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News: BTS SGOTM 10 Sign-up Thread - Armageddon

Yes (currently playing BOTM 20, my first)
Have you played any Civ4 GOTM games before?
Yes, but not submitted
Have you played any succession games or SGOTM before?
Yes, Silk-02, Silk03, NL-01 and SGOTM9
Do you have a group of players you want to play with?
Trash Team
If you are new to GOTM/SGOTM, which level (noble, monarch, etc.) are you comfortable playing in a solo game?
Funny that everyone answers this question, as most are not new to GOTM/SGOTM :lol:
I've never used nukes before, so this should be very interesting...

1. Have you played any Civ4 GOTM games before?

Yes, but I haven't submitted them...

2. Have you played any succession games or SGOTM before?


3. Do you have a group of players you want to play with?

Trash Team

4. If you are new to GOTM/SGOTM, which level (noble, monarch, etc.) are you comfortable playing in a solo game?

Excellent! Nukes!! :clap:
Kill'em!!! KILL'EM ALL!!!!

Erm, I mean: Yes, Yes, Team Murky WatersTM :lol:
Murky Waters
None :eek:
1. No to GOTM
2. Yes to SGOTM
3. Trash Team
4. Not new so not answering ;)
9 hours....3rd page

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Gypsy Kings
4. Emperor
Paving the ground with spies will not make them seeable, but will make the odds of intercepting the spies higher.
Maybe intercepting them in YOUR territory, but what about intercepting them out in the wilderness?

(And where are there details of how spies help find or intercept other spies? Not in the Civ'peida, is it?)

Why Stalin? Why not "Mad Harry" of the USA (only wartime use of nukes in history), Kim J. of Korea, or Ahmad of Persia?

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Gypsy Kings
4. not new

(If size becomes an issue, happy to just "officially" lurk)

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Gypsy Kings
4. Who knows. I beat a game on Immortal the other day but then lost on Settler.

Do you have to capture the city the turn you nuke it? Or can you nuke the world let the AI clean it up then capture :evil:

Also too bad we arn't using the "next war" mod...cracking like an egg, how to find that balacing point.
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