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OCCC (One City Challenge Club) MarkII - Gandhi

@ Benginal

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I managed to get the aluminium by building a lot of late culture buildings to get Delhi to legendary, also had Sistines which helped though didn't have many other early wonders.
Space 1944
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Early tech order: Agriculture for corn, BW to chop out henge, TW to road to the stone whilst building culture from henge, Masonry, AH> IW> fishing > hunting > Archery to protect myself from shaka, although that was never necessary. Writing> Poly> Mono> Priesthood, Oracled Theology to build AP. Christianity was our 1st religion. I sent the missionary to Zara and it auto spread to shaka and mansa. KK founded cornfucianism; whoops, his bad. Let's see... I built a fast worker, warrior then henge, GW, mids, exploring warriors then ~5 archers then oracle, AP, GLib, hanging gardens... pretty much any wonder I tried for, I got. By the end of the game, I had 6 prophets, 7 engineers, 12 scientists, and an artist. Took superconductors with liberalism in 1590. Probably could have gotten even greedier. Next time, a worldbuilder save por favor. I'd like to play on a level more difficult than noble.
I considered this, but with only 20 people playing (at best)...most of the games would be at different levels/speeds...and there would be no comparison possible between games.

I was planning to do another noble game, but from the comments here I'll jump straight to prince next week. I'm thinking conquest VC...maybe Boudica and global highlands map to take advantage of the Celt early UU/UB. Once you conquer the initial continent, you still have to invade the other one across the ocean.

If anyone has a fun idea on map type / civ for a prince conquest, speak up.


I dunno, limiting playability for comparison purposes seems a bit counterproductive.

Your game, though.
That's our Shaka! I'd suggest turning off vassals in an OCC. With you restricted to one city it's harder to stop domination from the most dangerous AI.

I hadn't considered vassals being a problem on this level since you can gift techs to balance the war or bribe a civ out of it...although some agg civs are hard to bribe to peace. However, I do remember a couple of bad experiences with emp/imm games where one civ ran away with domination and there was absolutely no way to stop it.

I'll turn off vassals moving forward unless someone has a good counter argument against it.

rangerI / Ataxerxes, thanks for the posts...probably saved us from a futile game later in the series on higher difficulty.

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1960 Victory

I did something I have never done before and built every wonder in the game (except Versailles, of course). I also founded all the religions except the first two.

Naturally chasing techs like Music and Divine Right slowed me down considerably but it was still fun to do this for a change.
I guess that turning vassals off is a step forward towards having games that are totally rigged. Anyone can win an OCC where you worldbuilder yourself 3 corns, settle on a plain marble hill, have stone too, etc. Why don't you just generate a map, as close to the standard defaults as possible, and put it here?

Space win 1936.
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Took longer than it could have been because I had to divert production to tanks to prevent Shaka from being conquered. He was being dogpiled by Zara and Mansa. Then I had to build tanks for Zara because Shaka started kicking his ass too much.

I think that vassals belong to the game, OCC or not. It's part of the game to be able to prevent AIs from growing out of control. Of course there are OCC scenarios where that's simply impossible or requires tons of luck (for example one over-dominant AI in a big continent far away from you) but preventing that should be a map-picking issue.

And I also think that everybody should play these with the same difficulty (so no WB save needed) because you can't really compare two similar OCC games played with very different difficulty settings. Tech trading at higher difficulties speeds things up a lot compared to noble.

Space victory 1914ad.

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At first I went for Poly for early religion and more importantly ToA, then some worker techs and writing for early scientists and academy as soon as possible. Build order was something like worker -> ToA (partly) -> library -> ToA (complete) with a warrior or two somewhere in the middle. Built 4 or 5 warriors and never had to upgrade them, barbs were no problem and I didn't even spawnbust. Oracled CS and tried to go for quick Oxford and then to Bio (from Lib) for Nat. Park that was huge with 15 or 16 forest preserves around. I think I bulbed one GS for Edu and settled the rest, except for two great artists and few last other great people that I used for 3 golden ages at the end.

On the minus side I definitely built too many wonders just for fun, should have just built research to speed things up. On the other hand, those early/midgame wonders helped me to get to legendary and grab the aluminium but that could have been done also with fewer hand-picked wonders & cathedrals. I think I could easily get to space in 1800s if I tried again with less wonders and a few different decisions early.

Thanks for the game, waiting for the next one!
space 1965. No point in posting a screenie. It does get kinda tedious in the end
Space 1920 (launch 1910)
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Left all the forest intact to aim for a NP / mass specialist. I don't think farms tech any quicker, as a farm is +2 food feeding one specialist, while a FP is a free specialist PLUS 2 commerce PLUS an hammer

Oracle'd civil service, then got literature -> drama -> phil -> edu -> sm -> lib (bio) -> plastic -> fusion (or so...)

Wonder-wise, built mids, oracle, Glib, HangGard, UoS; I think that's it. Tried to keep as much artist/prophet pollution out.

I'm not sure that you can go much quicker. I should have gifted everyone to industrialism earlier to get alu, now that came in too late to make a difference. In any event tech was the bottleneck, with building speeds of around 2-6 turns per part.

Never fired a single round, even though I played risky by founding confu and spreading it to mansa. This caused mansa to be at war with the rest for most of the game, which kept them off my back I guess.

@Asterix: I would be very impressed with a <1900 victory date! Maybe some more early wonders would be good, I let colossus and ToA go for the pollution. Same holds for MoM and Taj, the pollution might well be worth the extra golden age turns (although golden ages are worth a lot less when you are PHI+SPI...).
Space 1931

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Sigh. So slow. This time I chopped too early and then had a lot of hammers and not enough techs at the end. Ah well.

@ cas

The Boudica map you described sounds good. I don't mind about vassals.
@ vanatteveldt:
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Your game sounds much like mine. :)

I built ToA and even Colossus later and didn't really care about merchant pollution. With repre, each GP is worth some beakers anyway and by building extra wonders I definitely got some extra GPs. Also built MoM and Taj after realizing that some golden ages would be nice at the end. I think I got 1 or 2 great artists besides the one from Music, settled one (maybe from Music) and used the rest for GAs.

I guess I'll have to give this one another go for a 1800s victory if I have time. :)
Ha ha, did I get the slowest victory then? Space in 2007.

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This was only my 4th game of Civ IV, first OCC, and first time all the way through the tech tree, so no suprise I took so long (other games were noble and prince cannon based dominations, and a retired monarch screw up with Toku vassalising to my more advanced neighbour whilst I was taking him down).

I am guessing I built way too much crap and not enough research, and that my research path was ludicrously far off optimum. Was fun though - I was so slow 4 AI had begun their ships by the time I won.

Positives: Avoided all wars until the turn before launch, when rome decided to get shirty for some reason.

Negatives: Total lack of strategic planning with regards to heading through the tech tree, forgot to leave space to build ironworks on my national wonder list.

Anyway, I guess I will be sitting the next OCCC out if its up a few levels, so thanks for this first one :)

Welcome to OCC play :)

OCC's are fun in that they focus you on setting priorities for research and building. With only one city the price for building or researching unnecessary things is a lot higher. In the end, the AI (at non-silly levels) will always overtake you in raw GNP and production, so you need to decide what the winning X is and how to get to X before the AI grows too much.

Right. I guess colossus, MoM, ToA and Taj can all be worth it depending on how useful a GA is. Late game, a GA gives you +20 raw commerce and +20 production per turn, which is quite a lot I guess. I'm tempted to replay but it does get a bit boring...
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To get up to legendary to grab the alu, did you get the SisChapel? Did you really feel that it is worth it?
@ vanatteveldt:
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Yes, I built also Sistine, but at that time I was in kind of wonder-frenzy instead of building research what I really should have been doing. At that point I had no idea about aluminium being there on the legendary ring, so it was just for kicks. And with that amount of wonders/specialists I thought that +2 great artist points per turn (base) wouldn't really hurt much. And after building Nat. Park and forest preserves I had so many engineer/scientist specialists there that the possibility to get great artist for example was quite low really.

I guess that Sistine is maybe needed to reach aluminium in time with culture, but should check my legendary date to see if there's enough room to make it without it. I could also check my save for some milestones (library, academy, CS, Oxford, Nat. Park etc.) so that there would be something to aim for in replay.
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Settled 1W and started Ag > Mining > Mason > TW, then started wonder-whoring
Oracle took CS

Liberalism to Industrialism

Kept Mansu and Khan Friendly with DPs to keep away from Shaka and Zara. Launch

End Screens

Only build 4 of 5 national wonders

Capital City



  • OCCC - Gandhi AD-1959-1turn.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Why settle 1W?

If not building globe, why not build maoi?

If relying on farms, why not beeling bio?
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Why settle 1W?
To pick up the stone in the BFC

If not building globe, why not build maoi?
Maoi wouldn't produce that much :hammers:, no water really worked, just fish.

If relying on farms, why not beeling bio?
I should have beelined bio, could have easily taken that with Lib. Will try again and finesse my gameplay strategy
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To pick up the stone in the BFC

Stone is only slightly better than a normal mine, so you trade a number of good tiles for a bunch of coast and stone, and gain a couple of turns earlier stone bonus... do you think that's worth it in retrospect?

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Stone is only slightly better than a normal mine, so you trade a number of good tiles for a bunch of coast and stone, and gain a couple of turns earlier stone bonus... do you think that's worth it in retrospect?

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Looking back, no settling in place might have been better.
Made another try at this and ended up with 1894ad space victory.

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Could have gotten it 2-3 turns earlier if I hadn't accidentally teched Physics before Medicine (after Bio) and if I had chopped more forest preserves at the end. Those wooden spaceship parts really shine!

Got legendary with Hermitage for aluminium, no Sistine this time.
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