NEW SW UNIT: SuperStarDestroyer


join the long blue line
Jun 14, 2005
At the Air Force Academy
This unit is the SuperStarDestroyer from StarWars. You can download it as an ACE file(690kb) or as a ZIP file (900kb). The downloads are at the end of the post. Included are: Death, Default, Attack, Fidget,pedia pics, 32unit pic, some text.




ACE Download
ZIP Download
Hm a little bit much of civcolour (and the textures in the middle could be a bit more detailed) but all in all a axeptable unit.
i have poser and when i try to add a civ color to a small portion it selects the whole front since it is two big rectangles.
Thanks La Dav
You're getting better and better Polyphemus. Moving to Poser has moved your units up a notch in quality.. of course all that practise helped too :)

A couple of observations:
shadow anomloy in NW facing in the fidget animation.
Fairly strong banding in the colors, might want to use a bit more anti-aliasing on the next one.
Attacks are not straight, beams go wider in the south facings.
The included enginerun.wav is not used.
text files.txt is empty
The fidget animation as the run, has the run being rather "rolley"... I struggled with my A-Wing too for the same reason. I wanted to give it move animated animations. But, in the end I went with a fairly understated run anim. You might want to consider adding something like this for your next one (and I see from your sig, you have quite a few more planned).

Keep up the good work.
i must've mixed the files in the ini file. Attached is the new zip version.ACE VERSION:

the extra enigine sound was in case one liked that sound better than th eone i chose. The text file is supposed to have the Animname but apparently i must have deleted it so just disregard that file.


how do i get rid of that shadow problem? do i just have to edit the pcx storyboard?
polyphemus said:
how do i get rid of that shadow problem? do i just have to edit the pcx storyboard?
That would be the fastest way. The frame size is HUGE. So re-rendering it would be a major problem. (large renders = slow renders)
One question on the size. Is there going to be a Death Star or anything larger then the SSD? Because this unit is the maximum size allowed in the game.
i asked odin, and he said it's the right size. That being the case, the death star would probably occupy the entire frame.
polyphemus said:
i asked odin, and he said it's the right size. That being the case, the death star would probably occupy the entire frame.
It is possible, but it would make animating it difficult, especially the attacks and deaths. Both of which really need to go out away from the base model.
Well, this is awesome! Three SW units in the same day! The attack turned out good, too! BTW, the size is perfect for the SW mod, but others may find it hard to use. For now, it's perfect, :D
It really is an imposing, monster of a starship just the way the Stardestroyer is in the films. Brilliant. :goodjob:
hmm I think it's a starwars/civ3 problem. In SW you have hundreds of small figthers flying between big battleships like the SSD and these battleshipüs firing with a hundredthousend guns at all this smal figthers. In Civ 3 you might hav a fighter munit (something about 5 or 6 max) and one SSD
So the SSD wouldn't need it's tons of guns it' would need one big gun. sth like the deathstar... hmmm all confusing

btw a really impressing number of posts the last confromist....
i think there r some promlebs w/ this

1-it has WAY to much civ coler
2-it is 1d(ha ha ha)
3-it just sucks
I like this unit, but I agree that the civ-color is a little much.
If you wanted just small shapes to be civ-color on the front, you could stick some polygons into the grouping and just make them civ-color. I don't know if you can do this with poser, but that's how I do eyes on my creations.
Just a suggestion.
The unit is awesome!!! Although there is a lot of civ-color, I dont care!! I'm just happy that someone made a Super Star Destroyer!! Great Job!!!
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