no turn display in RFC


Sep 19, 2007
Does anyone know why I don't see any display of turns or years in RFC for BTS. That way I can't see if i'm going to meet de victorygoals. is this an error or can you turn it on somewhere? I tried the babylonians, the Aztec and the Monols. I did read something about researching the calender, but at least one must be able to see the turns?:crazyeye:
That's intended, you don't get to see the turn number (or exact year) until you research calendar.

In previous versions of RFC, when you saved your game, the turn number got written to the name of your save. This was a rather easy way to circumvent that limitation. I don't think whether this is still possible.
From what I remember, the turn is displayed, but not the date until you research Calendar.
That's intended, you don't get to see the turn number (or exact year) until you research calendar.

In previous versions of RFC, when you saved your game, the turn number got written to the name of your save. This was a rather easy way to circumvent that limitation. I don't think whether this is still possible.

It's still possible.
I absolutely hated this feature. You really think ancient civilizations didn't have calendars? Sure, maybe they weren't quite accurate, but they were useful for tracking the seasons nonetheless.
Civilizations could keep track of time before they researched "calendar." It just wasn't necessarily in step with the seasons. If you're going to take that line of reasoning then "calendar" should be a default tech, or should come much earlier. It's practically a Medieval tech as it stands.
There is an option 'show clock' somewhere in the graphic settings which should give the local time and the turn counter (even before Calendar, I believe).
I'm playing my first matches on RFC BTW and was also wondering why date didn't appear... thanks for confirming what I suspected... reseaching calendar... hehehe good on you Rhye :goodjob:
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