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News: WOTM 17 First Spoiler

After the pre-game talk I decided to settle north on the plains hill anyway, and I'm glad I did!

The first settlement, Orleans, was a compromise. It would control 2 gold and a clam if Memphis wasn't already leveraging Egypt's culture bonus. Oh well, one gold is better than none.

At just 2 towns it looked like further expansion would already be bad for the economy, so instead of another settler I focused on a workforce of 3 workers to hook the gold and do everything else that takes forever at marathon speed.

It was in the 2300's I think when the two towns were hooked. Researched Writing for libraries. With the production bonus it was 26 hammers/turn in Paris. Library finished in 2020 and immediately generated 2 specialists. Science was up to 27 bulbs.

1705- Priesthood. 3rd settler complete.

1645 Library Orleans. This town began work on Stonehenge with the intent of Not finishing it, but rather getting gold for the hammers. With the production bonus that is actually a good deal.

1615 Lyons, our 3rd town, founded to the west to claim horses and funtion as a canal town. And to box Shaka into all points south of there.

1405 Pottery. 1390 The Oracle in Paris, take Metal Casting.

1345 Shaka demands that we convert to Hinduism. What do we have against Hindus? Heck, their religion was founded just across the border in Memphis, why not convert?

1270 Stonhenge is completed somewhere. Orleans earns 150g, we're able to crank up science to 42 bulbs.

1195 Forge finished in Paris.

1150 Great Scientist in Paris against slightly polluted odds. Whew! Used for Academy. At this point I just left an engineer specialist up as much as possible in the hope we'd get an Engineer someday.

940 Alphabet. We know a lot of civs thanks to our wandering workboat, so what can we do? Writing and Meditation aren't known by everyone, so we traded those for Hunting and sailing, and again the next turn for Archery and Masonry. Then trade Sailing and Meditation to Ramses for Polytheism. Also revolted to Slavery right around this time. First whip: Lighthouse.

Meanwhile Orleans had a barracks and generated its first Chariot. Lyons had built a galley, we were going to pop that hut and claim that copper next. But first we had to finish chopping the Great Lighthouse in Paris, which we did in 750BC. The economy took off- all our trade routes were foreign. Reaping more than 50 bulbs a turn.

670 An AI civ I never met was destroyed! Hmmm.

650 Horseback Riding. Settler completes in Paris. Rheims claims cows, two sea resources, and copper two turns later.

I got aggressive with the whip and took Lyons down to 1 for some horsemen and swords. In 560 Ramses was just turns away from hooking Iron, and Memphis had built the Pyramids to make attacking that much more attractive. After a few more turns we did. Drawing in Shaka cost Metal Casting and Alphabet but gained us Monarchy (we got Monotheism earlier somehow). Elephantine, a town west of Paris and trying to claim Iron also, was easily captured. We captured several workers before the end of this war.

We finally collected enough of an army to capture Memphis in 420. Thebes is growing- 6 archers, 7 archers. I still wanted to try and overwhelm it.

300BC Gustav von Eiffel the Great Engineer born in Paris! The odds were about 1:4 for that, pretty lucky. I guess this means we're switching to Literature ;)

At 280BC the economy was crashing and we still hadn't captured Thebes. Revolt to Representation and Organized Religion. By 260 Thebes had acquired an incredible 14 arhcers!! We had even more units than that and thought that with our huge stack of retreating chariots and promotions we could win in a few rounds. Nope, the chariots underperformed and all died, we drew back our swords and made peace. The only upside is that we weren't paying maintenence anymore on all those chariots...

Then a focus on science. Building bulbs in various places increased our research alot. We were at 112 bulbs in 220BC I think, and then we rushed the Great Library in Paris in 170.

Meanwhile Ramses had moved most of those archers out of Thebes and into what towns he had left. Still, we waited for Construction (10AD) and some cats before going back.

Dow in 80AD, land some cats right outside of Thebes.

110AD Meet some distant but galley-reachable AI. Gift them Meditation and they become pleased with us.

We captured Thebes in 140 against 11 units. Heliopolis was ours in 190, a turndra town with Iron and forests west of Memphis.

In 230 the number of coins Ragnar would pay for Construction started to drop, so we sold for 420g.

Frederick Dowed us out of the blue during this war. Who knows why.
Anyway, Thebes came online in 220, we whipped a lighthouse there and made peace with Ramses.

Circumnavigate in 280AD. I can mention that I think- galley-reachable should include hiking-swordsman-reachable.

in 320 our hut-popping, barb-fighting, circumnavigatin' swashbuckling swordsman captures Fredricksburg, an island town wayyyy east that can control clams and iron after it grows. Hey, they declared on us remember?

370- Great Prophet born in Paris. He'll build the Hindu shrine and boost our economy greatly. 12gpt just to start, we could research over 100 bulbs at 20%.
Dow Ragnar this same turn. If our first-strike amphibious assault works we can sink the Viking navy of 2 triremes and 3 galleys in port. Lodose is on a hill, but what the heck. We lost a sword and an xbow but it worked.

Captured Nidaros in 390. We're getting Ragnar from both ends and hope to meet our armies in the middle of his bent west coast. We captured Bjorgvin south of Lodose in 410. Sigtuna on the south coast was left inexplicably unguarded (just one archer), so we captured that in 430.

Shaka learned Feudalism in 440, not good. Better him than Ragnar though.

3 citizens whip a forge in Nidaros after it comes online in 470. It'll be stable at size 7.
Haibathu in the nice central 4-floodplains location was captured in 480. Odense, a crummy west coast town, followed in 490. I thought that amounted to a convincing case that Ragnar ought to cough up Currency, but there's no reasoning with Vikings :rolleyes:

At 500 we were getting 138 bulbs at 10% science with deficit spending from our large plunder trove. Would we battle on to wrest gems too from the Vikings? Aren't we going to build the Hanging Gardens? Would we ever get Currency? Code of Laws? And what about Shaka? These questions will have to wait for the next spoiler.
going off vague memory. I did not enjoy marathon at all. I doubt I would have liked no city razing either if I made it that far...but I understand the need for different settings/flavors.

Settled in place, I think. I remember the copper was just outside my cultural radius which annoyed me and limited my ability to wage war. I warrior rushed Ramses and he helped by attacking my warrior in the forest and dieing. Took his primo city and things were looking good. My economy was slowed considerably but I was going to found a third city to mine the gold west of Thebes and slowly recover. A barb city was founded there instead...maybe 3 turns before my settler was done. Bleh. Not exactly where I wanted, but close enough. I built warriors to take it (I think 8 CR1 against 4 barb warriors).

RNG decided I was doing too well, I guess. ~23% win chance for each warrior. First two rolls were ok...lost but damaged the enemy. Next 3 warriors died without even scratching them. Ridiculous. Suicided the remaining warriors and quit the game. Out of 8 warriors, I did not kill one barb.

Without the gold, my economy and game was doomed anyway. I decided to re-roll the battle just to prove it was bad RNG rolls. Took the city as expected the 2nd time...with 2 warriors remaining...heavily damaged but alive on turn2 of the attack.

One of the main reasons I quit playing Civ a year ago: the RNG is a disproportionate factor in the early game and can make/break the entire game.

I've settled on north plain hill and the second cow was very good suprise :)
Later i met ramzes very early maybe ~ turn 10 and it has a warrior ?!?! SO I THOUGHT THAT THE AI's archers are replaced by warriors. When i found Thebes that proves right. So after the first worker i've build 4 wariors and was able to rush ramsess second city (gold and tons of food) which has only 2 wariors vs 5. When i go with the rest 3 warrior to thebes the ai just have got his 1st archer so i made peace. Later i had a try to take thebes but when i arrived there was 9-10 archers and i didn't have cats. So i left ramsess alive till 500 AD.
In the pre game i've said that i will try oracle/myds gambit i've tried but it wasn't possible at all(i could cop it instead but i didn't). So i've settled 3 more cities and i've got 5 in BC. I've take the second gold, i've manage to take "shaka's horse" and block him on the chokie point + i've got canal that way. The last city was om the copper island.

I've build lots of early wondars: oracle, ToA, GL(i've used the GE from the gambit), the colosus,the great lighthouse.GL, NE and HE in Paris made my capitol a production monster and GP farm at the same time. Supprisingly i didn't got even a single GArtist no matter that sometimes the chances were around 25%.
I've manage to make some nice tech trading with all known AIs (Even with ramses after i've attack him twice because we share Hindu). i've met Rangar and Frederick. In the game process Rangar get the tech lead and i dicided to attack him. I dont remember the dates but i've take big part of rangar empire ~ 6 cities. Thanks to ToA and the colosus my economy was in very god shape and even became better very soon. I've builded courthouses in all rangar's cities + FP which allow me to research at very high rates. ASAP i've transported my troops to shaka and made an ivasion vs him that was around 500 AD so i will stop here. At this date i was somewhere on the road to Lib. My plan was to take Nationalism as free tech and to self research gunpower for Musketeers and to draft them for the final push vs every AI left. In fact it happends that i've got Muskets before maces this game and i've totaly skip medieval warfare.
As expected I'm getting badly beaten in this game. As a newbie, Immortal is waaaayy above my normal setting. So heres the stupid question ... do I fight to my last unit / city or do I just hit resign when its obvious I'm finished? Would my score be affected either way ? Thanks in advance.
As expected I'm getting badly beaten in this game. As a newbie, Immortal is waaaayy above my normal setting. So heres the stupid question ... do I fight to my last unit / city or do I just hit resign when its obvious I'm finished? Would my score be affected either way ? Thanks in advance.

I would say it's pretty much up to your self. You will get a higher score if you resign early, since you're loosing population. This could be viewed as an exploit for a World Ranking point of view, but you won't get many points for a resign anyway, so the difference is marginal. However, playing to the bitter end for this reason is a bit overzealous. Personally I would resign the moment it is obvious that I will loose (or if I don't have time to finish a game).
Just hit 500AD... did a quick test game to flex my muscles on a culture game, I found if I could beeline to Priesthood and build the Oracle, and finish Writing on the same turn I could get a strong tech lead trading Alphabet away.

I settled 1W on the Spice (seeing the 2nd spice was too good to miss) - confused why everyone got excited about the 2nd cow to the north, it was too far away for 1 city to have both... I planned my 2nd city in that river-cross-section but Ramesses was breeding like he never even left the trailer-park and took that prime spot for Memphis. I didn't mind him doing his thing until he had small crappy cities cover all my north side and then in the narrow part where I planned to put #3 ...

I planned to play friendly, beelining Alphabet to trade, Literacy (Oracle + Great Library, tick tick... 2nd city even managed Stonehenge which was totally unexpected, in fact the civs seem to be leaving the wonders well alone so far), Drama (more trade and boom that culture) ... so I built up 2 army stacks (4-6 each, mostly swords with at least 1 of each axe, spear, archer) - 1 stack took out the 2 cities on the NW side (small and max 2 archers), other stack immediately cut of his Iron supply and took out 2 cities on that side... he took back Heliopolis on my right with sword,axe + chariot and so I decided to call it quits there, got a bit of cash from him (oddly he gave up hardly anything considering I took 3 cities) ... forgot about the no-razing (was only intending to keep 1 of those) ... so it was peaceful again about 1AD and I've just been regrouping, about to start on the courthouses (research has been at 10% for a while now!) ... not to far behind in tech because I'm going in a different direction to everyone else... currently Buddhist (started Hindi but got a better offer and now only 1 is steadfastly not Buddhist while occasionally another swings and needs some more enticing).

Games going well... still low on the power chart but when I get my Muskets I plan to do another expansion and then finally dig in and reap the benefits.
Attempt for Immortal Marathon Cow (curse you, Erkon) - ~1200AD so far, hope I will find time to finish.

That is (so far) the most noncharacteristic Immortal ever.

I settled on plains hill 1N from the start, was overjoyed with 2nd cow, and started with worker. On turn ~5 my warrior met Egyptian warrior - first surprise, as it should've been archer. 2nd surprise was equal score, while AI should have free techs on Immortal, most imporatnt - Archery. Power graph also showed no advantage in units or techs for AI. Finally, warrior managed to have a glance at Thebes before the border expansion to see 1 warrior. Then my plans changed dramatically - from peaceful development to warrior rush. That decision was reinforced by eyeing an excellent spot west of Thebes which was setted later by Ramesses. The strat was attacking Thebes after settler leaves with escort - and it worked 100%. 5 warriors killed 1 residing warrior (lost 3, I believe), and then the regrouped survivors and arriving reinforcements killed 2 warriors in 2nd city. I went to ~50% of research due to upkeep costs, though, which remained critical until gold mine and then Fishing and Pottery.
I built one more city - Orleans south of Memphis to grab seafood and 2nd gold. That is the last city I've built so far.
The enxt civ I contacted was Fred (scout across Thebes) and then Ragnar (same way). Only then my scouting warrior spotted Shaka - who had the same starting situation as Ramesses, accroding to the graphs.
I went via Writing to Alph which turned out to be not that beneficial as Ragnar was unwilling to trade even at Pleased, and Shaka didn't know a soul for very long and ths considered himself monopolist. I contacted the other two via Fred's border expansion by my workboat, though, so this helped a bit.
Then I made a late freeshot on Oracle, but lost 8 turns to the "walrus", which is like nothing at Marathon. Built GLib and NEpic in Thebes the GPF city, Pyrs, Heroepic and HG in Paris - the only producing city. Born 4 GS so far, built Academy in Memphis and settled 2 there.
After Literature I went the classic path of GS-Paper-Edu (spent 1 GS for lightbulbing) - Nationalism - Liber (MilTrad) - Gunpowder, but that goes a bit beyond 500AD.
After I put together my cash balance - especially helped by Currency and brokering techs for cash, being the only civ knowing all the others - I started the preparations to war against Zulu. That was done when my scouting warrior saw Ulundi borders expand and capture tundra copper - as I didn't have IW then and thus had no metals, I had no desire to face Impi with my chariots. Therefore warrior attacked and captured the minebuilder, and Paris started churning at full capacity, spewing out chariots at full speed; that was my first pure-charot rush after building Heroepic, but these units are very cost-efficient against enemy with no spears. So I captured Nobamba at 2 seafood, hill rice and horses (none of which was in the 1st radius - poor non-creative Shaka), then the Judaism holy city on 2 jungle sugars and stone, then western floodplains city, followed by new southern city 2E from copper amidst the beavers. This was the moment I got the valuable lesson on killing settlers in no-raze games, as Shaka settled a city 1W from copper in a horsehockey place, which would've messed with my control of copper and silver - so had to capture too with Ulundi at the final stage. All the war was done with chariots and a single late sword.
At this point the upkeep was giving me zero return at 10% science, so I took a break to improve my financials and prepare for Viking invasion as Ragnar had good lands, resources I didn't have (gems and incense) and was close. But that's mostly beyond this spoiler.
Lexad, go for it!!! It would not feel right for me if I accidentally won the domination award with my mediocre finish date, and you not completing the game due to lack of time. And I'm sure it's more important to win the Eptathlete Award than the Gold Laurel in the SGOTM, and you don't want to miss both, do you? :mwaha::evil::satan::pat:;)
We are in no hurry for SGOTM :)
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