• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Oh Noes :sad:


Apr 5, 2007
From the IGN interview.
There was only one problem with adding all this new content to the late game: quite often the game is already over, or at least its outcome has been determined, before the modern era has arrived.
However, this problem has been solved by the new option of Advanced Starts. Advanced Starts is a pre-game setup phase players use to purchase cities, improvements, buildings, technologies, and units.
Advance starts does not solve the problem for anyone who doesn't intend on using them, most likely players are going to have to disable the Apostolic Palace & new victory type just to be able to make it throught into the modern ages.
You know, I really don't see any other solution. What choice is there otherwise? Let's face it: all the uber players will figure out ways to win long before anyone else, anyway, and which civ you choose roughly corresponds to how soon you intend to win. Roosevelt's UU is not good in the ancient era. Rome, on the other hand...

If they forced you to play until the modern ages virtually every time in order to win, I suspect people would complain about it that way, too. Having said that, I also would rather see a better organization.
I'm not sure I see much of a difference.
The difference being that if you are going for either a cultural, space race, score, domination or conquest victory... all of which take a long time to do, you are going to loose to which ever civ decides to build the apostolic palace and go for a diplomacy victory. The only way to survive is going to be if your close enough to take out which ever city builds it.
I disagree. We don't know how the new AP victory works, so we can't say. I doubt very much that they'd introduce a new feature that almost always ensures a Medieval win in an expansion that's touted to improve the late game so much. ;)
Play on Continents then. By the time you get astronomy your opponents on the other half of the world will be able to compete against you well into the late game. Just because a tiny minority of expert players always play on Pangaeas and large-landmass maps doesn't mean the whole game needs to be rejigged for the rest of us who see the modern age in most of our games. :)
Ah well, i suppose im just troubled by that first quote thats all.
Ah well, i suppose im just troubled by that first quote thats all.

But bear in mind that already in Civ the outcome can be more or less determined (although the game not over) by the modern age. But in Bts there are a wide range of new options (espionage etc), ways to get resources, alternative units even if you can't get the resources, etc. Maybe BtS will actually make the outcome of the late game less likely to be set in stone. Think positive! :lol:
But bear in mind that already in Civ the outcome can be more or less determined (although the game not over) by the modern age. But in Bts there are a wide range of new options (espionage etc), ways to get resources, alternative units even if you can't get the resources, etc. Maybe BtS will actually make the outcome of the late game less likely to be set in stone. Think positive! :lol:

Agree. The boards tend to be dominated by players who play high levels for early victories, but probably a lot of people play to enjoy many aspects of the game along the way.

BTS might offer more possiblities for a game which is more than just early war and leveraging the advantage for domination, which gets repetitive after a while.This isevidenced by SG variants and Realms Beyond. Hopefully we'll see more creativity in variants and victory types.
All very true. We may start seeing the entire balance of power shift in the late game, due to all the resource requirements and corporation alternatives. This would be very interesting, as a civ that has been kind of isolationist and biding its time could suddenly catapult itself onto the world stage as a superpower... (coughcoughUnitedStatesofAmericacough) ;)
or wait til they make the Mastery mod for BtS
Can you have the mastery mod without sevomod?

Sevo made the mastery mod. It's not sevomod.

Another modder, hmm , trawls memory ...Thorn , changed it to work with Warlords. He may be inclined to develop into a BTS version, but it seems like a monster task.

Firaxis should have done this for the community I believe
Or just capture the Apostolic Wonder (oh noes, haxor heathens!!).

Apparently it only works for one religion at a time, and the other civs that join that religion.

If I understand it right, it's more likely to cause crusades, and then a diplomatic win only if all the civs are aligned to ONE religion.
That's incorrect. Sevo made SEVOMOD. He later created the Mastery victory condition and then merged it into his last version of Sevomod.

Sevo made the mastery mod. It's not sevomod.

Another modder, hmm , trawls memory ...Thorn , changed it to work with Warlords. He may be inclined to develop into a BTS version, but it seems like a monster task.

Firaxis should have done this for the community I believe
Well i installed the mastery victory mod, its good... makes it clear who your real competition for victory is, but the best thing about it is that it allows you to build a spaceship without ending the game.
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