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No Fighting


Oct 29, 2005
Is this normal or am I just having a naff game. Iam playing on Noble level, its 1605AD and the only conflicts that have taken place were two attacks by lions and two barbarian raids. There is no evidence of any AI wars or any AI diplomacy beyond open border treaties. After initial contact I have been approached once by each AI asking for a tech which I didnt give them. The only civilization on my continent has been happy to let me cut them off from virtually all the resources and 70% of the continents land mass. The only intelligent thing I have seen it do is plant a colony in an unused square at the far end of the continent.
I've heard the AI is more aggressive on higher difficulty levels, so if you're playing on one of the easier difficulties, that may explain it.
Well in my book there is aggressive and there is totally passive. This is the later. It reminds me of CTP2 when it first came out the AI never ever attacked anyone I hope this is not a feature of the so called easier levels because I never play CIV above the middle level.
I have a Noble level game going with pretty much the same experience as the OP. There was an early conflict between two Civs on another continent, but no wars since. I started culture bombing my neighbor on my continent and took away two of his cities, along with some nice resources. In diplomacy, I've been pretty rude with him as well. He's started patrolling the borders with war elephants, but no agression yet. I have maintained the weakest military in number of units intentionally to see if anyone would try to take advantage. Maybe they are all scared of my Praetorians. :D
Turn the difficulty up, or check the Agressive AI box in the game menu.

Greek HATES me. :(
Out of my 4 noble games so far, I have had war declared on me in three of them, and complete peace in the other. I think the game where I had peace was due to my just absolute dominance. The AI might be good enough to know better than to fight loseing battles. If you concentrate on culture from the begining you may never fight. One time, I was whiped off the face of the map. The map was crowded and I neglated my military too much. I really think it's just about the AI being smart. If you are ahead and you want a war go declare it yourself.
It occassioanlly happens, but some games (even on Noble) you will be attacked from all sides.
I've played two complete games on Noble...one was complete peace (like others have said, though, I was dominant culturally and technologically by the medieval era) and the other had multiple conflicts between the AI civs and between me and the AI. I don't think it's a bug, I think the AI is just better at not fighting an obviously superior opponent.
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