[NO BUG] Bought Harbour doesn't work.

Caesar of Rome

Jul 26, 2003
My understanding is that a Harbour allows trade with capital (Triangular symbol with rings at corners.) Attached picture shows harbour for city but no trade link.

Edit: I am wrong about this. The trade link was subsequently anounced later when I came back to the game. I think that my mistake was being wrong about whether or not turn had ended. As my game has become more complicated I am endlessly being pointed to some movement that hasn't taken place having pressed end of turn. This can happen more than once as units suddenly can't move onto tiles that you had targeted or have a part movement left.
In CivIV you had to wait the turn when something was rushed. I saw the Harbour in the built list but it wasn't working.


If that's the same turn as you bought it, the trade link won't show up until the next turn.

If not, the attached image doesn't give enough information to be able to tell if it should be working- is there a harbor in the capital or in a city that has a trade connection to the capital? And if so, is there a water connection between the two harbors? These are required.

If you've fulfilled all those requirements and still don't have a connection, I don't know why it doesn't work, and I am actually waiting to get home from work myself to post an example of a harbor that does satisfy all those requirements and isn't granted a trade route so I can see if anyone can figure out why, so it may turn out to be the same issue (if any), for all I know.
My own experience, doing this ONE time, is that having the harbor in the capital was useless. It's not until I built the harbor in one city connected by road to the capital, that my cities on the other landmass with harbors were suddenly connected to the trade system.

As far as I remember, anyway, as I said I only did it once.
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