Nobles’ club XXXIX : Asoka


@Groo and mjg:

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Thanks :) It was really a combo of having horsies in bfc and no real worker techs. I went BW first while building warriros to rush Augie--getting an xtra from a hut helped that go pretty fast. Then for ramses it was prechopping forests by the ton so by time ah was finish it was whip the barracks done then fast worker steps on pre chopped foresst and chops same turn and chariot pops out. That gave me six and ram still just had warriors so I had enuff to try for Kubie.

Noooo way that would have worked on Monarch since everybody would have had archers so warrior rush wouldnt even have gotten started. And if Ram or augie had been more worried bout building units and expanding then it wouldnt have worked either. For each of them I made enuff units to overwhelm ONE city so if either had just gotten second city done it wouldnt have worked out as nice.

Even Kubie helped out by founding a religion and building stonehenge that means the lil idiot teched mysticism then spent hammers on henge while teching either poly or med or something instead of expanding.

So on prince I can pull it off if I get lucky--on monarch I would have gotten MUNCHED hehe.

Hello ladies and gents. I would like advice throughout my game and as such would like to place screenies....... how TF do i do that with the great windows vista?
Monarch epic to 1896 A.D. Space Win :)

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Took steel from Lib as planned

After that, I went muskets + cannons against Ram. He didn't put up much of a fight. Along the way got free GM from Economics, which I saved for Sid's Sushi.

Memphis, which had The Oracle:

Thebes, which had EVERYTHING. It was a helluva price, a dozen wonders and two shrines. Later it had mining and sushi HQ in it as well. Of course it was my Wall Street city.

Look at all those wonders I have now!

After I finish him off, Mao is an idiot and declares on me with Maces + trebs. I see his fleet and beg 1 gold. He land his units... :confused: and declares. His units are pushed back to a strip of land where my egyptian war veterans are :lol: I load up a fleet of galleons with rifles + cannons and take beijing and shanghai. Then he caps...

After that I could have easily won domination, but I felt like going for Space cause I hadn't for a while. Basically, I peacefully teched out the tech tree, and built the spaceship very quickly. Mining inc + Sid's sushi is really powerful. I took some wonders like Broadway, Pentagon, Internet, TGD, and Hollywood along the way.

18 turns later.... (didn't built 1 engine b/c i would've lost time)

YAY! My earliest ever space win.




Which all adds up to:

A respectable score, but a nice one considering it was space. Great game for me, but I got a little lazy and my score could've have been a lot better if I micro'd workers better. Nevertheless, a win is a win! :goodjob:

Thanks for hosting Groo!

Immortal / NSC
1090 AD --> EndGame

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I continued to blast Egypt, and then to my surprise, he didn’t want to vassal. What an idiot. So I had no choice but to take another city I didn’t want to, and only THEN does he want to vassal, well, but by that time, I figured this is stupid I might as well grab 2 more to make the taking of the former worth it. So in the end, I left Egypt much more crippled, and really no way to break off from me.

Like I said… he was an IDIOT.

Then I DoW on the Romans. I looked inside their city through espionage and I couldn’t believe how mis-managed it ran everything. No wonder the Ais need all the bonuses they can get. Whoever programmed this POS should be shot, lol. Without a doubt, I’ve seen the worst run cities you could imagine. AI runs the most useless specs starving its city down, while having super rich food and hammer Tiles. It even does this while building wonders for christ sakes. Unbelievable!

After the Romans were wiped out for their sheer stupidity, I doubled back and Dow on KK. Blasted him off and screwed up things for a few hundreds years because I did a misclick. I thought he was vassaling to me, but in reality the stupid KK was just giving me 1 city for peace. He only had 1 city left, why wouldn’t he vassal? I don’t get this dumb AI. They vassal to each other no matter what their size is, but as soon as it’s a Human wanting a vassal then it’s a big no-no. Idiots.

I then DoW on the idiot again, and later the Chinese, and then after that, I DoW on Japan. I could have ended this 25 turns earlier too if I had just vassaled Japs, but after waiting forever with these other idiots I decided to just prolong the game for a bit and take out the other cities for the satisfaction of doing it.

Alt + Print Screen should do it for ya!

you would think so huh? Unfortuanatly Vista has somehing called a snipping tool......mmmmmm jokes aside, i cant "snip" the screen because the option disapears once i enter Civ. Please can some one either explain what i do, or post a quick link so I can figure this tomfookery out???

Apologies fir my noobyness!!!!! :blush:
Till about 1500 CE
Noble, normal
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Obviously, I've also lost circumnavigation. I guess this teaches one an important lesson: never underestimate the power of the two early fishing boats. :) Then again, it doesn't look like navy will be important in this game.

Founded taoism, confucianism and hinduism so far. Converted to confucianism as soon as my northern neighbour, AC, converted. Toku also converted a bit later.

Built the AP, but tbh, I don't know how much it matters.

Improved wrongly: full of cottages, in the idea that I might get Democracy at some point and use this. But for now, I haven't gotten to that place.

Declared war on Egypt, captured two of their cities, Memphis, good land, and Thebes, their first capital, which came with an Oracle, a temple to Artemis and some other goodies. :D

Made peace with them for ten turns, while I kept building armies. A few turns later Mongolia attacked them, after which I attacked them again and captured Alexandria. After a few conquests, Mongolia vassaled Egypt, which was incredibly annoying as I was just about to capture another one of their cities at that point, and as they were refusing to become my vassal.

After a while, Mongolia attacked the Roman "Empire", who had captured+settled two cities near Mongolia. (Bad... bad move by the AI... very far from capital, very far from domestic help)

But at some point AC asked me to war against Mongolia, and I decided to go for it, I wanted the Egyptian city anyway, just that Mongolia was more powerful than me.

The only nervous point was when Mongolia brought a huge stack against Memphis, but I had already gotten rifle at that point, so I (barely) managed to keep the city, but they lost 7-8 of their units. :D

At some point, Toku asked that I war Ethiopia, which I decided to do, on paper. I don't think they can attack me, but I sure can't/won't do anything against them anytime soon.

I'm going for Assembly line, after which I'll tech Democracy and use infantry to hopefully win the continent. No one else has rifles, or is even close to them, so if I get the act together, I should bury Mongolia in 300 years. :)

I had gotten a bit discouraged, but I am trying to get past this. I have quit almost all games so far, for various reasons, and I should not do so anymore. This game, despite not being perfect, looks winnable, I think.

Could you please offer some opinions? :D
you would think so huh? Unfortuanatly Vista has somehing called a snipping tool......mmmmmm jokes aside, i cant "snip" the screen because the option disapears once i enter Civ. Please can some one either explain what i do, or post a quick link so I can figure this tomfookery out???

Apologies fir my noobyness!!!!! :blush:

I just press print screen on keyboard.

Spoiler :
You look set up to win from here. You've got a huge tech lead. You can either hunker down for space or use your tech lead to beat mongolia with your advanced units.

If your going war you might need to spam some rifles/trebs, your about equal in power right now so Kublai must have alot of out dated units.

I'm sure you'll be able to win this, infact it's looks to me as though your about ready to try prince, that is if your looking to advance in levels.
Spoiler :
ok so I have made a few key errors here in that I think I should have taken out Ramsses quite a while ago by way of a chariot rush.

I wanted to rex peacefully so I could claim the copper in desert, I would have been better off chariot rushing im sure as the city is very food poor and a drain on my economy

However my main aim now is to get construction and build some war elephants and take rome out and then the eygptians so that I have a nice chunk of land and some more good cities. Thats if it does not go horribly wrong and I get declared on before hand!!

1500 AD
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I'm way ahead in research. About 430 beakers a turn, running at 100%, and still making cash. I'm about to send a Great Merchant to Aksum so I can use gold to rush stuff later, and I'm building banks and universities in each city. Space is definitely the best way to go.

I'm growing another research city right now and I'm going to put the National Epic and Oxford there.
1905CE Domination win
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Thanks, Groogaroo, you moralized me :D. I was disappointed when I saw that Mongolia signed a defensive pact with Ethiopia, and at that point I wanted to quit, for the 3rd time this game, but changed my mind after reading your encouragement. :D

Got tanks at some point, started building them a lot, then wiped Mongolia off. :D AC followed my stacks with a stack of his own, trying to leach off of unfinished city captures, but he just had no chance. :D

Then, built some trannies, some battleships and attacked Ethiopia's Eastern side, took three cities there, including the capital, then took the Ethiopian city closest to the Eastern side of my starting continent. After that, Ethiopia capitulated to me :D... but much to my unpleasant surprise, I still needed some land. So all that was left was to up the culture slider to the max not-losing-money value in order to border pop all of the conquered cities with small surfaces.

Terrible score, though, to reflect rather bad play - 34k

1700 AD
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I'm still way ahead in technology. But I just learned the importance of having an actual navy on a water map when....

Grr. Tokugawa and Mao parked a fleet on my coast and dropped an army off. Due to my superior technology (Rifles vs. Samurai!), I drove them out, but I'm now completely locked in my own continent. I'll have to defend myself while I race to space. Hey, that rhymed.

1800 AD
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100 years later, the war is over. Mao was just pulled into it by Tokugawa, so he accepted peace pretty quickly. I concluded peace with Tokugawa with some minor spoils.

Now, to space!

1940 AD
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Both space and diplomatic are looking good. Space would work since I'm way ahead in tech. I also activated plan Kissup by instantly converting to Zara's religion, paying Mao to make him switch, thereby increasing my relations with everyone but Kublai, then opening borders with Japan, giving them a tech, and liberating the city I took (which was horrible anyways).

2006 AD- Space Win!
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Take that, Kublai Khan. And my score...

Ah well.

Thank you Groogaroo. It was great. I really liked the map. Unfortunately I ended up going for the typical, boring, and straightforward space victory...
you would think so huh? Unfortuanatly Vista has somehing called a snipping tool......mmmmmm jokes aside, i cant "snip" the screen because the option disapears once i enter Civ. Please can some one either explain what i do, or post a quick link so I can figure this tomfookery out???

Apologies fir my noobyness!!!!! :blush:

I have a vista as well. In game when you want to take a screenshot press PrtSc. Then, go to you civ 4 bts folder. Go to screenshots and pick them out. I recommend uploading them to a website like photobucket and pasting them from there into your post.
I have a vista as well. In game when you want to take a screenshot press PrtSc. Then, go to you civ 4 bts folder. Go to screenshots and pick them out. I recommend uploading them to a website like photobucket and pasting them from there into your post.

Thanks all - managed to get it figured out with all the helpfull comments (although had to delete origional screenshots so I think they will be empty now!!! :lol:) - these forums are great!!
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