[C3C] News: COTM135 China Monarch - Pre-Game Discussion

Più Freddo

From space, earth is blue
Jan 26, 2005
Vienna, Austria
COTM135 Mao of the Chinese

You will rule as Mao over the Chinese, which in Civilization III are a Militaristic and Industrious people. You start the game with the knowledge of Warrior Code and Masonry. Your unique unit is the Rider, a faster replacement for the Knight.


The game plays on a Pangaea map with a 30% land area. There are eight carefully selected opponents. This is your starting location:


Will you wager an Archer Rush, or will you wait for Riders to emerge before subduing the world?

The normal changes to the Conquests rules apply to this game: Iron locations are fixed, and Workers instead of Settlers can be popped from Goody Huts. In addition to this, the following changes have been made to terrain causing Disease in order to limit the impact of chance on the competition:

  • Flood Plains do not cause Disease
  • Jungles and Wetland have their Disease level lowered from 50% to 25%
  • Knowledge of Sanitation cancels Disease in Jungles and Wetlands

Scope of the Game

Civilization: China
Difficulty: Monarch
Map size: Normal
Map topology: Pangaea
Rivals: Eight
Barbarians: Raging
Required victory condition: None

Submissions are due by 6 December, 2017.


After the game is released, the start file will be available here.

* * *

The GOTM series of friendly competitions is a community effort.
Please feel free to volunteer to design a game!
Send a PM to Più Freddo.
Is anyone at all interested in designing a game? The next one would be GOTM163 -- Celts Emperor Conquest , due on 15 November. It would be nice to play a game, too.
I've had a report of Leaders not being able to do any of the things a Leader is supposed to do: neither rush something nor create an Army. Please report here if you either experience the same problem or have a fully functional Leader in your game!
Stupid me had missed the rule that it needs 4 towns to build an army. :hammer2:
I've had a report of Leaders not being able to do any of the things a Leader is supposed to do: neither rush something nor create an Army.

Stupid me had missed the rule that it needs 4 towns to build an army. :hammer2:

And let me guess: you also missed that in contrast to PtW, in C3C leaders can no longer rush a wonder...? :D
I'm not THAT thoughtless... :nono:
But I never had an MGL that early I guess - less than 4 towns and no buildings to rush.
In my OCC-attempts I had no MGL so that was never a issue...
And I should have known that rushing a worker with an MGL was impossible because that'd be too much of an exploit... :rolleyes: :hammer2:
I was trying to be ironic... :rolleyes:
I had also never tried to rush any unit with an MGL, but I had assumed it was possible.
In this game I had the MGL in a town currently building a worker and I was surprised that I could not form an army nor rush the current build.
So I concluded something was wrong with MGLs in this game... :wallbash:
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