No dogpiling for Altar?

Lucius Sulla

Gens Cornelia
May 19, 2004
Gandia, home of the Borgia
Hi... I have been noticed something strange as I am trying to check the different victory types & civs to win all trophies available.

My last two games were focused to Tower victory (Amurites) andAltar Victory (Elohim). Version is 0.23c, Noble difficulty (usually play on Prince or Monarch when playing my favourite civs, playing this one since I was wanting to try every single civ & victory type), Fractal Normal-sized Marathon-timed 6 civs (when playing my favoured civs, I play Fractal Huge-sized Marathon-timed 18 civs).

I did notice, playing with a Order religion Amurites that even my best allies the Elohim (maxed relations, or they looked like that) turned my back on me and declared war when I began building the tower (the ones with protection pacts took one turn to break the pact, and the next to declare war). Of course, the war took around 6 turns before I completed the tower, since I had saved a lot of money and a great engineer just to be able to complete it soon enough. Right now I can't remember well the other 5 civs... er... that is, 3 civs, since I had eliminated 2 already (ljosafar at the beggining, octopus Kuriotates at the endgame), I think 2 of them were converted to the order (but the Elohim where not so pleased I was using death and entropy nodes, and the Sidar were not so pleased to see me using death mana, still both being to maximum relations, thanks to protecting the world thanks to vanquishing the veil completely from the face of the earth and having the patriarch and the Svartlfar where evil/leaves)

Then, when playing a Ruins of Kilmorph Elohim... I started to build de final version of the Altar of the Luonnatar... all my armies readied for the invasion and...

... nothing. Nobody has declared war on me! My relations with my correligionaire the Lanun were tense or mildly good at best (despite my civ advantages... that is, protecting the world thanks to sacrificing Corlindale and spam the Harrowing of the Elohim to keep the AC down to 0 all the time) since I always denied them tech, certainly not maximized. The Amurites also followed Runes and we kept maximized good relations. And then, the 3 civs in the other continent do not follow the Runes (Octopus for the Balseraph, Order for Luchuirp, Leaves for neutral Ljosafar).

Not even the Balseraph declared war on me! Even when she was not furious at me, she was not neutral, either... And the Lanun were just neutral despite our joint religion (and me having the patriarch).

Now... which part was weird in all this?

I mean is the altar supposed to not arise alarm at all despite being a victory? Or is the tower supposed to arise SO much alarm that even my allies will backstab me immediately?

Oh, to add confusion, when I was playing the Amurites I was an all powerful behemoth, having double size and several times the military to the second civ in line... and when I was playing the Elohim I was playing a builder-isolationist type and the Lanun were certainly bigger and more powerful size army wise than I was (of course, if they had tried to attack, my 3 inquisitors/paladins/priests/archmages + quite some monks produced with the Altar city would have managed to hold everything at bay).
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