

Nov 26, 2016
I got niter unlocked a long way back but there is not one single niter on the whole island and not one of the Civ has any to trade for. The only one I have found is a long way away across the ocean.

At turn 300, I am leading in Science and Domination and over 80 points ahead of 2nd place.

At this point in the game, how important is it that I get this assuming the other Civ will not get it either?
Another question - have been getting popups about different Civ going to war with each other but none are bothering me. I have a ton of gold and even more faith - should I continue to get new military units?

Also, I just had one of my lighthouses destroyed by a Civ - I am not at war with anyone and did not get a declaration of war from them. I destroyed their ship and still nothing about a war. Should I go after them or forget it for now?
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What victory are you going for? If science and no one is bothering you and you feel you have adequate defense...don't waste the time. Military is expensive and won't help you win science. Focus on what helps you win.

No idea about your lighthouse getting destroyed...did a spy do it or something?
Yes, the ship was a barbarian. Find the camp and get rid of it. A privateer or submarine can pillage it, that's the easiest way to get rid of them on the coast, unless it's on your same landmass. Otherwise it will keep spamming boats and just be annoying indefinitely.
Nope - it was Brazil. Looked them up and they are at war with me but if I got a declaration of war I missed it.

They asked for peace and I accepted - got some goodies out of it. :)

Ref what I am going for, have not a clue. 3rd game - never played Civ before - and I first build troops for protection and then go from there. Am number 1 in both Science and domination and over 100 pts above the #2 Civ.
Nope - it was Brazil. Looked them up and they are at war with me but if I got a declaration of war I missed it.

They asked for peace and I accepted - got some goodies out of it. :)

Ref what I am going for, have not a clue. 3rd game - never played Civ before - and I first build troops for protection and then go from there. Am number 1 in both Science and domination and over 100 pts above the #2 Civ.

I think this basically sums up war with the AI at the moment :p
Victoria, as for just enjoying the game, after I beat back the opening game barbarians - as this has happened in all 3 of my games I assume this is normal - have settled or won several cities and the game settles into just clicking on every troop unit time after time after time because I have them where I want them, I am finding the game a little boring.

At present, I am just over turn 300, number 1 in 2 out of 4 areas and number 3 in another, leading by over 100 points. Unless someone attacks me or I attack them all I see for almost 200 turns is click, click, click, click . . .

And I just don't get this religion thing. The fact that a Civ and convert all your cities and nothing happens and that you have no way to prevent this from happening except to start the game playing religion - this whole religion thing just doesn't make sense to me.

At the least, one should have a way to get your cities back after all of them have been converted but as I understand it, if you build/buy missionaries/others in a converted city they are of the religion of that city - how do you convert with the city and the missionary being the same?
Aaah, turn 300. It is rare I play that long nowadays.

How about make your own victory condition?

Last game I tasked myself with getting 3 cities of 10+ population on every continent. Its not hard but changes the way you play. It makes you think, will my curent strategy work.

You either play with a religion or hope the AI civs never beat each other up enough. Seems to work for me, I just completely ignore unless playing religion. Others will declare war or create human walls... I just think that in reality if you were not a religious nation, you would not.
What I do is see who is beating me at what, and make sure to build things to counter them.

Take Religion for example. I'll create a few Holy Sites and buildings and generate some Apostles to kill all the Missionaries sent my way. They heal when at, or next to, a Holy Site too.

In my latest game, someone else was zooming away with Culture. So I created some Theatre districts, got buildings and stuff, and always made sure they never got even half way to victory.
Well, right after I posted the above Tokto attacked me - must have been reading my posts. :) And two city states came with them. Have taken one city state and about to take the other and then Tokyo.

Hasn't been boring. :)

And there was no war declared by any of them. If I have to declare war, why do the AI not?
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