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OCCC (One City Challenge Club) MarkII - Gandhi

It is interesting. I guess it only applies on levels where you can't get good trades for aesthetics and music? And is it still worth it if you can't oracle CS?

I was advocating building very few wonders on an OCC thread a while back, thinking that avoiding GP pollution was the main point, and being able to build research instead was an added bonus, but I can see now I got this back to front.

I would try this game again with edu first, but I already played it twice (the second time I built the oracle, and generally played a little more efficiently for noble, but didn't quite beat 1900).
Getting the NE and the Globe is essential to running a good OCC and it takes a lot fewer beakers than education. The fact that the GL is also on the same route makes it even more attractive. Of course you could wait and trade for it but this game is being played on Noble.

Each time i play globe seems such a waste....

It is extra tech and lots of hammers. The only good thing it actually makes is allowing to defy stupid resolution [especially ones arround civics late game] at will...
Plus side for me in building the Globe is the option to trade your happies for either cash or health. In a start like this with plenty of forests for the NP happiness is not such a problem. Higher levels when the UN will be built you will get a lot of unhappiness from defying resolutions.

Might have another go at this with beelining CS from Oracle then straight to Bio. With the cost of Lib/Philosophy might just save Lib for a later bigger tech. Then see how that compares with my first game. (Lots of improvement to make there :)).

I did replay the first 4000 years and just to add in it is possible to get Education from the Oracle which might be the fastest way to go?
I did replay the first 4000 years and just to add in it is possible to get Education from the Oracle which might be the fastest way to go?
Edu from Oracle would definitely be an interesting way to go. Around what year would that be possible and would you bulb anything to get it? In one of my tries (with CS sling) I built Oxford in 250bc but probably messed something up later and ended up with only a few turns faster victory than in my second game with a lot later Oxford.
Lower levels it is possible but without a good commerce tile makes it a bit hit and miss. I've oracled Edu around 600BC in this game. Bit late even for Noble so is risky. Still not sure if its worth it as you have to neglect most of the other techs and CS is a big tech to self research.

Good thing about OCC is you can test a variety of openings and it only takes you a few minutes. :)
I don't think it's optimal overall, but you could also research Theo towards paper (Theo less expensive than CS), then use a Gprophet to bulb 95% of CS while you are researching paper & building Oracle for Edu. I'm pretty sure it would be faster to Edu, but I'd have to test it. Long term, it is not as good because you burn a GP on a prophet versus settle a GS. However, if you pop an early Gprophet by bad luck, it can come in useful that way.

It is faster than self-researching CS...but it take some luck with GP and you have to avoid Monarchy (not a big deal) so Divine Right doesn't leap ahead of CS in the Gprophet bulb order.

Did think about going paper via Theo but the cost of avoiding CS isn't worth it in my opinion. With a decent commerce tile to speed up CS better to self tech (no commerce tile in this game). Also the danger of losing the Oracle is quite high when you get to 700BC ish at this level so probably best to take CS from the Oracle.

Next point is it worth a GS part bulb of Edu? Usually I self tech it but did part bulb on my first attempt which seemed to work well. Apart from all the other mistakes I made. :)
My first OCC, ended up with a 1900 space (tried a LOT of different openings before I worked out that you need to be really focused). Completely lost my way after Oxford was in. Eventually managed to get back on track and then realised I was going to have to trade people up for Aluminium. Gifted up Zara to allow him his Alu and when he finally hooked it up (took forever to get them both done) he refused to trade it with me (he was giving me the yellow smiley :confused: and just said "Surely you must be joking"). Don't really do space victories so took me a while to work out what seemed the best way to go tech wise for the parts.

Lots of places I think I could improve. Angkor Wat was a pretty useful wonder but probably could have taken better advantage of it. Not sure whether Hanging Gardens would have been worth building?

Didn't bother with Globe, NE, GL or Pacifism. Probably should have built the NE and switched to Pacifism when not building buildings but as said earlier I switched off after Oxford for quite a while. Should have done some earlier chopping outside the BFC. Probably didn't need to found Hinduism (although I did spend a some turns in it to raise happy cap early) and forgot about OR for a long time.

Might have been worth trading Zara up and getting him to conquer the other peeps on the continent but still not sure about this aluminium trading situation. Can anyone shed any light on why he wouldn't trade?
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