message was Gugalpm, because he wrote:
"The biggest problem was the catholic church, who stopped Portugal and Spain growth... they impeded their burguesy exansion. And their burguesy, who didn't have power to invest the colonies' wealth in factories..."
If had not been for the MODERATOR, the whole thing could have passed as a laughing matter, but he spoke about feelings of ANIMOSITY, that never existed. That made the whole thing sound more serious then it really is.
Can anyone please tell me why do I get an error when trying to open my foreign advisor when playing with the portuguese?'???

Originally posted by Dextro
No, but conquests isn't out yet!
Originally posted by Pedro_II
Can anyone please tell me why do I get an error when trying to open my foreign advisor when playing with the portuguese?'???

Hey Pedro,

Why don't you just buy C3C ? It comes with the Portuguese civ , and a great scenario (conquest) about the new world(descobrimentos)?
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