Nightinggale's Help Center and ModComp factory

well i opened sf account, but watching the videos, im still not sure of what i need to do -

is this what i need to do?

1. open a new project
2. use smart git to commit my mod into it
3. use the fork clone to put it in your master project nightinggale mods?
1. open a new project
2. use smart git to commit my mod into it
3. use the fork clone to put it in your master project nightinggale mods?
Wrong order. You have to do it in the order I wrote.

  1. Fork using SF web interface
  2. SmarGit: clone existing project and use the URL from your fork
  3. wat for the cloned repository to complete
  4. in explorer, copy your modded files into the new repository
  5. SmartGit: add the graphic files
  6. commit
  7. push (slow the first time)
  8. publish URL for your project for others to look at it
The push will take a while since it includes uploading all your graphics.
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