Pelloponesean wars.


Nov 18, 2005
V3 is ready!

Athens, Sparta, Chalkida, Argos, Korinthos, Thiva and Tegea are the 7 major city-states, every civ has 3 settlements build and 1 settler ready to settle in the Central greece!

Be aware you might control a powerfull city-state but the other minor cities if deside to charge on you you ll be doomed!

there is 65 berbarian cities from the start, all have warrior on them and the stronger ones might have also swordmans from the start!

There is many wild life here, you will see wild animals comming down from mountain and charging your city to find food!

Every civ has his elites units from the start with the appropreiate upgrades!

The mod isnt ready but the map is a joy!

i m expecting feedback to fix errors!


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Nice scenario so far!

One small thing to start with, though: Where´s the problem in renaming the nations in the xml file? It´ll take you like five minutes to do so...
The map is quite good, though the north-south extension of the peloponnes looks odd... But the ressources are set nicely and there´s pretty much room for expansion, both through colonization and through conquest.

The preplaced cities, both player´s and barbarian ones, are in dire need for accurate names, that would add a lot of athmosphere for little cost. It is disappointing to find greek cities (Athen and colonies) in wrong places (like Corinth and Sparta) and all others named "Madrid" and "Hamburg" and such...

Please, have a look at the world builder save with notepad and rename the nations and cities. It is a small effort which will pay off for sure. This scenario has a lot of potential, just put some more work into it.

On a sidenote: How did you manage to put two cities next to each other, while the game´s rules forbid doing so?


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I m still reading of how i ll do the rest! now i m on for the renames!
Also a note, it isnt just pelloponissos, is attica, evoia island, voiotia and a portion of aitolia also! and some of the close to coast island such as Aigina, Salamis (the 2 side by side cities you post) kithnos, kaia sifnos and andros, not exactly at the right place i must say but it was needed to be there for the sea powers ;-)

Also i have made a mistake in the build and left a big portion of the map without any mountains forests recources etc, mainly the uper map.. I edit the map civ by civ and when i did that i also do a turn and so this save wasnt saved properly!

And for your question :) becouse barbarians isnt a civ, when you r editing a civ and you choose to put a barbarian city, you can put it like that ;-)

I ll read some more, the plan is to build a full game with unique civs, tech and most important units! Maybe i ll make some event also, like persian attacks, raiders from ships, revolts of slaves etc in the future.

So it would be very helpfull to tell me when you play it, what civ you start and how did you manage to go, i start with athens, expand it untill the real attica borders and the barbarians didnt bother me a lot (and i had 4 cities in attica!), xalkis destroy them early without building a single unit for that purpose!

So i was in 1800 No2 civ with 1500 points, follow xalkis with 1550 points and by sparta no 3 with only 800 points.... So for now i ll remake the rest starting locations and rebalance barbarians and diplomacy a bit. Tell me who you play and how it comes out with you, maybe the balance is fine and just happen to me.
I'll dl this scenario when city names will be fixed... :rolleyes:
Crash757 said:
I'll dl this scenario when city names will be fixed... :rolleyes:

Yes, please post an updated version with fixed names, both cities and nations.
Don´t bother with UUs for now. You can also set all greek states to use the "Greek" nation template. So all of them have the same UUs and stuff.
I dl'ed, but even didn't started to play, because EVERY civ have the same traits in your scenario :cry:
Ok, started a game as Thiva. Had to drop science to 20% to avoid negative cash flow, maybe you need to increase the initial capital city sizes to generate more income.

The Peloponnes currently is a boring place to scout, there´s too little diversity in terrain.

Fighting the Barbarian cities is great fun though! :D But please disable the razing of captured cities. Most of the Barbarian settlements will be destroyed upon seizure. Also, move them further apart to fit with the "two tiles in between" rule. This is to prevent weired things from happening when you conquer the towns.

A final note before I get to play more: The diplomacy screen and the borderlines both say "Greek" for all civs. You may want to change the attributes of all nations to the correct (and distinct) adjectives... ;)

Great job so far! Keep up the good work! This may become one of the most popular scenarios! :)

Lol, Ploutarxos can train lions?! WTH??? :lol:


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glad you like it! yes it is boring but i m preparing minor civs to fill the parts that are now empty, the cities that are close to eachother are settlements that only one of them will survive and thats why i put them close, in the 3rd versions i ll put some strategic recources to a side by side situation ;)

So stand by for original hand made civs soon and offcourse some bigger cities and with more starting gold!

I m thinking also to add some armies from the start instead of unique units (or untill unique units) that represend the power of each city-state, maybe with different promotions ;-)

btw thebes was one of the weaker city-states and athens, sparta, corinth and even the small argos many times crush their armies in the history of ancient greece, so yes i think you choose the weakest civ to start of ;)

The "greek" element will be the only that will stay the same, they are all greeks but named by their cities, so you see this is greece divited to his cities states ;)

omg, crap my first try i was all lions! the map editor does not show them! i will go and erase this lion tommorow! LOL!

ps. thanks for the awesome feedback, i m expecting more to add :)

ps1. To keep it ancient or not to keep it?
atoyx said:
glad you like it! yes it is boring but i m preparing minor civs to fill the parts that are now empty, the cities that are close to eachother are settlements that only one of them will survive and thats why i put them close, in the 3rd versions i ll put some strategic recources to a side by side situation ;)

So stand by for original hand made civs soon and offcourse some bigger cities and with more starting gold!

I m thinking also to add some armies from the start instead of unique units (or untill unique units) that represend the power of each city-state, maybe with different promotions ;-)

I´m looking forward to that! :)

The "greek" element will be the only that will stay the same, they are all greeks but named by their cities, so you see this is greece divited to his cities states ;)

Yes, I understand, but if you hover the cursor over the names of your opponents in the score ranking, it says "Hermes of the Greek" and so on, which isn´t particulary helpful in telling who´s who if your not a history geek ;)

That´s what I meant...

To keep it ancient or not to keep it?

Definately keep it ancient! :) Maybe the time scale can be stretched to make one turn one year?

Hackie said:
Screenshots of the map would be great.

Here you go, mate.


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atoyx said:
omg, crap my first try i was all lions! the map editor does not show them! i will go and erase this lion tommorow! LOL!

Hehe... The world builder does show them, though, it does with my version ;)
You need to apply the "cheat code" to use all functions of the WB. This article might be helpful for you:

In addition, you may find the entire modder´s guide very helpful as your scenario develops into a mod:

Sorry for the double post.
ok then a totally ancient military science will be added, but the buildings etc will stay modern for the time i think... will be much trouble to find ancient to do their job :P the only major change i was thinging all along is that oil can be used for city defences, fire trimere or sifonoi, fire catapult and offcourse fire bowmans!
Also the same will go with copper units, iron units etc, i remember a scenario from civ3 that i have change a lot and make it look like this! So i will c/p info from there :D

thats a big help, thank you! i got lost with that many articles in there and i didnt know what telling what!

some more added! i will play tommorow to debug my self also.

Goodnight from me!
'Thanks for the screenshot, I'll definitly try it out soon, because it looks promising.
i deffenitylu play plan on trying this out it looks really promising i cant wait till u fix it all up and put out a new version:)
For some reason this scen always crashes right after start, it loads ok but when I even move cursor it freezes and I have to reboot whole machine. All other mods and scens work fine except huge maps.
Looks like an extremely promising scenario... but I can't quite make out what is going on with it... so I think I'll wait for a future version.
hey read Persian Fire by Tom Holland man, it focuses on the Persian Wars just before the Pelloponesean wars but it gives some good maps and should help you get more of a historicial setting
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