Noob liberalism question

On Emperor I can pretty much Guarantee Communism while on Immortal it's either Steel or Chemistry.

It's hard to make guarantees! In one of the LHC games I played @ emperor a while back, liberalism went in 610 AD :eek:. Seriously, on emperor? I checked it like 5 times to make sure that really happened and that I wasn't accidentally on immortal or deity.

I wasn't. It just fluked that way!
Who got it? Mansa?

Pacal II, actually. A pretty small empire, immediately bordering (and eventually vassal to before meeting) Sury. That was a rough game for me b/c I didn't have the anti-runaway AI trick down yet. (nukes).

Note that YOU don't have to be the one launching the nukes. Just build tacs and gift them to the hapless sucker that would otherwise get steamrolled by the runaway AI, and watch diplo turn to mush for everyone else while the war stagnates.

That there is no demerit for nuke supply is one of this game's sort-of secret cheap moves.
I find that as long as you are the first to discover Philosophy everything is just "nifty" the vast majority of the time.
Didn't they take a free tech or GP out of philosophy in some patch? I have been ignoring it ever since. Liberalism, Democracy I go for.
Uh... *drools on cellphone*

Zubbus, Philosophy has never given a free technology nor a great person. It's a required tech for Liberalism.
This isn't necessarily right. You have to actually look at benefits of the tech too. If getting a Golden Age would be more useful, for example, then Nationalism makes more sense than Astronomy. Especially if you're on a Pangaea map.
Philo still allows founding of religion, so still carries some benefit to getting there 1st.

Nationalism is the most common tech taken off lib. It opens a useful wonder, as a tech it tends to trade well if they don't already have it en masse', and drafting can allow the player to attain his best foot troop with vicious speed.
I really should learn to use the draft properly. I pretty much take Nat for the Taj, and to gain access to Military Tradition.
Didn't they take a free tech or GP out of philosophy in some patch? I have been ignoring it ever since. Liberalism, Democracy I go for.

You may be thinking of Civ2, which gave a free tech for discovering Philo.

All together now...

"Monarchy>Trade>Philo>Monotheism and then terrorize the world with your Crusaders..."
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