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News: WOTM17 Saves Available


Prodigal Staffer
GOTM Staff
Dec 16, 2005

WOTM17: France

Game Details:

Game settings:
Civilization: France (Leader: Louis XIV; Traits: Industrious, Creative)
Rivals: 6 AIs
Difficulty: Immortal
Map: Ice Age
Mapsize: Standard
Starting Era: Ancient
Speed: Marathon
Options: No City Razing
Victory Conditions: all enabled

Louis XIV:
Louis XIV is Industrious and Creative; starting with agriculture and wheel. Industrious gives you +50% production for wonders and double production speed for forge. Creative gives you +2 :culture: per city and double production speed for theatre, colisseum, and library.

Unique unit: Musketeer(replaces Musketman)
The musketeer has the same strength, 9, as a musketman, and costs the same amount of hammers to build, 80. However, it gets 2 movement points compared to the 1 movement most melee/gunpowder units get, making it a worthwhile pillager/fast attacker in the late stages of the Renaissance.

Unique building: Salon(replaces Observatory)
The Salon won't help you warfaring types, but it gives a nice benefit for more peaceful victories. The Salon replaces the Observatory and gives the same +25% science boost that the Observatory does, but also gives you a free artist specialist in that city.

Starting screenshot
This is the start of the game (click for a bigger image):

Adventurer Class bonuses:
  1. Gifted Sages: Your people have learned knowledge of Fishing from a passing shaman.
  2. Born Sailors: You've built a workboat(located 1S of the settler).

Challenger Class Equalizers:
  1. Amnesia: Your people are suffering from amnesia and have lost all knowledge of technology.
  2. Total Amnesia: Not only have you lost all knowledge of technology, but your warrior has wandered off, having forgotten his identity.

To Enter the Competition:

This competition will open on 22 March 2008. From that date, you'll be able to get the starting saves at here. Use the same URL to submit your completed entry, which you must do by 22 May 2008.

Civ version

This game MUST be played in Warlords (NOT Beyond the Sword or vanilla Civ), patched to version 2.13, as modified by BtS version 3.13, and with the HOF mod version 2.13.002 installed. You can download the HOF mod here. Any Windows players who have not installed BtS will need to update the relevant DLL files in order to match the Locked Assets checks. These are available here

If playing on a Mac, you must be patched to the Warlords 2.08 patch, not the new 2.13 patch. A link will be posted for it in the saves available thread and from the download website.

While playing...

Remember - for your entry to be accepted, it MUST be your first attempt to play this game, and you MUST NOT replay any turns. If you make a mistake while playing, you have to live with it, learn from it, and carry on the game without replaying.

Finally, if you have any problems while playing this game(crashes, etc) please notify either AlanH or myself via pm.
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