New Terrain Movement Cost System [IMPLEMENTED]

This means it will make the most sense to ignore pathfinding for now and finish the cache first and then have that extra ability to rely on when looking into pathfinding costs.
Sure, go ahead and focus on your current task that you already started first. :thumbsup:

As long as we get the Pathfinding for "New Movement System" done before beta release I am happy.
(It does not hurry for me at the moment - I mainly wanted to know if it is feasible or not.)
Pathfinding for the "New Movement System" was implemented by @Nightinggale. :thumbsup:

Also I have implemented a small "Concept Page" for the "New Movement System".


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After some internal discussion we have agreed that the "New Movement System" will not be set as default for upcoming Release 4.0.
Reason for this decision is that this new System has too many tactical implications that AI is currently not able to consider and a Human Player could exploit.

It will still stay in the mod as "experimental alternative" that Players wanting to have a fresh new game experience can activate on their own risk.
(Meaning that we do not guarantee that AI is able to tactially use this new system. Otherwise it seems to be pretty bug free so far - but again, it is experimental.)


For Release 4.1 we will then try to fully teach AI this new system as well. :thumbsup:
But at the moment we simply prioritize a release in the near future over finishing complex new experimental systems.


In case you want to use this experimental system already:

1. Open GlobalDefinesAlt.xml with an Editor (e.g. Notepad++)
3. Recompile the DLL (Because it will only then take effect)
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We now found out that the "New Movement System" also has a bug that can cause a CTD. :sad:
So until that bug is fixed it should not be activated - it is currently not just experimental, it is also bugged.

The plan is still to fully finish this feature for Release 4.1 .:thumbsup:
(But currently we rather prioritize other todos to finish and publish Release 4.0 aka "New Hope".)


Feature is currently deactivated and should not be used.
Once we find the time we will finish it after we published current release.
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Next Update:

The bug that caused the CTD in the "New Movement System" was now fixed by @Nightinggale. :)
So the feature status changed again to "experimental". (It is not considered "bugged" anymore.)

Still we have not yet set it as "default" because we first want to fully teach it to AI.
(AI currently does not yet understand all tactical implications that come with this feature.)

But that was already explained here.
Thanks for considering an on/off option.

Personally, I wasn't sold on this idea - but it is great that the next version will have a chance for us to experiment.

Correct me if I am wrong but units can move less then 1 tile a turn. I don't like that.
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Thanks for considering an on/off option.
Since this feature is not just "ray's private modmod" anymore it had to become "optional". (i.e. deactivatable in XML)
It is a change that is "too extreme" for some players - although feedback of alpha testers was extremely positive.

It is currently not the "default Movement System" anymore as it was the last months in internal testing.
As already said, the system adds a lot of tactical aspects and even strategical aspects that we first need to teach AI.


Otherwise before you chose to "like or not like" maybe first play "Release 4.0" (aka "New Hope"). ;)
There is 2 additional years of development effort in it and it is vastly different to public "Release 3.0.1".

You can try it if you like but you can also ignore it - but the "Classic Movement System" is still the official default. :dunno:
At the moment "New Movement System" is still considered "experimental" because it is a bit too complex for AI (until AI logic is adjusted).
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Meanwhile, while testing maps and looking for bugs, I played a lot with the new movement system. I think it's a really good improvement, enhancing realism and adding more depth to find your way in an unknown and unexplored new world.

In the beginning I had to get used to it. That was mainly due to my normal approach of my scouts always ending their turn on a hill or - better yet - a mountain. Or to end your turn with any unit on as defensible terrain as possible. Somehow this is a bit of a gameplay exploit as the last move point can always take you to the roughest terrain without the burden of the movemenent cost. The new system prevents this. At the same time, you can still partially overcome this with promotions that reduce the terrain movement cost by one point. These promotions are definitely more valuable now. In addition, it gives more depth in a way that I now have to make a choice: do I go for speed (easier terrain) or defense (rougher terrain).

When starting a new game I will certainly enable the new movement system. :)
Hopefully we can find a way for the AI to use it in a smart way as well! :thumbsup:
For me the "New Movement System" is also the superior version that I will play with because it adds tactical and strategical challenge.
(Technically however we already support both and we can continue to support both alternatives - without much further effort.)

The gameplay with the "New Movement System" is actually pretty immersive and satifsying once you give it a try.

1) Players will move Units a lot more by Ship which requires them to make decisions how to use Ships most efficiently
2) Players will tend to put much more emphasize on building Roads to the vast land (e.g. to Native Villages)
3) Promotions that change Terrain Feature Movement Costs now have a lot more value than they did before
4) Climbing Mountains to get vision with your last move is not an easy exploit anymore but an actual decision
5) Player is not flooded with Exploration Points anymore like it happens on Gigantic Maps with "Classic Movement System"
6) Trading Maps with the AI now actually has a value and a meaning and is not just some cash grab from AI
7) Units with 1 Movement Point not just move through Jungle and Dense Forrests like if it was flat Plains - they struggle
8) Thus e.g. your
Missionaries and Native Traders actually reaching a Native Village feels like a real success
9) Draining Swamps or cutting down Jungles acutally is a decision to make, since they serve as protection during war
10) With your
last move you now need to decide: Do I want to continue moving faster (on Flatland) or do I want higher defense (in e.g. Forrest)

With the
"New Movement System" there are now lots of small new questions and decisions that arise that never have to be asked with "Classical Movement System".
Thus it gives the game
a lot more depth, a lot more tactical and strategical challenge, a lot more immersion ... and last but not least a lot more fun ... at least for me.

It is different, it is not as easy anymore, a lot of "exploits" do not work anymore, you will make wrong decisions sometimes, things get harder ... but it is also
more satisfying.
For me the "New Movement System" will kind of be the "default" for the future where we will try to interlock new features like e.g. "Logistics" and "Promotion Overhaul".


But again:

For now "Classical Movement System" is still "default".
We first need to teach AI some of the implications I have described above.
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We currently have a bug again in "New Movement System", related to Pathfinding. (see here)
We decided however to first focus efforts on "mandatory" stuff for Release 4.0 before we turn to other things.

Since "New Movement System" is currently considered "experimental" and "not default" anyways,
it is possible that the bug will be fixed and shipped in a "Bugfix Release 4.0.1" after we finally succeed publishing "Release 4.0".

Until further notice:
Use the "Classical Movement System" only.
We currently have a bug again in "New Movement System", related to Pathfinding. (see here)
The bug was fixed by @jooe ! :hug:

Thus the "New Movement System" may be used again if people want to give this experimental system a try - on the risk that there may be other bugs.
But as already explained we have not yet fully taught it to AI and thus the "Classical Movement System" is still considered the "default" and "safe" variant.
Since this happened internally I should better write about it to prevent it from happening again. :)


This here means the "New Movement System" is off and "Classical Movement System" is activated again.
<Define> <DefineName>USE_CLASSIC_MOVEMENT_SYSTEM</DefineName> <iDefineIntVal>1</iDefineIntVal> <bAlwaysHardcoded>1</bAlwaysHardcoded> </Define>

This here means the "New Movement System" is on.
<Define> <DefineName>USE_CLASSIC_MOVEMENT_SYSTEM</DefineName> <iDefineIntVal>0</iDefineIntVal> <bAlwaysHardcoded>1</bAlwaysHardcoded> </Define>


Meaning you always change the "iDefineIntVal" to switch.
0 --> New Movement System is active
1 --> Classical Movement System is active


NEVER EVER touch bAlwaysHardcoded - it should not be changed.
(The setting is not meant for players. Always let it stay on "1".)


And after changing it you need to compile again.
Not doing so will mess up the logic and cause bugs.
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I wanna try this new movement but its looks so complicated (install git, install git manager, download a mod to get compiller etc etc)
Is there any way to get a compilled dll without all of that? (like download file, copy existing mod folder, put this new dll+new xml to the new folder and just play)
All i want is play lastest version of this great mod with new movement system
Thank you for your work!

You can simply use the latest release but be sure to set this vallue to 0 (GlobalDefinesAlt.xml) prior to starting a new game :

You can simply use the latest release but be sure to set this vallue to 0 (GlobalDefinesAlt.xml) prior to starting a new game :
Just test it. I download last release (4.1) from github, unzip it, change
to 0
But it doesent work. What i do wrong?
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