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New Star Trek scenario I would like to see


Jun 14, 2001
Houston, TX
Most of the ST scenarios that I have seen are geared toward playing as the Federation. I would like to see just one, tiny, little scenario about the Romulans! But alas, since I am not a scenario creator, my power is limited to begging to the great 'scenario gods.'

"World War II. The great powers were at one another's throats. Armies clashed across rolling countryside. Air forces sowed death from above. Then, in 1942, everything changed. A new front opened in World War II-when an alien race attacked the Earth..."
-from Harry Turtledove's Colonization series

WW2 trivia:
What company originally made the Bf(Me)109?
What day did the German invasion of Poland begin
(trick ques.)
I'm afraid I don't know of any Romulan only scenarios. Star Trek BAQ is not geared towards the Romulans but neither is it geared towards playing as the Federation - if that is any consolation. Its equal opportunity for Roms, Feds or Klings. Part of the main story line involves the Romulan's sunseed weapon from Diane Duane's Rihannsu series. I released version 2.1 recently, do have a go at it if you haven't already.

[This message has been edited by kobayashi (edited June 15, 2001).]
Well, I guess someone could just make up a story. I made up a story around the war between the Borg and Species 8472, including the assimilation of the Kazon.

I know it seem hard sometimes, but uh...
remember one thing:
through every dark night,
there's a bright day after that,
so no matter how hard it get, stick ya chest out
keep ya head up and handle it.

It would so happen that I have actually considered such a scenario, but threw it away thinking no one would be interested..I guess I was wrong!

Anyway, as the story goes>>>

I have considered the Romulan episode where the "ROMULAN" Tasha Yar leads the Romulan Empire into a planned conquest of VULCAN to reunify the Romulan-Vulcan people. To do this, you would have to cross into and defeat FEDERATION planets along the NEUTRAL ZONE in order to win. I had thought to make this an objectively scored scenario and as an added factor I thought it would be fun to ally the KLINGONS with the FEDERATION to give them the ability to put up a good fight against the Romulans.

Well, I'm waiting for feed back on this one...it will actually take some doing, since I have not seen this particular TNG episode in quite some time.

John Valdez
I remember that one, JV.

"Unifacation" parts one and two.

If I remember right, the Romulans killed their
own men when the plan was exsposed.

This was more a clandestine attack, as oppossed
to a stright out war.

As a baseline for a story it is possible,
but to follow the episode would be quite hard
with the civ-2 engine.

<IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/blast.gif" border=0><FONT size="4"><FONT COLOR="blue">All knowledge begins with the Phrase:</FONT c><FONT COLOR="red"> I don't know</FONT c></FONT s><IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/ninja1.gif" border=0>
<FONT COLOR="blue">Tuatha De Denann Tribe</FONT c>
...so true, AoA...

...and I think that was also one of the reasons that I threw it out...basically, you would have depart from the story-line or you would be playing a scenario with a "DestroyACivilization" command in the events...which probably wouldn't be too fun if you were the Romulans.

...but someone did say to me once that it would be nice to have a scenario about the Klingon-Federation war that never happened...such as by a change in the time-line...

Any of these ideas seems to require a significant story-line change...I ran into this same probablem trying to make a ST:TMP scenario...I simply had to make it a "What if" scenario that completely departs from the story altogether.

It's such a challenge, I may still try it...


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