It's kind of odd to me that this game's thread never got much traffic, given its heritage as a Soren Johnson game. Maybe we just really like turn-based games on this forum?
Anyway, I revisited it, and enjoyed it more than the first go-round, winning another campaign as a Scientific faction. Why did I enjoy it more? Well, part of it was the Scientific mode of play, being able to go directly from raw materials to finish products. But it was also in part because I discovered I could slow down the game speed. Could I do that several years ago or was it in an update? I'm not sure. But it took the game from "just barely able to keep up with what's going on and it's chaotic" to "have enough time to evaluate what's going on and not running around like my hair is on fire."
I'd recommend the "Snail" speed, which seems to be half of regular speed, to any turn-based 4X gamers who give Offworld a try. The market prices can change awfully quickly, those pirates or EMP blastwaves can show up quickly too, and the two speeds slower than normal take it to a much more Civ-like pace.